Happy Thanksgiving 2011

By | November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics.

Click here to download… (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.

Here is something I’m thankful for…

(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

765 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2011

  1. duane


    Happy Thanksgiving to your and your beautiful family and thanks for all the wonderful Information and tips you’ve shared throughout the year!

  2. Anonymous

    Eric you and your bride really have 5 magnificent blessings to be thankful for.

    Dear Folks,
    I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, your friendship and the many good wishes received.

    (A Thanksgiving picture goes here)

    Therefore I send this prayer:

    Our Father, who art in heaven,
    We praise and thank You that You have created each one of us for Your glory and pleasure. We thank You for giving us families and friends who love us. We thank you so very much for our beloved country, the United States of America, a nation that stands for liberty and justice for all.
    Dear God, we are grateful for all who have gone before us, of every race, color, and creed, who have given of themselves to make our country great. We thank You for the vision of our founding fathers:

    O beautiful for patriot’s dream / That sees beyond the years!
    Thine alabaster cities gleam / Undimmed by human tears.
    America! America! / God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood / From sea to shining sea.

    Dear God, Your Word tells us to be thankful in all things-not only in prosperity, or health, or happiness, but also in unemployment, ill health, or depression. You are above these difficulties, and You have promised to deliver us, even as Your Son Jesus has delivered us from death into abundant, overflowing, and everlasting life!
    As we gather around our family tables this Thanksgiving, help us to open our hearts to those less fortunate than ourselves, and please help them, through Your great power, to also enjoy a most blessed and hopeful Thanksgiving. We ask this blessing for one another, for our nation, and for our customers and dear friends in Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

    Fr. Aaron Peters, OSB

    (Pete was a shipmate of mine on a submarine.)
    John (Pop Pop) Ryder Sr.

  3. Natalee-Jewel

    Happy Thanks Giving Eric – I hope you and your family are well.
    I am grateful for many things…
    I am grateful for the relatively peaceful age in which we live and the technological advances that make our lives more efficient, namely the Internet, which has allowed us to be educated, entertained and to easily share amazing information.
    I am grateful for people like you Eric, who generously give of your time and insights to empower others to reach their full potential, and who are most likely oblivious to the positive and transformational impact you have made in others lives. Thank you.
    And thirdly, I am grateful for my, my friends & family’s health. There was a point in my life when I was most unwell. I hope you are able to make a full recovery from your illness and enjoy every moment with your family.
    Many Many Thanks.
    All the very best,

  4. Gabriella

    Happy and blessed Thanksgiving, Everybody!

    Please give thank someone today. A soldier- for your freedom, a parent-always there for you, guide you, help you, love you. But most of all Thank God for All His Blessings and just to be alive!

  5. Ronald

    I am thankful for the fact that though things have been very hard God has provided for me every day so that I have always eaten.
    I believe that like the children of Israel coming from Egypt, God said I suffered you to hunger so that you may know that man doth not live by bread alone but by the Word of God so we today should live by the word of God and experience His provision even in very tough economic times.

  6. Richard Posner

    Whenever I think of truth, honesty, value and service…your name pops into my mind. I gfive thanks for having come across you a few years7s back.

  7. Paul Hamel

    I am thankful for my lovely family and for the good health in our family. I am thankful to have so many wonderful friends around me and thankful that one day to have a successful internet business.


    Hi Eric and family

    I hope that you and your family are having a great Thanksgiving at your home or far away. I like to thank you for all your E-Mail lessons that I recieved from you, it has helped me with things to do and how to do it. I have 2 great grown up kids now in their 30’s and me and my wife in our 50’s. We are having Thanksgiving at my house and dinner was great, I hope you had a great dinner as well. I thank god for my 2 grand kids as well. So God Bless To All.

  9. Matt

    Happy Thanksgiving Eric,

    I just thankful i live in a country that i can converse with other from around the world, which enables me to live a fuller life through learning from all that i meet.

  10. Denis Bromell

    Hi Eric and family,I am most thankful for all my god given senses and the good health to use them all. Happy thanks Giving to you all.

