Happy Thanksgiving 2012

By | November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it.

I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today.

So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Here is something I’m thankful for…

frozen custard
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com

Congrats to the winners!

811 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Pamela

    I always read your emails because I have found they consistently contain valuable information. I trust what you say. Thanks for being trustworthy, Eric. Blessings to you and your lovely family.

  2. Gary Ehler

    Thankful for the Blood of Jesus Christ Who Died on a Cross to save a sinner like me! Praise God for Loving us and sending his son to pay the price for my sins.
    God Bless you Eric & Your Family on this day of Thanksgiving…… and God Bless & Protect our Troops who sacrifice so much for our Freedom! Love your Tips, Software, & Training…. Thanks for ALL!

  3. Karen Coates

    I thank you for all your help and advice Eric. You are an inspiration. I have 3 email addresses and get your “Erics Tips” in everyone of them and save them, lol, just in case I miss one. You have great info

  4. Joanna Robbins

    I am grateful salvation first and foremost. Also am so thankful for my husband of 30 years. I thank God for my 4 grandchildren and for the blessing of being born in the United States of America and for our freedom. God bless the USA.

  5. Marey Armbrust


    I’m grateful for my happy, healthy family of two kids (and their spouses)& three grand-kids. Also quite grateful for my partner, Crazy Smitty – who puts up with me & helps me.

  6. Dimitris

    I am thankful to God for my life and for being a child of His. I am thankful for each and every one of my experiences, for the blessings to me and all around me.
    I am thankful to nature and to all the people I have known and who have contributed to my life experiences.
    I am thankful to my parents and teachers.
    I thank you, Eric, for your tips you make available to me – they are such a useful substantial information.
    May abundant blessings be with you, those who read these comments and every living being!

  7. Mk Akan

    Nice family pix…:)

    I am thankful for being alive . For my family members and friends. I am also thankful for all i know .


  8. Venora Ione Whitton

    I love your tip’s Eric. Keep up the good work and Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Rod

    Hi Eric, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too. I wouldn’t miss reading your Tips for the World.


    Rod McGregor

  10. camau

    Happy Thanksgiving !

    Joyeux Thanksgiving !

    Feliz Día de Acción de Gracias !

    Fröhliche Danksagung !

  11. Peter Lewis

    Hi Eric, As an Australian the concept of thanksgiving is wonderful and should be incorporated worldwide. I am very grateful for your tips initially and “No Cost Income Stream” course and wish you and your family a “Happy Thanksgiving” and best wishes for the year ahead.

  12. Georges Teissier

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your loved ones…
    God bless…

  13. Leonard

    Hi Eric, thank you for the gift! Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.

  14. Jan Kaptein

    I’m thankful for your gift and very useful tips and Lessons every month.
    It’s amazing how valuable your info is and even in your archive of tips there’s lots to learn from. A+++

  15. Paul Williams

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    I am thankful for so many things, and especially my son and all of the children that I teach. I watch them perform miracles every day and grow into amazing beings. It is such a privilege to be in a position to guide them.



  16. Donald Watkins

    I’m thankful for all that life offers us both good and bad, especially when so many are suffering an much worse off than me.

  17. rovita

    Thank you, Eric, for initiating this beautiful collection of thankful statements! It is so inspiring to read them.
    I give thanks to God for His love and blessings in my life.
    I thank everyone whom I have known in this life.
    I thank you, Eric, for your series of tips, that have taught me so many things, from the very basic to more advanced.
    And I thank all those who have posted their thankful comments here.

  18. Chas Miller

    I won’t take it for granted
    I won’t waste another second
    All I want is to give You
    A life well lived to say, “Thank You”

  19. mohd ariff

    Dear Bro Eric,
    In life, we need to be thankful, always.

    Actually, nobody known their status as whether they are too rich to be proud of or whether they are too poor to be contemptible…so be helpful to all, sharing of life is really “AWESOME” REGARDLESS OF RACES AND RELIGIONS AS PEOPLE NEEDED EACH OTHER TO LIVE FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE…may you selected us for those ‘Thanksgiving Prizes’..pls share it to all or you can donate it to people that needed most than we do…….AND YOUR REALITY ONLINE IS THE MOST THINGS THAT PEOPLE NEED AND THANKS FOR YOUR KINDS FREE GIFTS.regards, mdarf.

  20. Nombulelo

    Hi Eric
    I’m thankful that you are here and you never give up on me. You inspire me and motivate me to carry on even when I lose hope that I will ever do anything to succeed in the internet marketing business. I’ve purchased products before but I have never used them because, believe it or not, for more than a year I have been trying to get a website set up. It did not happen because I had no money to pay for it to be done. This last year I have been visiting my children in the US where things are a lot easier than in my country and by grace I got offered a free website. When I thought finally I can launch in this business, I encountered unexpected difficulties getting a domain name I had registered earlier this year when I came to visit in the US released.
    My visit is ending and I have to return to my difficult circumstances next week. But how can I explain this? By grace yesterday, this problem was resolved and I understand my website will be active in eight days. And is it coincidence that only yesterday I was thinking that it has been a long time since I looked at your blog because I was beginning to lose hope. I missed reading your blog and listening to your advice and encouragement. But today, there you are with all these wonderful gifts! This is no coincidence! This is amazing grace! I am thankful that God has placed you in a position to bless and encourage me in an amazing way. Today, with your gift, more than ever, I have hope that the promise that my yearning to get my internet business started will be realised. I will still face difficulties I know because just when my website gets activated next week I have to leave and when I get there it is not certain when I can get things going. But I know it is by the grace of God that you should post this gift at this time that I intend to use as the first product I launch on my website. I even thought about enquiring about coaching by your team to get things started, but again I thought what use is it because I cannot pay for the coaching until I begin to get some money coming in.
    I am thankful for you and for the hope and blessings you continue to give me.
    I bless you and your lovely family and I am thankful for my family this Thanksgiving time. I look forward to the future with more confidence and courage than I have done in a long time thanks to you being there for me and all of us. Stay blessed.

