Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldnβt exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics. Click here to download… (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what youβre thankful for π
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Eric, thanks for the tips. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful that we have this day to remind us how much we have to be thankful for. I am thankful for every blessing every day but a day devoted to thanks is good for the soul. I hope you and your beautiful family have a blessed day.
Hello Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful that God has blessed me with a beautiful wife and two wonderful children. I am also thankful that I have been blessed with the opportunity to take care of my family and ensure their happiness and safety.
Thanks and Take Care,
Hey Eric,happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful looking family.Thanks very much also for the eBook.
I am thankful for so much I hardly know where to begin. I went for a 3 mile walk this morning before starting to prepare the Thanksgiving meal for my wife and I as she had to work today. I prayed as I walked and recalled all the rich blessings God has granted me in my long life and especially for His Son and for my wonderful family. Happy Thanksgiving and may God continue to bless you and your loved ones.
Nice shofar(ram’s horn)your oldest son is holding.
You should always have joy from your family.
When I started learning about internet marketing, three years ago, I was greener than the most luxurious golf course in the country. I most thankful for all the webinars that were shared with me. They helped me to begin to understand internet marketing. I am thankful for all the other information that was shared with and that I either “bookmrked” or put into “my favorites”. (When I received the information, I was not sure how useful it would be.) Because I was so ignorant of how internet marketing works, when I got started, I didn’t understand how the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Then I went back into “bookmark” and “my favorites” and began to reread what had I saved, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. In spite-of-the-fact that I wish I had more time to devote to internet marketing, because of my work hours, I am thankful for the time I have to work with. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the internet billion dollar business. Wow!! This is exciting. I will be a huge success because I will not quit until I do.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving! Wish you well in continued success!
Thankful I can call you a friend!
Thanks Eric, Beautiful Family, and for your gift. My link includes Two FREE GIFTS, one free gift and one other that I am paying forward your signup fee, for you to join. Please thank and congratulate Ron(left a comment)and his wife for their 60 years, God Bless You All, as Jeeva said, 100 fold!
I am thankful to have the capacity(gift from God) to be thankful. π
I am so thankful for my family and friends. The Lord has blessed me with so many things especially my wonderful husband. I am truly thankful the most for knowing God as my personal Lord and Savior. This is the upmost blessing to have.
Hello Eric, Hope your health is and has improved immensely. My experience with “Eric’s Tips” is one of the most pleasant ventures I’ve had on the internet. Extremely informative. Thank you very much.
P.S. You’ve got a very attractive family.
Thankful for everything that lives and everything we love that dies.
Thankful for God’s grace through faith, and for Christian internet marketers like yourself.
Many Blessings!
Hi Eric,
I’m always thankful for Family and Friends like you. Wishing you and your beautiful family health, happiness and good fortune.
I am thankful for being on this planet and to be the best I can to all around me.
Thank you Eric for your generosity and help.
well done eric @ micah!
I’m thankful for waking up this morning. I know God did it. Many did not wake up. Therefore. we all can be thankful with a grateful heart, and thank God for life.
I have bought some of your products in the past,one because the product was on sale to help people in need of vital resources in other countries and two it was really a good product,but what I am thankful for is,there is an internet marketeer (you) making lots of money,that is taking a big chunk of your profit, and donating that money,and your time to helping these needy people, who would be otherwise be forgotten,Thank You
I am thankful for God’s blessings for my church the whole year. We have finished the building project and God’s provisions has always been there. As a pastor of our church in a third world country, I am joyful that our Church has finished its project which is a product of faith.
Thanks Eric,
For all the useful information you share
with us. Thank you Thank you!
Hey Eric,
HAPPY “Gratitude Day”… I am very garteful to receive yoru tips and knowing that I am associated with such agreat person as you… THANKS.
and by the way, if you did not like Happy Gratitude day… have a grand Thanksgiving day together with your wonderful family and HOPE with all my heart that your HC has disappeared for ever… If you like to know what HC stand for.. you need to email me π
All the best in every way…
Hi Eric!
I am thankful for life and all my blessings, for having found you on the web as a truthful and generous guide.
I thank you for all the valuable tips and content you give so generously.
May God bless you and your wonderful family.
Happy thanksgiving!
Thanks for the blessings of family, hearts of compassion, people with integrity, the healing medicine of humor, and most of all for knowing the Way to heaven.
Bless You & Yours! Ron.
I’m thankful for my “soul-mate” husband, my kind daughter and her terrific husband with my precious grandson and granddaughter ( and #3 on the way), my morally upright 20 yr old son and my fun-loving 16 yr old son. I’m also thankful for my Saviour Jesus Christ and for the amazing opportunity to use our home-business to share Christ with our local rescue shelters this Christmas!!
