Happy Thanksgiving 2012

By | November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it.

I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today.

So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Here is something I’m thankful for…

frozen custard
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com

Congrats to the winners!

811 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Nigel Lewis

    Im thankful for the advice and instruction given freely on your site and in your regular newsletters. Ive heard it said ‘you’ve got to give it away if you want to keep it’.
    Im thankful to all the people, family, friends and acquaintances, who’ve helped me along the way, supported and encouraged me in difficult times. The small actions, a kind word, a smile make such a difference and for each of these, I’m grateful.
    Eric, if I win the voucher I would like to donate it to a homeless persons charity of your choice. Thank you.

  2. Laura

    I have been very blessed by the Lord. I include you as one of them! Thank you for all that you have given me.

  3. Debbie Nicholson

    I am thankful that my health is improving now that I know how to release the pain and grief from my body.

  4. jerry veasey

    It’s been 4 years since my wife died of breast cancer. I am taking care of our 2 sons, now 14 and 18 years old. It’s been a lonely and long 4 years, but everyday I thank God for the 14 years of marriage we shared together. Every Thanksgiving day is truly special to me and my 2 boys. We make sure we are together to remember and give thanks to God for the memories we had as a family. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and I encouraged everyone to love and cherish the warmth and goodwill of your family while everyone is still with you. This is what Thanksgiving day is truly about.

  5. Rickey

    I have been following your “Tips” for awhile now and have accumulated and saved 91 to date which I have refer back to often, Thankyou for being “Real” about this business. Happy
    Thanksgiving and Best to You and Yours,,,Rickey A

  6. Jac

    Happy Thanksgiving and may God bless all the underprivileged, abused and neglected children on this day and for all eternity.

  7. Femi Akindele

    I am so glad to be among the numbers to have this treasure of yours and also unmeasurable gift.

    God will continue to keep you and enlarge your coast. Amen.

  8. Natalya Zenith

    Hello Eric,
    I am thankful (Thanksgiving day :-)) for your e-book, definitely it will be useful for me.
    Fun picture of your family, my Best wishes to you. Natalya

  9. Lingesh

    Hi Eric,

    It is wonderful opportunity to thank you for all the help. Its great learning from your tips and appreciate your generosity in offering us a thanks giving gift.

    I thank God for all the friendships we make with this amazing technology and thank you in particular for your kindness.

    Service to man is service to God.

    Your are blessed.

    Kind regards,

  10. Kortni Shelley

    I am thankful for my Savior and the forgiveness he’s made possible with the opportunity to become better every day I’m given. Some days I forget this (on days when my day isn’t going so well mostly), but thank you for giving me the opportunity to stop, think about it, and remember how much I am blessed, or that it is actually a blessing, to be here and still trying.

  11. Nick Reyes

    Hi Eric;

    Many thanks for the gift and for sharing your marketing tips.

    Wish you, your family, and all a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

    God bless,

  12. Joaquin Diamana

    I born here,citizen in the Philippines,if I am qualified for opportunity?

  13. Dennis Bentley

    Thanks for the generous gift. But then, you are always generous.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  14. Lauerence

    I am thankful to be rediscovering my heart where all thankfullness comes from.

  15. christine hushion

    I’m thankful for your gift and tips… Thank you Eric! I’m so thankful that I was born in this great country, and I’m thankful that I have wonderful children, and for alllllllll they have taught me. Have a blessed Thanksgiving time with your family.

  16. Cedric Randolph

    I’ am thankful for God giving me life to wake up everyday. My health even tho I need to loose some weight I’ am happy with myself. My family which is my foundation where I get my drive to go because I know others depending on me. My job which I’ am thankful to have one because a lot of people don’t have one. I’am thankful for Eric’s Tips who open my eyes on real fundamental steps for people who trying to make some extra cash on the internet.

  17. Garry Woods

    Thank you Lord Jesus for brother’s and Sisters like Eric Hulmlund and His wife and family for their Grace and Love, it was Eric and his Wife’s Sister in-law Katlyn a Song she sang on the Albourm, that made me rededicate my Commitment, to Serve Him in Ministry of Intercession, for Missionaries around the World, as both my Partner and I had done for many years now, this is what we Thank you both for on this Thanks Giving Day. Eric so Thank you again, and pass on our Love to Katelyn and her Partner Please for the (Song Can’t Cry) Thanks. King Regards Garry and Joy Woods

  18. william humphreys

    Iam thankful for being able to enjoy my life to the full, when I see others that are less fortunate struggling with their life.

  19. Diana

    I am thankful for sitting here, writing this and accepting your gift at 66 yrs old because at 38 yrs old I was almost killed in a car crash. I have not driven a car since then, over 30 yrs and I lost my job 11 yrs ago and have been trying to make a little money on the internet for 2 yrs to help pay my bills and pay my medicine but have not figured it out yet. But I still smile, take one day at a time and love my 3 beautiful daughters ( two are Dr’s.) and my 4 grandkids (I thank the Lord every day that I am still alive and can still see them (I had 86 stitches on my face because I went through that car window twice) and thankful an angel caught my knee from throwing me out and killing me. I have fallen backwards over a hundred times and knocked myself out on cement and hard grounds (epilepsy) but I am still here, smiling. Every day is a gift from God to live to the fullest and to treat everyone you see or talk to the way the Lord wishes, with love and respect as if it were your last day. Maybe if I keep reading I will figure out this computer business to make me some money but I probably do what the one gentleman said earlier, I read too much and get confused and I need to focus on one thing at a time. Happy Thanksgiving to all and God Bless you and your family Eric for all your tips, gifts and kindness. LOL

  20. Cheryl Chapman

    Happy thanksgiving Eric and thank you for all the free training you have sent me.(not like all the other scam artists out there). Nice to know there are genuine people out there that want to help little people like me.