  11. robyn (from australia)

    Hi Eric
    I thankful for every day i am on this earth, each day i have is a blessing, i have learned not to take everything for granted and find compassion for others who are not so fortunate. Thank you for your lessons they have been a great education for me as i am not very computer literate. God bless you and your family.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  12. Giles

    Most of all I’m thankful for God’s love and the gift of his Son. I’m also thankful that I live in America, and have a wonderful family.

    Thanks for all your help, Eric.

  13. Erlinda G Tismo

    Hi Eric!

    I’m extremely thankful for everything that God has given me – a wonderful life with my parents and siblings, a loving & supportive family of my own, successful careers for all members of my family, dreams and wishes that all turned into reality, loyal and enduring friends including yourself, Eric (many thanks for all your never-ending tips and offers), great health and just enough wealth to sustain a very simple yet healthy lifestyle, but most of all, for my great faith and belief in One Almighty and Ever-Loving and Forgiving God! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  14. Leandro

    Let’s thank the Lord Almighty for everything we have.Thank you Eric for your tips in the internet and for being a good family man.May God always bless you and your family.

    Leandro Danao
    Meycauayan City, Philippines

  15. matthew

    I’m grateful for good health and quality of life with someone I love and enjoy. I’m grateful for some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for.

  16. Laurynas Lainiauskas

    Hey Eric.
    Thank you for the gift.
    I’m grateful for everything surrounds me. The day I was born was the best thing ever for me, because now I have the opportunity to uncover this most wonderful world. Isn’t it amazing?
    I truly believe, that every one of us have to explore the world and take the best of what we can from it. It is our gift and it is our decision if we use it.
    Without my family members and closest friends I wouldn’t be alive today.
    I’m just happy to be alive…

  17. Tom

    Hello Eric

    What a wonderful wife and children you have, Make the most of them
    while they are growing up, when you blink once they will be teenagers.
    blink twice and they will be married. Have a wonderful time with them
    when they are young. God be with you,your wife and children.XXXXXXX

  18. Art Leslie

    Thankful that amidst all the over-hyped, lying, cheating Internet marketers … there are a few who strive to be honest and helpful.

  19. sylvie laflamme

    I am thankful to make enough money online to be able to take care of my 22 handicaped cats only with the revenues from my business online.

    Thank you for your great advices always very professionnal. You have helped me a lot to reach this goal in few years.

  20. Jan Kaptein

    Dear Eric,
    Thankyou for sharing your most important treasures in front of the fireplace: your lovely kids! However we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe, I think it’s a wonderful thought to be thankful and to remember the fact that you live in freedom. In a country that take care of eachother. And to realize that you have great friends around the globe who love to share your thankfulness.

    Thankyou for being a friend for me and everyone who love your Tips. Remember that your online family loves you and yours forever, nomatter what goes wrong or what will happen:

    © KC

    You’re never alone, I’m always near,
    When your troubled, down or blue.
    All you have to do is call me,
    I’m always here for you.

    It doesn’t matter where I’m at,
    It doesn’t matter when.
    When you need someone to talk to,
    I’m here to be your friend.

    If you need someone to hold your hand,
    or a hug to say I care.
    If you need a shoulder to cry on,
    for you I will be there.

    So never think you are a burden,
    when the weight gets to be to much.
    You might find if look hard enough,
    a good friend could be the right touch.

    You’re never alone, I’m always here,
    through the good times and the bad.
    I’m always here to be your friend,
    I don’t like to see you sad.

  21. Igor

    I’m thankful for people like you who are trying to make ones improve their lives. You’re a good man, your family looks pretty happy…that’s the highest reward for a man. Happy thanksgiving

  22. Joe- From Australia

    Thanks for the great tips and the eBook Eric,
    I have found the tips to be helpful.

    You have a beautiful family, How big is your car?!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Regards Joe.

  23. Bonnie Peterson

    Thanks for the opportunities Eric. I’m very grateful for my family, friends and spirituality. I’m happy with myself and only get frustrated with the results of my choices on occasion. Thank you God for the abundance I have in my life.

  24. Teco

    I am thankful that people, like you Eric, remember the “giving” part…

    Thank you!

