Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics. Click here to download… (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks so much Eric. You are always giving away free things. And these are all quality products.
I am just thankful that I ain’t dropped dead yet … There’s so much I still want to do!
And I am very grateful for all your hints, tips and gifts that will help me afford to do more.
Hi Eric,
I am extremely thankful for everything that God has given me – a wonderful life with my parents and siblings, a loving family of my own, dreams and wishes that turned into reality, successful careers for all family members, happy retirement for my spouse and myself, loyal friends including yourself, good health and enough wealth to sustain a simple but healthy lifestyle and most of all, great faith and belief in just one Almighty and Ever-Loving God! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I’m thankful for my family and friends and the life I had yesterday, today and maybe tomorrow.
“What Lies Behind Us, And Lies Before Us,
Are Tiny Matters, Compared To…
What Lies With Us” Ralp Waldo Emerson
I am grateful that I am on Eric’s Tips List…
and for the destiny in life’s calling as maturing age roller coasts forward.
Even though I am in the UK, I think it’s a great idea to give thanks, especially for the existence of Internet Marketing.
To Eric,
Our Master of computer knowledge,
He offers through “Erics Tips” College.
We follow each lesson,
As he keeps us all guessing,
and enjoy the progression of fun.
We’re thankful he’s an artist of teaching,
His lessons are ever far reaching.
He tips all the scales, with his history of sales.
As we wait for the info to come.
Anthony Paul
Reno, Nevada
Hi Eric, what a lovely family photo. Thanks for your tips, always useful.
What am I thankful for? Well I guess for being alive – I have just come out of hospital having had a second kidney operation to remove kidney stones, last year I had a bowel cancer removed and in 2003 I had a breast cancer removed and although I am not feeling great I am still HERE and getting stronger.
So Happy Thanksgiving to you all from England.
Hi Eric,
I just wanted to say thank you for always providing the best information available for succeeding on the web. My you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
you are good the world need you happy thanksgiving
As we seek, so shall we find. So many woderful things have been placed in my life this year that I am thankful for. My spiritual growth that without it I could no have been ready for the growth in other areas of my life that have been added.I practice and understand that WE create our reality, not the world and circumstances that surround us each day.
And, you Eric and the help you provide is right there on that list. My year has been amazing alot I know about and probably alot I will never know, directly….just the results.
And I look forward for next year to be even MORE amazing..!!
p.s. Looking at your family, I see a very happy and loving one. One which I know you are thankful.
I can see why you’re thankful. Those rascals look very charming, indeed.
I am thankful for many things including family, friends, good health and the many opportunities that come my way. Also Many Thanks for your non-intrusive way of relaying and giving great information too!
I’m so thankful for 31+ years “In The Lord” and learning more and more about Him everyday.
I am SO thankful for my 2 daughters, who have given us 4 GrandChildren!
That’s why we uprooted ourselves and moved to be closer to them! Thank you Jesus!!
And thank you Eric for all your BLESSINGS!!
My thanks for your gift. Your efforts are appreciated by so many, including me.
Anthony Paul was my name as a professional photographer,hence signing the entry with it. Thank You for your incredible talent. You have made many of us forever grateful.
Anthony Paul
Reno, Nevada
Thankful for God’s free gift of life.Also thankful for my good friends and family.
Hi Eric, what a lovely photo of your children.
There is so much to be thankful for each day; the gift of love, good health to enjoy life, the beauty and bounty of the Earth, the kindness of people, laughter, my animal friends and my wonderful loving family.
Hi Eric
I’m thankful to God for the life I have, for my wife and family, and all the opportunities every new day presents. I’m thankful for a roof over my head and food on my table.
May God bless you (with renewed health) and your family.
Have a great day.
I’m thankful for being a subscriber to Eric’s Tips. Happy Thanksgiving Eric and family.
I am thankfull to to the King of kings, His Olumba Olumba Obu (the Christ of the new age.
Hi, Eric !
Greetings from Ukraine!I wish health to you and your cute kids!
Best regards, Sergey.
Thankful every day for the gifts of my wife, two daughters and now blessed by a beautiful Grandson
“It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.” (Eric, above)
I’m thankful that Eric has come to realise the truth in this statement.
Keep working on the gratitude, Eric, and watch your health issues disappear. We – and your family! – need you. God bless you all!
Hi Eric
Really great tips, thank you for sharing so much knowledge for free
In response to your question, I am just thankful for being alive and as a good friend of mine says “each day’s a bonus”
All the best to you and your lovely family
I am thankful for being here alive with my woman and children
I’m thankful for my son, my job and the fact that my websites are making me some money on the side.
