Happy Thanksgiving 2012

By | November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it.

I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today.

So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Here is something I’m thankful for…

frozen custard
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com

Congrats to the winners!

811 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Gill

    I’m grateful for good health, that I have enough money to live on, that I had wonderful parents that taught me well and instilled in me a “never say die” attitude that means I will carry on until I succeed.
    I’m also grateful for your free advice which is far better than some that I paid thousands for.

    Thanks Eric, wishing you and your family good health and good fortune.

  2. Krishantha Somaratne

    Dear Eric ,
    thanks for your great & honest work.
    It’s pleasure to meet people like you.

    I hope you had a great thanks giving day and wish you merry Xmas and happy new year 2013.

    I’m Krishantha Somaratne from Sri Lanka

  3. Kristian

    I am thankful for finding you on the web and implementing so many of your tips. Your step-by-step videos have been instrumental in my site set-up, email marketing and product creation. Thanks for keeping it real and managing expectations.

  4. Frank

    Hi Eric.
    I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. I hope you and your family had a safe Thanksgiving.

  5. Kerry Jackson

    I am thankful to live ia America where you can worship God and go to church as you please. I am also thankful to be able to buy food for the table and to be 76 years old and still be able to work and have a job in these troubled times when so many people are out of work.

  6. Brett

    Hi Eric
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, thanks for all your help and guidance over the past few months and keep up the good work.

  7. Claude Windenberger

    I am thankful for realizing that I can be free from being powerless, helpless, frustrated, sad, angry, hopeless, resentful, fearful–i.e. free from any negative emotional reaction to anything or anyone in my life–simply by choosing to STOP believing in cause and effect.

  8. Michael

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Your lessons have been very helpful and instrumental in my pursuit of an online business and for that I am thankful.

  9. Teri

    So thankful for my life and that I am healed and restored and am ready to go all the way with marketing in 2013 !!!

  10. Micky

    I am thankful for the family God has blessed me with, because without them I just might be living on the street or in my car right now.

  11. Mark

    Well, Eric, win or lose i am definitely thankful to have accidentally come across your site and to be acquainted with christian brothers like you Jeff and Paul. I appreciate all that you guys have done and is doing. May the Lord continue to bless all of you and the family.


  12. Sandra

    You’ve given us some great tips for optimizing greater Internet success. Thanks!

  13. Donna J

    I am thankful for so many things this year and it has been a challenging year for me, first being diagnosed with kidney disease, arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, along with a family member passing away in Setptember. My outlook on life is that as long as I wake up everyday and can think and talk it is a beautiful day and one to most certainly be thankful for. I have had many blessings in my life and I see good in everything and it is definitely not a cliche to say that little things mean a lot. One of the highlights almost every day Eric, is to read your newletters & emails, visit your website, share your love of family, fun, and business (in that order?) and to know that what I take away from you is a sense of honesty and respect for the people you deal with and the goodwill for which you do what you do in educating the public to the fact that they too can fulfill their dreams. I am proud to say (though indirectly) that I know you kind sir and to say that I am thankful for what I have learned from you seems an understatement. God bless and thanks for letting me voice this opinion.

  14. Andrea Olivas

    I am thankful for the opportunity of free enterprise. I am thankful for this country and the freedom that we inherited. This is still the best country on earth. I believe through His providential hand that He ordained this country to come into existence because He wanted the U.S. to be a lamp of hope to the world. Our country was founded on Biblical principles and our founding fathers were God-fearing men.
    God was with us in the very beginning as our founding fathers created the Declaration of Independence and later adapted our Constitution drafted from the truths of Scripture. This is why our nation rose to power because it began with God! America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good then it will cease to be great! Thank God for the USA!

  15. Kingsley

    Hi Eric, I am thankful for my wife, 2 sons and business. I am thankful for my faithwalk and the oppurtunity of helping others.

    I also am thankful for people like you who give a lot before marketing; your eric’s tips email lessons have helped!

    Happy thanksgiving.

  16. Samuel Metz

    Hi Eric, You and God are my Thanksgiving blessing. Please check this situation. I have been sick and I am behind in everything!

    You have received two payments of $97 or $98 from my Paypal account and yet I can not get access to your coaching group. PLS, it is urgent that I make some money. My time is running out.

  17. Cindy Keller

    Thank you, Eric, for sharing your knowledge and expertise with us. Blessings to you.

  18. Carol Dillon

    I am thankful for my fabulous husband. We met online about 15 yrs ago… he was in Stockholm, Sweden and I was in Seattle, Washington. The most improbable match in the universe, but it’s been wonderful every day. We’ve been married for 11-1/2 yrs now and have built a wonderful life together. Every time I look at him… every time I think about him… I am thankful. I never believed in soulmates, but I found one.