  21. Ron Passfield

    Eric, I’m thankful that I have learned so much from generous Internet marketers like yourself and that I have made so many great friends online. I live in Brisbane, Australia, but converse weekly on Skype with two of my Squidoo friends in the US. It makes the world very small. I try to emulate the generosity of the marvelous marketers I have met online – it’s another way to express gratitude.

  22. John McCarter, South Africa

    Eric, I am thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my table, the clothes that we can afford, the small extra cash in my pocket, when there are millions who are not so fortunate; I am also thankful for Eric’s Tips, for you sharing some of your life with us, for your splendid examples of how to live life!
    But most of all I’m very thankful for my wife of nearly 30 years now, who has been my support, my inspiration and love. Thank you!

  23. Peter

    Hi Eric,
    I am thankful for being able to meet up with awesome internet marketers/gurus like you who have devoted your time and energy to give us newbies a chance to make the very best on the internet. Happy thanksgiving to everyone.


  24. Russ

    Hey, Happy Thanksgiving. You’ve done a phenomenal job with your “tips” Its like paying it forward, which we all need to do. Thank you!

  25. myra

    Thanks heaps for the Thanksgiving gift.
    Thanks for all the invaluable tips that you have been giving regularly.
    May you and your family be blessed forever, Eric.
    Beautiful family. Thanks for sharing the photo.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  26. Neels

    I miss the concept of setting aside one full day to Thanks Giving in my culture.

    So thank you for the opportunity to share in yours.

    I am eternally thankful for the blessed life I lead and wish upon all and everyone an equally blessed and happy life.


  27. Mario

    Hey Eric…this is a great idea. We should vocalize what we are thankful for as it helps us truly appreciate what we have. I am thankful we live in a Country where we have opportunity, freedom to vote and religion. Happy Thanksgiving! If your randomizer selects this comment have just the charity you can send the gift to.

  28. Cindy

    Happy Thanksgiving, Eric and family. I am thankful that I can stay in touch with family, friends, and clients no matter where I am in the world, and thankful for the opportunity to open a new office in New Zealand next month after 28 years in Japan.

  29. Harry Crowder

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for the ebook.

    Thanks for always being the “Real Deal”.

    And showing us the Real Ways to make it online.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving with your family

    Best regards,


  30. Monic

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for the animals, world peace & my five senses.

  31. Alfonso Ruiz

    Erick, still here learning and learning from you, because you have a lot to give to us and Im grateful with my God for you and your family. Thanks again and please, stay with us for long time, many of us need you! Sincerely. Alfonso Ruiz

  32. anna

    Thanks and glory to God for my existence, His blessings and the people He has brought in my life. For the visible and invisible guidance I am given, I give thanks. To you, Eric, I express my thankfulness; you are offering abundantly in your tips and course; may you be abundantly blessed!

  33. Elliott

    I have no family, except my daughter.

    I’m thankful for proper friends who you may not see for ages but within minutes of meeting up it’s like old times again.

  34. Julian Beams

    Hi Eric. Like you are am grateful for my wonderful wife and two strong sons. I’m grateful I live in beatiful place, near the sea and the mountains, where whales play just on my doorstep (Hermanus South Africa if you are wondering.) Mostly though I am grateful that, In January this year, I decided to make some changes to my life. After a series of setbacks I had spent almost 2 years in a hole not knowing how to go forward. I had been floundering in Jan I applied something I believe strongly in, when you are lost, sit still so that you can be found. I had complete faith in my rescue team, because it is headed by the same One who heads heads yours, Jesus Christ. In the stillness I realised that I am really good at a few things, computers, the Internet, and selling my ideas. I started a simple course in Internet Marketing that got me on the right track and in June I discovered the “No Cost Income Stream” (and Eric’s Tips)which is brilliant. So I am very thankful for that Eric. I can’t give you testimonials of hundreds of dollars a month, but I can tell you that it opened up the whole area of online marketing to me and has set me on a path that I am following with anticipation. Whatever else it had been a good year, the first in a while. I even started an excercise program in Feb that I have kept up and I can hold my own with my teen sons. Thanks again Eric and all of the best blessings over the Holidays. Grace and Peace to you.

  35. Linda Schindler

    Thank you Eric for everything. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. GOD BLESS!

  36. Doreen

    Each Day I wake to thank the lord for another wonderful day full of different challenges to the previous day but still amazing to be alive seeing the gift given to each and everyone of us “life” the most wonderful gift to be grateful for Happy Thanks Giving Eric and Family thank you for being you Doreen


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