Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it. I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today. So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product. Click here to download… (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Updated: Winners!
Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.
Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com
Congrats to the winners!
Hi Eric
I’m thankful to have spend another year with my wife and family after receiving treatment for cancer. My wife and I have a baby girl on the way, which we expect in February 2013. Thank for all the tip’s and inspiration you’re a star.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.
dearEric,i am thankful for so much,First,that it is no more war here!!!/for our side?!/ Then,for my health,my family and friends,for Your so precious guidance,for Your gifts,/also the pics/,for that You are OK /and Your fantastic family/etc,etc HSG with love Veronica
I’m thankful that I am living in the era of the Internet – the era where it is WHAT you know rather than WHO you know that is important.
…..for finally having managed to marry the love of my life !!! 🙂
For my Lord without Whos Grace and Love I’d have no hope, no faith. I’m thankful for my wife without whom I surely would have perished. My pastors ,family, and friends.
I am thankful for many things, but most of all, for having a reason to get up in the morning – Internet Marketing.
Hi Eric and many thanks for the free List Building PDF.
There are two aspects of my life for which I am eternally grateful. First, I was blessed to have the most wonderful and loving parents who taught my sister and me the real values in life and how best to fit in with society and cope with the everyday challenges that befall all of us. They had a no fuss attitude to almost everything and taught us to never worry about grasping for things beyond our reasonable expectations. These were valuable lessons to learn in our formative years and have stood the test of time.
Secondly Eric, I am now 65 and since my birthday, have never spent a day in hospital during my entire life. I never suffer from aches and pains and it is a rarity if I catch a common cold.I feel blessed by this and for which I shall remain eternally thankful.
Oh Eric there is a third. Many thanks for your brilliant Tips Series. I have found them extremely important and useful and have learned things that other Internet Marketers have not covered and explained to anything like the depth and detail provided by you.
Regards and best wishes to you and Micah and your families.
Brian Sharman
My thanks go to my heart surgeon for learning the skills that saved my life. I now lead a normal life, thanks to him and all the medical teams.
Now 5 years on, I stlll thank them all for my life.
Your teachings are great gold mine for us. Thank God for your wisdom, a gift from God I believe.
More grace.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody !
I am thankful for the beauty of life.
I am thankful for my life and also for Erics tips! You are doing a great job, Eric! Thanks for all your great content! :o)
You’ve made my days through 2012.Your advice is unparalleled.
I am thankful for my wonderful children, husband,and anotheryear woh.
I am so grateful for the wonderful family and friends I have and for all that the Lord has bestowed upon us. Thank you Eric for your help and the bonus gift.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
Thankful for people who advance in life and help people who helped them do so.
to a greater degree, I’m thankful for people who help other people for no reason.
First of all happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Eric. you’ve done a fantastic job by sending 32 tips that’s very helpful and enjoyable and I personally appreciated.
Gob bless you all and be happy.
I am thankful because the unchangeable changer gave me and my family joy unspeakable,peace, good health and sound mind. Eric, you are a blessing to human race God will increase you.
I am lucky and thankful to have a family that supports me and my shortcomings, good, bad or indifferent. We are close and they have helped me through some very rough times, so for that I thank God above I have them in my life.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all!!!
Happy Thankgiving!
Waking up in the morning knowing that there’s another day to do something constructive & good.Happy Thanksgiving everybody. x
I am thankful I can help others who need it.
I am thankful for my health and all the great things I have in life including my son, my wife and our family. My very special wonderful friends and that there are more good people in the world than bad ones.
This far the Lord has brought me and my family, it has never been an easy journey am really thankful for the gift of life!
Hi Eric. Your tips are always helpful and pleasing. As rightly said, “Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” Thank you to all whom i know in my beautiful life
Thankful that we still have the freedom of a somewhat non-regulated and untaxed internet experience that helps more people and situations that one could only imagine many years ago….thankful for our Lord’s precious gifts and blessings that allow all of this to happen…..God Bless the children…..
Hi Eric,I am very thankful for the fertility and vitality of the Earth.
Do you know the real history of Thanksgiving?