  19. Ron Cady

    You are indeed blessed. First look was OMG! Then I read the caption, cousions help, Sorry for your loss, God Bless.

  20. Sara

    I am thankful for my salvation. I don’t know what I would do without my relationship with Jesus.

  21. Dale

    I give thanks for life. It can be so fleeting and precious. Yesterday, my wife and I were at the hospital worried she may be having a stroke. With a combination of prayer and positive thinking, she is much better today and we are so extremely thankful. We have so much to be thankful for and it is always important to remember that.

  22. Ken Miles

    I am thankful to be alive and that my wife is alive. A few years ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. The hardest thing about that was telling my wife. Several months later (April of 09), my wife suffered a heart attack which left her in a coma (only a few days prior to recording her second CD, live). That summer i began my treatments at CCTA, while my wife was transported to several different medical facilities. November of that year I was declared cancer-free but also told that I had kidney problems (production down to 14%). I was hospitalized 3 times the following year, the 3rd time ( and in ICU) the medical staff told my family they didn’t think I was going to make it. I did and have recovered, thank God. My wife has shown improvement but not out of the condition yet. We continue to pray for her full and complete recovery. I am thankful that many other people have been encouraged and strengthened by watching us (my sons and me) deal with our situation. I am thankful for God’s strength and His faithfulness to us.

  23. Bev Maloy

    I am thankful for my mother, she has helped me quite a bit during these very lean times. Mom and I support one another since the passing of my Dad. So I am very thankful, grateful that I still have her with me.

  24. Richard Greene

    I Am Grateful To Live In A Country That Is Free From War And Violence.

    I Am Grateful To Know & Be Shown That I Am Loved By My Partner And Family.

    I Am Grateful To Have Had A Free State Education & Be Able To Read.

    I Am Grateful To Live In A Wonderful Part Of The United Kingdom, Free From Poverty And Pollution.

  25. Jay R.

    Hi Eric,

    First off, Happy Holidays to you and your family! Also thank you for all you do in helping others succeed at their goals. With that said I’d like to say that I am thankful for my Mom and my Son and the family and friends that have a positive impact on my life. I’m also thankful for the opportunity to pursue a dream of a business online from home that will eventually allow me the needed freedoms to do greater things for my family and others.

  26. mark

    I am thankful that I have a wonderful daughter, my parents are healthy and have a loving partner, and a great job. I love that I live by the sea and started kitesurfing last year. Awesome

  27. Anonymous

    Thanks Eric for all the info you provide. I am thankful for the USA, for all of our service men and women, for all my friends and business associates, my family and for my God, because, God is Great.


  28. Cheryl

    I am thankful for my family, my church, and my friends. I am also thankful to God, who gives us a do over everyday.

  29. Bret

    Hi Eric, thank you so much for all of your lessons. They have really helped me the last few years, and I continue to refer back to them quite a bit. There is so much great info in all of your videos. Hope you and your family have a great holiday season. God bless!

  30. JULIUS

    I’m thankful to be healthy enough, to have my parents still alive, they’re 87.Thank You for the ebook and all these Great Tips. Happy Thanksgiving, Eric and Your family!

  31. Ray Phillips

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.

    I am thankful for my family, friends, good health, and abiility to pursue my passion of helping needy children.

  32. Rhonda

    I am grateful for my 7 beautiful children and my 7 amazingly precious grandchildren. I’m also grateful for my husband, good friends, and warm community.

  33. Megan

    Eric,I’m thankful that I found Eric’s Tips. I’m thankful for my family, relatives, friends, customers, employees, and neighbors for their help and supports. I’m thankful I still live in my house even it’s been twice in foreclosure. I’m thankful my business is still up and running without any interuption even though the tax collectors knock at my door and told me that they want to shut down my business because of the business tax. Also, the Gas company and Water & Power Company send people to my business and told me, “Pay me today or I shut down your water,gas, and electricity.”

  34. luis marrero

    Hi,Eric; Thank you very much for remember me how blessed is my family and me for having them around me in this difficult times. I am thankful for God’s strength nad His love for us.

  35. curtis

    I am thankful for truth the lite and the way the one and only god living inside every person hart today. And for you Eric who teach woman and men to fish.

  36. Zeljko

    I am happy for you and your familly.
    I wish you all the best.
    Thank’s for your tips.

  37. Maria Alexander

    Hi Eric

    You recommended Memberspring sometime ago. I signed up and after a frustrating couple of days of trying to set it up I cancelled. The money for the system was refunded. I just found out that Gary Ambrose was charging me hosting fees and is refusing to refund the money for that. I found that out while trying to give his system a second look Nov.16/2012. I could not get the free site as I was promised. Now, even this money is not being refunded (states it is more than a month). I would like you to be a little more careful on recommending other people and their products.

    Thank you
    Maria Alexander


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