  21. Vince Staples

    Being thankful is like being grateful! I started a daily list some time back – just list 3 things that you are grateful for, each day, for 30 days! Here are just a few of the 90 ‘gratitudes’ I listed: sunshine, puppy dogs, cats and babies, my parents, fresh clean air, my children, ALL my ancestors, great health, always having enough, friends who are ‘there’ when I need them, freedom, contentment, spiritual knowledge from the masters, the ocean, all creatures great and small, a home, enough food every day, and this wonderful planet Earth – Gaia! I should go on, and could go on – but my list is not the same as yours! But if you start your own list – you will see it becomes endless! Oh yes! One more thankfulness – Thanksgiving! Happy Thanksgiving to every person on this planet from a guy who lives in Cape Town and is not an American. (Who cares?)

  22. Presentacion dela Cruz

    Happy Thanksgiving Day!!! from the Philippines. This is my sincerest greeting to you Eric and your loved ones and everyone else over there in the USA today.
    I am thankful for having a mentor like you, because you are sharing so much of your time and knowledge to many of us in doing what we enjoy doing here in the internet for FREE. A million thanks to you and your Staff.

  23. Lincoln

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone I am thankful for all the wonderful things in life and Eric Tips.

  24. Raghu Prasad

    Thank you for trying to help other people life successful and happy and towards financial freedom.

  25. R

    I’m thankful that in these tough times, my family is healthy,employed and happy with where we all are in our lives. With all the stresses, scams and total lack of the ability of our government to do anything it is refreshing that at least in our family we are staying the course.

  26. Josephine

    I am thankful to the Lord Almighty for His grace and His awsomeness. Thanks Eric for keeping it honest. Happy thanksgiving

  27. lucy

    im thankful for knowing you, i would never have known what its really like to learn all that i know from you-years and years ive tried so hard to make money online,but all i got were scams-im greatful to the good lord, that there are honest people out there-thank you for showing me the way

  28. "Simple Stan"

    Eric: In a word(Two)…….”THANK YOU”.
    I am thankful that I have found silent coaches and mentors to offer affordable advice and tips on a regular basis. You don’t embellish, you aren’t full of yourself, and your information is very good and correct. Although my list is just over 1500 subs, I will strive to swap a few times and to test the water. It would be a pleasure to mail for you as I know the quality of your products and services. If you are pleased maybe we can do some business in the future!

    My Very Best Regards…..

    “Simple Stan” Furlough

  29. tom r

    I’m thankful for my wonderful life after 57 years on the planet. My wife, my kids, my extended family mean the world to me and keep me going. I’m grateful to be living in a world full of opportunities. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and may 2013 be even better for you than 2012. Peace

  30. Imran

    Hi Erics,

    Thanks, I always follow you for any issue in IM, because your info is always is trustworthy..


  31. Linda Boone

    Thank you so much Eric for all your superb lessons and for todays gift.

    You are so lucky so have five lovely children. Sadly this never happened for me, I guess I’ll never know why.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  32. jolande

    Hello Eric,

    I’m one of your fans outside the usa. We don’t know the thanksgiving holiday here in our culture, nor all the family festivities that goes around it (turkeys :-)), but it’s a very good habit to be grateful and to say thanks, if only for just one day a year! First, I am grateful for being healthy (or anybody’s health) as I know also what it means to be without it. After an accident, some years ago, I see my life as a daily gift and a “second” change to not waste it. Secondly, I tend to keep an optimistic mindset in a pessimistic world, as many people, including myself, are suffering from the economic downfall here, and I lost my job, but I keep faith. And I’m reading your blog and tutorials often. You have no idea, far away in amsterdam, where I live, how often I also hear your voice explaining stuff on a cd. It brought me to have the knowledge that I know now, so thank you. I also enjoy your stories about your family life that you want to share with us all, you’re truly blessed and seeing the picture, your youngest and cute Thirza has grown so much already, which reminds me that time has gone by quickly. I remember the picture you send us after she was born…so beautiful (and she still is ofcourse). Isn’t the Internet just great that we are able to connect and share with eachother on the other part of the world and to touch somebody else’s life (maybe even without knowing it) is just a wonderful thing. I truly appreciate your work. You’ve helped me to set new goals, you’re an inspiration. Have a wonderful time among your loved ones and wishing you all the best! greetings from amsterdam, the netherlands, Jolande
    PS: according to the latest lonely planet review, amsterdam is going to be “THE place to be” in 2013, so maybe that could be one of your future trips…going to europe and visiting amsterdam :-). And if you do…I welcome you and your family with open arms.

  33. Lis

    Happy Thanksgiving from the UK Eric. I’m grateful for my 3 boys and in particular for Daniel who is autistic. They’ve motivated me to get my training for teenagers out into the world to help create independent flexible workers for the 21st century.

  34. bob

    hi eric i am thankful to my wife for putting up with me for all these years also for giving me such wonderful kids,i always read your tips.i am happy that you are now well and i send you and your family my love.

  35. Mouloud

    I am grateful for the family I have (my wife and 2 boys). I am grateful for the country I live in (UK) and all the love and help I get.


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