Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s an ebook containing Google traffic strategies. It also includes Master Resale Rights, and comes with a sales page and graphics. Click here to download… (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 4th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
UPDATE: The two winners of the contest (randomly chosen, using Random.org) are Timothy Jordan and Edwin Brown. Congratulations! You will each be getting a free copy of my upcoming product. I’ll email you when it’s released in the next week or so.
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My 5 kids with t-shirts from Israel. It’s sort of an inside joke in our family. Our home schooled kids had made up a funny song to memorize the bodies of water in the Middle East… so we had to get these shirts when we saw them.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Keep those tips coming – you have a lot of people waiting on the next few nuggets of great advice that you send out.. I took a lot of inspiration from your recent ones about vision and the one about motivating yourself.. Very timely for me I have to say..
So greetings from the UK – and for all of you guys in America, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you all – enjoy the turkey..!
Blessings to you and your sweet family..
I’m thankful for God, my family, friends and for Eric’s tips.
I need to learn more, keep the lessons on line.
I am thankful for my family being healthy and our return to the US after being away for so long. I am thankful to you Eric for your generosity in sharing your knowledge as well as being an inspiration to me and others. I am thankful for many things everyday throughout the year yet, on Thanksgiving it allows me to be surrounded by people I care about no matter where I am and we all can be thankful collectively which is very powerful as well as humbling.
To you and your family, A very Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m an affiliate newbie and online marketing pro wannabe. Looking forward to all the assistance y’all can provide.
Hi Eric,
I thank you for your gift and am looking forward to your tips. This Thanksgiving, I see the natural habitats and togetherness. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful because it’s again Thanksgiving and there are so many people in my life that I have to thank.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for the present, that was very thoughtful of you. I love the expressions on all of your beautiful children, something to be cherished forever.
I am most thankful to God for all the years he has been with me.
bobby d
Eric, thank you for your integrity.
I’m thankful for my family and our good health.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Eric.
Be Blessed
What beautiful children you have. Mine are grown and I’m about to become a great grandma soon. I am thankful for all my family too.
Thanks for the great holiday gift!!! I looks like you have been truly blessed.
Thanks for Ebook and internet marketing lessons
As a great-grandfather all I can say is to keep them close and hug them a lot! The day will come and they will be gone from your side and you’ll wish you had spent more time with them. I know!!
Your kids are really beautiful (thanks to Mom!) LOL!). Please enjoy them all you can.
Family and Friends
You have some beautiful kids and a beautiful wife. You should be thankful.
I am thankful for the two little boys we adopted. They are a handful and takes up so much of my time that I do not get much done on the Internet. But they are special and somehow I will get things going to help provide a future for these little guys.
Thank You,
Allen Swearengin
I’m most thankful for my salvation in Christ! What a wonderful God we have! Thank you for being a friend, and for your valuable tips! May God bless you and your beautiful family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Is A Special Time Of Year, A Time When We Look Back Over The Last 11 Months (And Longer) And Smile At All The Blessings We Have Received, No Matter How Small. Gratitude Is An Integral Part Of This Season, As Is Giving.
The Thanksgiving Celebration Of Gratitude Helps Us All To Grow And Expand; The Thanksgiving Celebration Of Gratitude Brings All Of Us Laughter Into Your Life And Into The Lives Of All, Who Gather Around.
Its The Little Things That Matter, That Add Up In The End, With The Priceless Thrilling Magic Of The Thanksgiving Celebration Of Gratitude Shared With Loved Ones, Family, Friends, And People You Know, And Blessings For Everyone On This Joyous Occasion.
This Grand Group Of Family Is A Testament To The Family Blessings For This Thanksgiving, and thanks for all your help throughout the year.
I want one!!! 🙂 THANKS!!!
Hi Eric, first of all let me congratulate you for such a beautiful bunch of joy you have!
I am thankful for being alive!
I’m thankul to God for bringing my son back from Iraq and also because he’s doing just fine even though he went through hell back there. He faced death on two occasions and survived.
I’m thankful for being healthy, for my daughter and my grandkids, for my wife of almost 20 years(not living together anymore). I’m thankful for the love of my other 3 boys.
I’m thankful for another year on earth,even though it wasn’t my best.
For all these things I just mentioned I’m so thankful to life itself and God almighty!!!
I am thankful for trustworthy IMs like Eric that help us see through the muck …
I am first and always thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am also thankful and very blessed to have two healthy, and wonderful children.
I am thankful when I wake up everyday.