“The first Thanksgiving Day occurred in the year 1637, but it was nothing like our Thanksgiving today. On that day the Massachusetts Colony Governor, John Winthrop, proclaimed such a “Thanksgiving” to celebrate the safe return of a band of heavily armed hunters, all colonial volunteers. They had just returned from their journey to what is now Mystic, Connecticut where they massacred 700 Pequot Indians.
Seven hundred Indians – men, women and children – all murdered.
This day is still remembered today, 373 years later. No, it’s been long forgotten by white people, by European Christians. But it is still fresh in the mind of many Indians.
A group calling themselves the United American Indians of New England meet each year at Plymouth Rock on Cole’s Hill for what they say is a Day of Mourning. They gather at the feet of a stature of Chief Massasoit of the Wampanoag to remember the long gone Pequot.
They do not call it Thanksgiving. There is no football game afterward.” Huffington Post
Please spare a thought for those people when you celebrate Thanksgiving.
Thanks Eric for all of you too!!!
Eric. Great photo! There isn’t a blog big enough to take my list of all the things I have to be thankful for 🙂
All thanks to God! For whatever he has done for us and keeps helping us. May ur wife’s g/f’s soul rest in peace and be with our lord jesus in heaven.
Hi Eric, I appreciate all the help and support you have given to people like me. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family.
Eric, thank You for the gift and teaching new marketers and traders. Thanks be to the generous Indians who helped the first settlers survive the long and harsh winters. Gathering together in unselfish spirit make us feel closer to each other and closer to Our Lord who loves and wants to gather together all his
children. Thanks and praise be to God and His Only Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
I am truly thankful for everything that surrounds me.
I am very thankful for the gifts of hope and optimism. As I know, without a doubt, life’s challenges would be too great! I’m also thankful for the open, honest and giving people I’ve been blessed with in my life. Happy Thanksgiving Eric and all!
I have to work today, thanksgiving day and at first I was a little bit resentful about it. In my quiet time this morning I was reminded about some of the things the children of Israel went through that they did not have to because of their disobedience to God. We often talk about how blessed we are as a nation but many times our actions don’t show it. I am thankful that we still have a day like this where a number of families get together and can be thankful to God for so much that we have and enjoy in this wonderful country in which we live. Yes there a lot of families who are going through a hardship of some kind. But everyone of us can find something to be thankful about.
For anyone thinking that they cannot find anything to be thankful for, think about the pilgrims and their first thanksgiving!
A lot of your readers might want you to leave
God out of your articles, but who else can we thank for all that we have? So, I am thankful that we still have a day like thanksgiving day, in the USA, where we can be thankful for his mercies, which we have and can experience day by day. Not mention a job, a family that are all in good health. For a business man like yourself who is willing to same your family and so much with your readers. I am blessed! No, we are blessed.
I’m just thankful for being here. Heart Surgery in 1996 and a Pacemaker fitted this year. I am so lucky to still be around to see this world we live in.
Hello Eric,
What can I say, there is always so much to be thankful for in life. I am thankful for the many of family and friends. Also, just in awakening each new day with new challenges, especially in the arena of internet marketing.
This brings me to you; I am very thankful for your timely tips, which have been a Godsend. Thank You for this.
I hope that you all have a fabulous Thanksgiving, but more importantly, let’s ALL be thankful for each and Every day that we are so blessed to live and experience. Also, let us all add increased joy to anyone who we encounter, and try to add something positive to their day, whatever day it is, remembering that at some time in our own lives, someone has done that for us.
Happy Thanksgiving to all.
I am thankful for the evolution of the Internet. It has opened up soooo many opportunities for “common folks” like me!
Thankful for you
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving !
I’m thankful for my two dogs, they keep me sane, or maybe they are just as mad as I am.
I am thankful for God, my country, family and friends.
After spending two years hand washing my laundry (while working as a volunteer), I am so very thankfull for my washing machine.
I am thankful to be able to live life. I am thankful for my Mother still living. And I am thankful for opportunities that come my way and lets me have a choice in pursuing them or not.
I am thankful for God, my country, family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Eric, and to your family. Enjoy the noise.
I am thankful to my friend who introduce this opportunity to me.
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Thanks for the book Eric. and I’m thankful for my family and friends.