Happy Thanksgiving 2012

By | November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it.

I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today.

So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Here is something I’m thankful for…

frozen custard
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com

Congrats to the winners!

811 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Tom

    I’m finally retiring and after a suitable time off to sleep in and play a few games and watch a little TV, I’ll be working on supplementing my meager Social Security income with a brand new start up business owned and operated by me. I’m very thankful for Eric’s tips and starting over at 63. Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Peggy


    I’m thankful there are people like you in this industry. I wish I had connected with you at least a year before I did: Your generosity to newcomers is very inspirational. I will continue to send people your way who want to learn more about internet marketing.

  3. John

    I am thankful for my family and especially my wife who after 28 years of marriage still loves me. She said divorce was not an option but an accidental death as and when required could be arranged LOL.

    All joking aside stop look and appreciate what you have for in a moment it could all be gone.

  4. Jake Steinbrenner

    Hi Eric, et al,

    Great pic above with your family. My family is also one of the many things I’m grateful for. Sorry for the loss of your grandfather, I’m sure there are lots of memories still.
    I’m also thankful for selfless service, which which is in short supply everywhere. So thanks Eric for looking after us this year despite your personal challenges. Much appreciate all you’ve given back to the community and the world.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Vance Sova

    I’m thankful for good health and for being able to enjoy so many things, like for example going for a walk on the beach and to breathe the clean air there.

  6. Ron Knight

    I am thankful for my grandchildren. They remind me as I look into their wide innocent eyes that I should also “be like a little child”;trusting,believing in God’s promises.

  7. Desana

    Hi Eric,

    it’s hard to express just by words everything I have on mind, therefore simply said I am very, very much thankful for my family, kids, fun we have together and getting connected with people of your kind and values who’s willing and takes the work to help us to get around in this area of business. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and everyone here at Eric’s Tips!!!!! 🙂

  8. Bill

    I’m thankful to have 3 grown sons who have come out fairly well (no drugs or smoking, only light drinking, all graduated college and have good jobs). Also thankful to still be kicking.

  9. jason

    For my wife and kids
    To be alive
    And for family members
    And to make it through another year bless
    Happy Thanksgiving guys God bless

  10. Clarence Montgomery

    I am truly grateful for the opportunity we have in this great country to make a significant difference with our lives. Gratitude can certainly change one’s life…forever. Take time to think and thank!

  11. C.L.

    Thank you! Thanksgiving…a time to give thanks for all good things. Thanks again!

  12. Pam Eppinette

    I am thankful for God’s help to overcome so many challenges and to be stepping into the destiny that He has for me! I am thankful for the divine appointments and the marketers He is bringing in my life.
    I am thankful that he healed my husband from a massive heart attack 3 years ago this week and he healed our marriage thru that as well! I am thankful that we are more in love now than ever, married 36 years!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Sunny

    I’m thankful that I still have a roof over my head and food to eat even though I have been unemployed for 2.5 years. Please, somebody hire me for a video or voice project. 🙂

  14. Darrel

    Eric, I’m thankful that my dad went home on 11/20 after long fight with cancer. Both us and him will have a good thanksgiving knowing he’s in a better place with no pain. I’m also thankful for people like you who give back to help others improve.

  15. Joe Moyers

    I’m thankful to have our two grandsons with us to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.

  16. Albert Tio

    I am thankful to God that I am still around at this age.

    I am also thankful to you, Eric, that you continually find the time to help us.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Allen Pollick

    Hi Eric,

    I’ve been with you for quite a while now and can truthfully say that I am pleased and impressed with your “ERIC’s TIPS”.

    Also want to wish you and your entire loving Family a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING. May it be full of God’s love and annointings, may it be peaceful and enjoyable and finally may it be totally “uneventful”! Nothing but God’s Peace and Blessings to you and your lovely wife and kids!

  18. Luis Azcarate

    Happy Thanksgiving Eric and Family! I am thankful for every day life. I am thankful that my family is safe and in good health. I am thankful that I still have strength to do things in everyday life. Many more thanks even if when it comes to internet marketing..I am not successful, I am still thankful.
    By the way..Thank you for the gift!