Hi Eric
I had my first Thanksgiving dinner yesterday – in Chengdu, China!
Best wishes to all of our American cousins from a Brit in China.
Hi Eric, of course, there are lots of people here whom you can choose to give that gift product. if God’s will for me to win it, I can use it to help my church and our outreach churches here in the Leyte, Philippines. I am now engage in teaching my fellow ministers in engaging to online marketing to help them improve their income since most of them are self-supporting. π I hope this product can be blessing to help my fellow ministers. π
i am giving my thanks to you as i admire your selflessness and service to humanity. i so enjoy your newsletters
Hey Eric,
I’m grateful for so many things – God, my family, friends, and wonderful people like you that generously share both your faith and IM knowledge with all of us.
Your family is beautiful, and it’s great to hear that you are feeling better! Praise God.
Thanksgiving Blessings,
Hi Eric,
I am thankful to have you for my mentor, I
appreciate your honesty and integrity. I am thankful to my creator for this day, may he also bless you, your family and your improving health.
Thanks for all you do.
Wow, what heart felt Thanksgiving wishes. This truly is a fantastic group of people here Eric.
Around our home, Thanksgiving has become a very important holiday for us for which I am extremely thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving to your and your beautiful family.
Christ,and Gods blessings through Him
I have followed your tips for several years and followed info about your family. I am thankful for all of your helpful information.
I am thankful for all my blessings and our prayers are for the military and all the needy in our country this Thanksgiving Day.
By the way, I want to thank you for all your tips… I have been following most of your tips. And it helps me a lot in my online engagement. Please help pray for my Virtual Assistant Academy launch this January. This aim to help my fellow Filipinos especially our fellow brethren in the Lord to have get a job. Here’s my brand new site… I am still working on the contents but I hope it will be up soon.
Here it is:
Please help pray that this site (though sort of business as well) will be a great blessing to our fellow brethren who have no jobs. π Thanks a lot Eric… God bless you more!!!
Thank you for all of your great tips and lessons. I look forward to them every day.
I am grateful that I DON’T have five kids!!
I am thankful that my pension can’t be touched by those idiots and crooks in Washington.
I am thankful for this day that the Lord has made and for the freedom to enjoy it all, and all the other blessings.
Happy thanks giving to your family and kids too! I really enjoy your blog.
May unbounded delightful dollars fill your coffers and may you experience eternal unending thanks for giving your gifts to the world.
Thank you for all your tips.
You must be very proud of your family.
I am thankful for blessings of good health, a comfortable home, family and friends.
My prayers are for the military and those in need.
I am thankful every day that I am alive and can move around on my own. : )
I am very thankful for life
I am thankful for life, for the real riches that it brings, in the form of landscape and scenery and beasts and people – even those who dress up as hostiles!
And of course to you Eric, for showing me that honesty and competence can coexist in internet marketing
The blood of Jesus Christ which cleanses from all sins.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the present, that was very thoughtful of you. Those are precious expressions to be treasured forever on all of your children.
I am most Thankful to God and all that he has done for me.
bobby d
I’m so grateful that I was not hurt badly when my truck was totaled….and neither was the other driver.
Loving family and friends are helping the recovery.
Thankful for the blessings of being loved and being able to love.
Of course I am thankful for the bounty in my life, and the blessings God has given me, for friends far away, and companions of the past, for family and close friends.
But beyond that, I am thankful for the Internet. And not for selfish, instant gratification reasons.
There was a time, until not so long ago, when the transference of truth and knowledge to the masses was strictly controlled. For this reason, much of the world has been held in tyranny for most of the history of mankind. It was easy to abuse and torture, scam and steal, rape and pillage, because only a few people in the world would even find out about it, and the information was strictly controlled. When it did get out, it could be quashed or simply denied.
Then the Internet came along and let the genie out of the bottle, and you can not put it back in.
Ideas like freedom, human rights, respect, dignity, and tolerance that are ushering the changes in the world today are a direct result of having a method for the transference knowledge that cannot be stopped or controlled by any government, person, or business or group.
The vision of freedom that has powered the Arab spring of this year was fed by the Internet, commerce can be conducted on fairly equal footing with all your competitors thanks to the Internet, the smallest entrepreneur in the remotest of places can sell their wares to the world, or buy them from anywhere else in the world, critical life saving information can be flashed across the globe in less than seconds, and you can have fascinating conversations with people that you do not know from strange lands when you dont even speak the same language.
It can be abused as anything can, but the Internet has changed the quality of living in many parts of the world, and will continue to do so for a long time to come, and the incredible changes we are seeing happen in the world today would not have happened without it.
The Internet has done more for Human Rights than all the organizations, foundations, and activists combined.