Happy Thanksgiving 2011

By | November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics.

Click here to download… (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.

Here is something I’m thankful for…

(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for πŸ™‚

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

765 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. Marilyn

    Yes, I am thankful for my family and my online family as well, you have a great looking bunch of children and you must be thankful, they all look so healthy!

  2. Mantvis

    Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You for the gift and most important thank you for all the quality info you give us.
    Mantvis, Lithuania

  3. Jimmy

    Twice, you’ve deleted my comments in your posts. That is pretty anti-social. Don’t you get it? Censoring negative feedback doesn’t make it better. But if you are going to censor it… why not just delete me from your list so you don’t keep inviting me. You really should answer about that plr nonsense I purchased!

  4. Anonymous

    What a great snapshot of what is bottom line so important to us all
    Also thanks for all your efforts and great tips

  5. Cat

    Hi Eric and Holmlunds! Happy Thanksgiving!
    I’m thankful that although my husband passed away a few months ago, he was such an extraordinary and generous person that I still feel surrounded by his love and caring.
    Eric, thanks so much for all the straightforward advice and ideas.

  6. Peter Fry

    I had three lovely kids that are now in their 20s! You MUST take out a video at least once a month and get them all growing up. After they get to about 12 they (and you) will love watching themselves as youngsters and don’t get fed up with it. Coal footprints around your fireplace first thing on Christmas morning. The half empty glass of milk and the carrot half eaten on the floor – good ol Roudolf never finishes his carrot lol…..getting their reaction when they open the door and seeing this – memories!

    Anyway, at the moment I’m thankful for my health and even at that I have an operation next Friday that will have me laid up for December as I recouperate so I’ll have plenty of time to work on your new product as I lie around

  7. Paul Woodall

    Eric, and family.

    I have been praying for your and your family over this last year, knowing that you have been ailing.

    Great photo of the latest edition to your growing clan.

    I have also been recommending to a number of people interested in learning how to market on the internet your outstanding (large, and also growing) free tutorials on almost every nook and niche in Internet marketing.

    Well Done and Thanks for you.

  8. ruth daily

    I am grateful for people like you that add good content and growth to help each one of us that his starving for the right learning curve. I am also thankful to life right now and all its abundance even though it doesn’t seem so at times. blessings

  9. Daniel

    I am so thankful for my family. Thankful for all that wil happen in the future and thankful to my Lord Jesus

  10. Matt

    I am thankful for my wife,our kids,and for all the friends we have made over the years.
    I am also thankful for our health.And i hope everyone else s health is great also.
    Do not forget to think or thank our military personnel that are doing there duty as well.
    Have a great thanksgiving Eric to you and your family.

  11. Alan Suter

    Dear Eric,
    Its always encouraging to hear from you and hope that your health is improving.You truly have been Blessed with a wonderful family.As the old song says Count your Blessings name them one by one!
    Best regards
    Alan Suter

  12. Bernard

    I’m thankful for my family and friends who have stood by my side during an extremely difficult time in my life, and I’m thankful for my Lord Jesus who continues to forgive me for my failings and loves me even in those times of failing.

  13. Craig Barnes

    I am grateful for all the blessings I have that money CAN’T BUY!! The love of my beloved Siamese cat named Hope, of my close friends here in Spokane and in Amarillo, TX, for waking up today, for having the strength to be able to bicycle, the passion to do extremely well at gardening, cooking, and photography, and last, but not least – the beautiful picture of your kids that you shared with all of us. God Bless you and your family this Holiday Season and for many, many to come.

  14. Sejr

    I am thankful, that I’m able to provide for famely and all being in good health.

  15. Susan

    Thank you Eric for your kind heart and wonderful example of living in gratitude. Many blessings and great appreciation to you and your family.

  16. Bob Lavine

    We,of course, have always been thankful for our two (now adult) children but these days we are most thankful for the time we can spend with our wonderful 21 month old grandson.

  17. Michael Chalke

    Thanks Eric, I may not buy everything, but I find a lot of your words are so instructional. Love the lessons. Happy thanksgiving to all your family.

  18. ken

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family. Also thanks for the free eBook.

    Very best regards

  19. Moira Wight

    I am grateful that I can learn about a new way to earn a living by working at home through such great mentors as yourself and many other mentors who share their secrets about how to get ahead in this industry. I am grateful to be able to fit my work in around my children and family. Thank you

  20. Roy

    I am thankful for my 2 kids – born after 12 years of praying and waiting.
    BTW – I live in Jerusalem and I too memorized the seas as: the Med – the Red – and the Dead.

  21. Geo

    Eric, there’s so much I’m thankful for, I think I could write pages and pages! Mostly I guess I’m thankful for this life I don’t deserve; my loving wife I definitely don’t deserve; my kids who have grown to be rock-solid adults (no thanks to me!); and the fact that I get along with all my brothers and sister.
    I’m also thankful and honored to be associated with a guy like you. You’re SO different from most online marketers – honest, straightforward, and NOT just selling the latest pile of cr@P. Thanks for being YOU.

  22. Doug Carter

    I am thankful my daughter is donating her kidney to her brother for a life saving transplant.

  23. Roy Aylmer

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for all your help and guidance dispensed through your blog and Eric’s Tips over the years.

    Your family looks so adorable it takes me back;
    My eldest was 40 years old on Saturday, I am so thankful for my own family and my long and happy life of contentment.
    Thanks for being You Eric; you are a real inspiration.
    Best regards Roy Aylmer

  24. Leon

    Eric, I wish you, and your family, all the best for Thanksgiving day.

    You have a beautiful family, and I can imagine that every day must be Thanksgiving for you.

    I am in my retirement years and a rank beginner at internet marketing.

    Thank you for your wonderful series of Erics Tips, which have enabled this newbie to get started.

    Cheers from Australia, Leon

  25. Larry Lewis

    I thankful for God and his Son Jesus Christ. I am thankful for Eric’s heart to serve. I am thankful for my wife and family. I thank God that I will soon be making money on the internet.

  26. Lucia

    Hi Eric,

    Wow! they are growing up so quickly and what a happy bunch of joy!
    BTW thanks for the tips. Although no always do I have the time to look up them.

  27. Viola

    I am thankful I have a wonderful life with wonderful people in it. Eric you are one of them πŸ™‚

  28. Ann (Netherlands)

    I’m thankful for growing insight, being alive at this moment in time, my (American) pioneer spirit, all kids and animals that bring a smile to my face, nature, art, music and being able to feel thankful.

  29. Jesus Tapia

    Well I am really fired up about this here tips you have been giving me, it has sure been very helpfull and very much informative to say the least…thank thank you…Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family

  30. Eisen

    Being grateful and thankful is a beautiful thing. Thank you for spreading your knowledge. Bless you and your love ones.

  31. Jeeva

    Hi Eric!

    Thank you for giving your wisdom away freely as the elders did at the city gates in Biblical times. May what you have sowed into us return to you 100x in value.
    Blessings, my friend.

  32. Nombulelo

    Hi Eric
    I’m thankful for my two sons, Zukile and Zola and I’m hoping I’ll soon be with them in the US. I’m thankful for my grandchildren Justin and Ayanda and pray for their continued blessing. I’m thankful and blessed to have known you Eric and I know that your presence in my life and your generosity is God’s answer to my prayers and a blessed assurance that I will succeed. I am thankful that your health continues to be restored. What lovely children you have and what a blessing! I pray for God’s continued blessings and protection for you and your lovely family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  33. Herbert E. Miller

    Thank you for sharing, and for showing us your beautiful family. You have more to be thankful for, than many of us.
    God bless.


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