  25. Anonymous

    Al Jolston Would come on to the stage and say
    I’v got a million and one songs, and i’m rearing to go. Me? I have a million and one thanks,a tear in my eye, and a lump in my throat. Love You Guys. Laurence

  26. Don

    I’m thankful that I am spending Thanksgiving with my wife, son, and my wife’s brother and family instead of sitting in Texas by myself!

  27. ArtuM

    Hi Eric,

    what a day today is here in L.A.: sunshine, warm and free. Thank you for posting pic of your kids. Your Fab 5 are creative and thus adorable. Not always have time to read your wisdom, but I am always fan of your cheerful nature. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Eric, and your family.

  28. Larry

    Thank you Eric for all the Great content you have given me and your other subscribers over the years….looking forward to your new Product launch. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your wonderful Family.

  29. Charles

    Hi Eric,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your lovely family.
    A few years ago I remember writing on here about what a horrific year I had and how I was thankful for what little I had left and how no matter how bad things got I could always look around and see someone else who was worse off than I was.
    This Thanksgiving I now can post on your site that I am thankful for having gone through that experience. It has made me a stronger and more compassionate person and has had a direct impact on how I treat others as well as my customers in my business.
    Things are much better today and I am thankful that every year you give us an opportunity to publicly take a moment out of our busy lives to reflect and share with others just what it is that we are most thankful for.
    God Bless you,


  30. Patrick

    Eric, I signed up for your service to learn about Options trading. Although I have spent the last six years here in Iraq, I look forward to coming back to the States and actually delve into your material. I am thankful for the Bonus Tips you send as my wife, having been in the dental field for the last 30 years, is looking for something to earn an income where she does not have to be on her feet all day.
    I am thankful for the soldiers who put their lives on the line to protect our liberties when even it seems most of America is asleep at the wheel. I am thankful for those who pray for their safety and hold dear the things that have made America great and have not succommed to the agendas which are eroding the moral fabric of our great Nation.
    These are the people who are going to take back the country.
    God Bless and prosper them.

  31. Shirley Alsop

    Thanks for the awesome ‘thanksgiving’ gift, Eric! I love the pic of your kids! Other things I’m thankful for… my wonderful husband (also my best mate); for being able to live in a country where I can own a home and have enough to eat (Australia); for precious friends; and my greatest thanks – to Jesus, my Savior & Friend – source of hope & peace!

  32. Leslie Bartley

    Today, I have my immediate family around me and a few of my extended family (friends). The gratitude in my heart can’t be measured, the magnitude and exponent are beyond calculation. I am grateful to my God who is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He has always been there in good and bad times.

    “The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace” Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV).

  33. Richard

    I am thankful that I am able to wake up in the mornings breathing and feeling healthy,

    I am also thankful that I don’t have to eat out of a dustbin or sleep on the street. I am also thankful for the little that I have.

  34. Ray

    I am thankful for the inherent power of hope and love that’s given by God.

    Hope because in the midst of adrenal fatigue coupled with the death of my wife last year, it kept me alive because God is faithful to His word.

    Love because it is essentially what gives value and quality to life. I have had the blessing of experiencing the love of God and His family and found that by them difficulties and tragedies are transformed into blessings to be treasured.

    For these I am truly thankful. I would encourage anyone facing trials of any kind to reach out for help and support to both God and man. In asking you will find hope opens the door to love which will stimulate a more thankful heart as you see love in action.

  35. Michaela

    Eric and Mellisa, that picture with the kids is really inspirational.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family.
    I immigrated in USA from a communist country (at that time) on 1980. Since then I learned to love my new country, I became American citizen, I shrived to contribute… I am proud and humble of the generous opportunity which US provide… sometime I am furious with politicians, and what a difference between hard working, down the earth people of this country and them, the “private club of politics”
    I am thankful for the friends I made, interesting people I met, worked with, learned from.
    I am thankful for all I learn from you Eric, and the club you put together with Jeff and Paul, you are a great trio.
    God’s blessing for all of you, and many Happy Thanksgiving returns.

  36. Joshuah

    Thankful for family, health and passive income!! Thanks a bunch Eric for all your hard work in preparing these tutorials. You have truly been an inspiration!


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