Hi Eric,
Beautiful family; I know you’re grateful for them. One of the things I’m grateful for is Eric’s Tips. I previously bought several Internet marketing courses, some kinda expensive, which claimed to teach a newbie how to set up a web site. All of them merely showed me how fast someone else could set one up while mumbling rapidly and incoherently. Finding someone to actually teach this has been great. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks Eric,
Great looking kids you have there, you are
I am thankful That the lord has allowed my wife and I to have our two grandchildren living with us ,along with their mother. It has been an ongoing work of love to help raise these two girls(now 11 and 15).
every day I thank God fo this priviledge
Hey Eric! I’m thankful you are a good Christian marketer whom I can trust. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Hi Eric,
I’m thankful to see you have a healthy, loving and beautiful family. The Lord has truly blessed you. Thanks for sharing them with us as well as your helpful advice. God Bless!
Charlie Walker
Hi Eric,
What a great looking family!
I am thankful for my three kids, all happy and healthy.
Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for life, my family and for finding Eric’s Tips. The reason I am here each time is because I have been bombarded by “do this”, “buy that” and finally found a steady, trustworthy, step by step process to follow. Integrity, a firm foundation, vision and faith! Can’t beat it. Thanks Eric. Happy Thanksgiving from downunder 🙂
I am Thankful for everything in life. Thank you for your advice and freely sharing your tips with all. Thanks and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Peace
I’m thankful that my cancer is in remission
I’m thankful for my virtual and live Internet Marketers who teach, encourage and prove that it is possible to have achieve freedom as long as you act on it.
Thanks Eric. You offer some great advice and I will definitely be recommending you to my subscribers and friends.
As I look at your beautiful children I am more than thankful for my 5 beautiful Grandchildren. Just as I am sure your children are cherished our Grandchildren fill our lives with so much joy. Hope you and yours have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I need help with my WP Blog..I need an up to date tutorial.
Thanks for the lovely gift. You have a beautiful creative family..copyright that song and send (Sell) it to all the schools, and join the club of Rogers & Hammerstein?
Best Wishes, Eric. I think a lot of you and, sometime, I would like to do a JV.
Best Wishes,
I’m thankful for the hope I have in Jesus that I KNOW I will again see my wife of 39 years that I lost last month.
I am thanksfull for your tips.
Thanks You
You will never know how your tips helps me in my business. You are a brilliant teacher. I’m filled with gratitude and thankful for having met you (though online). Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family.
Hi Jimmy, Please don’t take it for offense but I am thankfull for your life this same way like i am for my own.I am thankfull for being tiny part of life on Planet Earth, for good, bad and all in between. If there would not be “negative” how we would know “positive”?
I am thankful for all you do and all the help you freely give. Eric you are a man of your word. God’s continued blessings upon that beautiful family of yours! <3
Your Children are adorable! I am thankful that nothing can separate me from the love of God!
The list of things that I am thankful for would take much more space and time than I have available. However, on that list after my relationship with my God and my family, I am thankful that I have found a few genuine and honest Internet Marketers that I can follow and learn from and Eric’s Tips is certainly on that short list. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much Eric, for the gift and all you do for us. I have been on many lists and memberships over the years but have not found anyone like you who cares about people like us as you do and I’m so thankful for that. Also thanks for reminding me that we need to continue to be thankful for what we already have! God Bless
Thanks Eric,
Great picture. I am totally greatful for Gods gifts and guidance. I’m also greatful to find someone to heip me without taking an arm or leg. When I become sucessful I hope I rember to freely pass it on.
I am thankful that you give me my faith back in internet marketers. Its refreshing to know that we can be successful at this game holding on to our integrity.
I thankful for Jesus Christ about 6 years ago I suffered a stroke facing of losing my ability to speak or even walk at 45 but God had other ideas he healed me so I was able to speak, read and walk and be able provide for for my family I can never thank God enough for what he has done for me and my family God is good all the time Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I am thankful I am so confused. I see so many great offers in front of me every day. I even buy some. But even when I buy I am still confused because they all seem to be so good. I don’t know where to spend my time. All the bright shiny objects are spinning me around and around. I can’t seem to stop and catch my breath. Without a place to stop I have no place to begin my own journey. God Bless you Eric and all of your followers who have found a place from which to begin their journey. Good Luck to you all.
At a young 76 years of age I am thankful for a wonderful family; excellent health; and the good fortune of having been born in a country where the only limits on achievement are those you impose upon yourself.
I am so grateful that my large family from all over the USA were together today, giving our thanks to King Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. We are all so blessed! Mom and Dad if you are looking down from Heaven above, we know you are pleased. We love and miss you both.
In Jesus Precious Name,
Amen (So Be it)