  19. brian

    recently read the “Native American Code of Ethics” which are some wise words(Pasted below):
    Rise with the sun to pray. Pray alone. Pray often.
    The Great Spirit will listen, if you only speak.
    Be tolerant of those who are lost on their path.
    Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem
    from a lost soul. Pray that they will find guidance.
    Search for yourself, by yourself. Do not allow others
    to make your path for you. It is your road, and
    yours alone. Others may walk it with you,
    but no one can walk it for you.
    Treat the guests in your home with much consideration.
    Serve them the best food, give them the best
    bed and treat them with respect and honor.
    Do not take what is not yours whether from
    a person, a community, the wilderness or from a
    culture. It was not earned nor given. It is not yours.
    Respect all things that are placed upon
    this earth – whether it be people or plant.
    Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words.
    Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them.
    Allow each person the right to personal expression.
    Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative
    energy that you put out into the universe
    will multiply when it returns to you.
    All persons make mistakes.
    And all mistakes can be forgiven.
    Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind,
    body and spirit. Practice optimism.
    Nature is not FOR us, it is a PART of us.
    They are part of your worldly family.
    Children are the seeds of our future. Plant
    love in their hearts and water them with
    wisdom and life’s lessons. When they
    are grown, give them space to grow.
    Avoid hurting the hearts of others.
    The poison of your pain will return to you.
    Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the
    test of one’s will within this universe.
    Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual
    self, Emotional self, and Physical self – all need
    to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out
    the body to strengthen the mind. Grow
    rich in spirit to cure emotional ails.
    Make conscious decisions as to who
    you will be and how you will react. Be
    responsible for your own actions.
    Respect the privacy and personal space of
    others. Do not touch the personal property of
    others – especially sacred and religious
    objects. This is forbidden.
    Be true to yourself first. You cannot
    nurture and help others if you cannot
    nurture and help yourself first.
    Respect others religious beliefs.
    Do not force your belief on others.
    Share your good fortune with others.
    Participate in charity.

  20. Richard Elphick.

    Thank you all!!! We have so much to be thankful for in this crazy mixed up World we live in. Thank you for letting me experience the sunrise and sunset each day with food to eat.

  21. Judy

    This has been a wonderful year. Both of my grown children have made exceptional strides in their lives. My husband and I have decided to make a big move to a different state and spend more time traveling. We’re getting to serve others on this Thanksgiving day. Life is wonderful!

  22. Burnis Tuck

    I’m truly thankful to have reached the ripe old(?) age of 73 in relatively good health, with a wonderful wife of almost 50 years and two wonderful daughters, and no regrets!

  23. Musica :-)

    Eric and Co,
    Wishing You and Yours always to have
    someone/something to be thankful for.

    Thanks a looooot for being present, and
    showing the little niceties of online biz.

    Greetings from the eager reader and student
    of http://www.erictips.com ::
    during more than four years now…:-)

    Happy because of getting your emails!

  24. Ron

    Hi Eric,
    I’m thankful that I have my health for without it everything else becomes a major challenge.

    I’m thankful that because I FINALLY stopped chasing a million different “opportunities” and decided to focus on ONE of them, I am now making enough money to allow my wife to be home with me and we’re doing fine. All within a year.

    I’m thankful that I have lots of friends who I also helped to bless with financial freedom and hope and whom I know I can count on if things went south for us.

    I’m thankful that we get to eat LOTS of turkey tomorrow! 🙂

    Keep smiling,


  25. Daniels

    Thankful that I and my family are alive and well.Do have a blissful thanksgiving.

  26. Per Sinclair

    I am thankful for every breath that keeps me alive, for the fruit and veggies that nourish my body, for the water that quenches my thirst and keeps me clean, for the clothing that keeps me warm in winter, and for the shelter that protects me from the elements. All these things are given by God, and so I give my thanks to Him every day.

  27. RoberT JoneS

    I am Thankful to have a job at this time of the year,to have family that loves me and I love them.

    Be nice to someone and tell them have a great Thanksgiving day.

    Oh yea good luck to everyone on black friday,hope yall get what you want or need.

  28. Harvey

    Salvation through Jesus Christ’a work on the cross. And my family, of course!

  29. Scott Branden

    Wow! Thanks Eric, very grateful for discovering your Eric’s Tips and Internet Marketing.

    Have just completed my business plan for this and your generous Thanksgiving gift will be put to good use.

    Will let you know how it all works out next Thanksgiving!

    Again, my thanks.

    Kind regards

  30. George Kougias

    I am thankful for much, some personal, some public. Mostly, I am thankful for being alive (I had a stroke a few months back), and for having a strong, healthy mind, and for almost returning to normal with the help of many.

  31. dwizy

    I’m thankful to God for making me a man and alive. Happy thanksgiving..cheers to the Eric family.

  32. Jim McGarry

    Hi Eric – thank you for the free gift. If I look back over the last 18 months I have had a couple of set backs – been retrenched from my job and had a couple of health issues, but these set backs have also made me look at the more important things in life, like my family and the support and reassurance they give me and my friends who are also there when I need them. Like many of the “Eric’s Tips community, I am very thankful for the wonderful people around me and the love and support they prove me. Happy Thanksgiving from Sydney, Australia.

  33. Ana Danel

    Dear Eric,
    You have a beautiful Family.
    God bless You all and I hope You have a wonderful vacation! 🙂
    Mexican hugs to all of You!
    Ana Danel


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