For me as a German Thanksgiving was unknown in my youth, and in Germany generally. Very special circumstances brought me on Thanksgiving 1979 to Florida, travelling in my old Ford Pinto. Early in the morning on November 22, 1979 near Talahassee I lost the road and ended up at a farm. I knocked at the door, asking for the way back to the highway. Guess what. They did not want to hear anything about lost roads and stuff, but told me, I had to stay, because I knocked at their door on Thanksgiving, they wouldn’t let me go anywhere. I swore I didn’t know about Thanksgiving day, but they just didn’t want to know, why I knocked at their door, but only noticed, that I was there. At first I felt very uncomfortable with this situation, but after a while I recognized what Thanksgiving meant to this amazing family, I was suddenly part of. Yes, I felt like a family member after some hours, turkey and stuff.
When I left late afternoon (I HAD to drive these days obsessively) dad told me to fill up my car at their pump. I see this family waving me goodby like today, since 32 years on Thanksgiving. I forgot their names, where exactly they lived, even their faces, but I’ll always thankfully remember their spirit, that accompanied me over 20.000 miles travelling all over the states.
Happy Thanksgiving! We have just gone through 2 months with my husband suffering from horrible migraines. Now that he is doing better, I am so thankful. He was not able to work much during that time. I am thankful that we were able to survive financially. It has reminded me how important it is to be out of debt. I am thankful for your teaching… hopefully one day we will be able to bless others with our financial situation.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric! I am most thankful for my family.
I am thankful for the genuine marketers like you and so many more still there in this internet and helping us to make my dreams a reality.
Thank you for all the genuine marketers over there ,…
BTW,Your Kids are so cute and sweet …you are blessed and lucky man…
Hey cool I am comment #200
Happy thanks giving, thanks for all the awesome tips.
Awesome family.
God Bless
Hi Eric.
I’m thankful to God. He gave me a wonderful wife to whom I’ve been married for 25 years, three beautiful children, a healthy life and you for your excellent tips and tutorials.
Happy thanksgiving and regards to your lovely family.
Hi Eric,What a beautiful family.Thanks for the email tips, when I check email I always check to see if any now ones are from you. I pray your health contiues to improve, God is able
I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my girlfriend, my kids, my job, my health, Erics Tips, and the Real Guys.
First, I am thankful for my wife who is a pancreatic cancer survivor, second, I am thankful for my good health, third, I am thankful to God for all of my blessings, and, finally, I am thankful to you for all of your freely given, powerful advice. God Bless you and you wonderful family.
I am thankful that God is good and in a good mood. Blessings
Hi Eric,
I am thankfull to see how happy your kids are.
Look very well after them.
I’m thankful for everyday I wake up and am still breathing. I’m also thankful for having the opportunity to do something that a lot of people will never even come close to being able to do which is work in a home environment. I’m thankful for just having a home. There are many out there who don’t have homes and we should remember that, and when becoming successful, please remember to give back to them and help everyone you can. I’m thankful for having everything I have at this point.
Hi Eric, thanks for sharing your five beautiful children with us, I’m also as a grandfather thankful for my nine grandchildren that the Lord is given us and our families that love the Lord as well, thanks for all the help you give us and I hope you have a very nice Thanksgiving as well.
Hi Eric,
What a wonderful opportunity you’ve given all of us to share with one another how God has blessed us.
I’m thankful for health, strength, clothes to ear and food to eat, which is much more than a lot of other people in the world have.
I’m thankful for family, friends and health
Happy Holiday Season,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! God bless you and yours. I hope
and pray that you are surrounded by loved ones this Holiday Season
especially your family because that is what matters most! We are
not guaranteed tomorrow so make the MOST out of today!
Take care Kirk
Hi Eric. Thank you for the sharing in the way you do. Your honesty and real desire to enrich the lives of others shines through in all your words and offerings.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
feliz accion de Gracias,,
I’m thankful that I wake up in a country that is relatively safe, that I have plenty of food to eat, that I have good health and the sense to realise that not everyone is so fortunate.
I have strength to change the things I can, grace to accept the things I can’t and wisdom to know the difference.
Hi Eric,
I’m thankful for my family of 6 children, and also thankful to be living in this exciting time, with the technology to be able to share my thanks with people all over the world at a press of the submit button.
Hi Eric from Mal at Paradise in South Australia. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in OZ but maybe we should. We should be vert thankful for our families and our Christian heratage as you are.
Bless you all