Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it. I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today. So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product. Click here to download… (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Here is something I’m thankful for…
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Updated: Winners!
Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.
Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com
Congrats to the winners!
A “Tip of the hat” Eric.
Thank you !!!
Thankful this day the Lord has made and for my kids & family members, my health my life my joy.
Also I’m Thankful so many other are happy today and grateful as well, just would to take time to say Happy Thanksgiving to all!
I am grateful to be alive and healthy. As well as my wonderful girlfriend whom I’ll hopefully call my wife in the new year.
I am thnakful for the Internet. It brings the world and any information you want all together. It allows a small business like myself to compete with the huge corporations.
I allows me to live and enjoy the life I choose, which I don’t think I could get anywhere else.
Happy Thanksgiving! Really enjoy your tips and the sharing of your knowledge…..Thanks Eric!
I’m thankful for the gift of miracles both big and small. To me, there is no greater proof that God has blessed me when I look at my wife and four children. I have not worked in the last year. While searching for a new job during these trying times, God has sent me true friends and also sent me you! I am thankful for the opportunity to learn what you teach.
Beautiful family Eric! I have six of my own. Four girls and two boys. All doing well, T>B>T>G !!
Haven’utilized anything yet. But I’m still hopeful
.Writing seems to be #1 on my list. Thanks for the e-book!May God continue to bless us all and especially the USA. “Happy Thanksgiving”- Jim
The photo you posted reminds me of the Joe Holman family who are missionaries here in Bolivia. 12 kids including 2 adopted.
I am thankful to God for including us in His plan and for those who are carrying it out. We are blessed by you and your publications Eric.
I am thankful for The Big Bang.
Eric,I’m thankful for YOU !!!
i am thankful for strength for being able to help the next person or put a smile on someone elses face, that brings joy in my heart
There are many things to be thankful for but if there is something to be most thankful about, it would be the Lord’s mercy and grace…
Hey Eric,
I’m thankful that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins.
I am thankful that I accepted that free gift and he is now lord of my life.
I’m thankful that in this crazy world I know that God is still on the throne and in control.
I am thankful for people like you Eric, who helped me develop my online business. Your tips guided me to make important desicions in my life and my family has better future possibilities now that I am improving my online skills.
Hi Eric, happy thanksgiving, thanks & God bless you for the gift and many gifts you have given me. Although I am an Evangelist in Sri Lanka I am learning a great deal from you about internet business and very soon I’ll be getting my website done & begin following you. Thank God for you. I want to thank God for setting me from drugs at 19 years and giving me a loving wife & 2 children and for good health & using us to heal & deliver people.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Eric, Dennis and I would like to wish you and your family a very happy holiday. Have a great day. Toni
Happy Thanks Giving to you and your family!!
Happy Turkey Day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your large family!
thank you for the gift.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric. I’m Thankful for my family,our USA freedom of choice and the men and women that protect us and keep our country free.
Thank You Eric and family.
Thanks for the great help plus info and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
I am thankful for the people and dogs in my life, and the nice day we have today!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I am happy that I found your website. It shares a lot of knowledge and I can’t believe it’s available free. Thanks so much for sharing.
Rick M
I’m thankful for my job, my family that is healthy and my friends who remain close.
God Bless them All.
Very thankful for my family and all the blessings from this past year.
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for all you offer.
I’m very thankful that my kids did not get scheduled to work today & overnight at their retail jobs! We are all so thankful that we will be spending Thanksgiving Day together. We are blessed with a family filled with love & laughter. To the kitchen!
We live in a great time where we are afforded many opportunities, both for family and career. I am extremely thankful and sincerely appreciate all that has come my way. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
I am so happy and grateful now that the great law of circulation has presented us with another example of the spirit of opulence in action through Eric. Many thanks.
Best of Success to You and Your Families,
Eric, I am thankful for my family and friends, and my health. I also appreciate you and Eric’s Tips. The organization and systematic presentation is invaluable, where it actually makes sense to me. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
You’re awesome… thank you so much for all you do. You are a BLESSING to all that you come into contact with. I know you have blessed my life!!! God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving and always. Continue to be true!
Happy Thanksgiving Day to my neighbours to the South! And thank you for presenting your tips over the last few years.
Eric, I am thankful for so much more than I can begin to put on this post! What an Awesome God! Thanks for the opportunity to share.
I’m thankful to be alive to enjoy my grand kids. I should have died in 1993, at the age of 43, due to a heart attack, but the good Lord is still keeping me around because I have not finished doing what he wants me to do. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and tell everyone today that you love them. You never know when it will be too late. God Bless.
Thanks be to smiling ice cream cones.
I am thankful for the sacrifice of Christ, which has provided a way for all who believe and are baptized, to have eternal life.
My immediate family has passed on. – My relatives threw me to the wolves, tho’ I’m sure it was ’cause they thought it was self-preservation… and my Mom died of attrition because she was attached to me. – What am I thankful for? That the injustice was finally recognized, and I am making new frends. – I’m thankful for the 3 cats who keep me company at home: pets are more perceptive than most people think, and I’m thankful for Social Security, otherwise I most surely would starve. – Also, I dodged the bullet on Sandy.
A Day for Thanks and Giving.
Hello and Happy Holidays To All
What could be better than to be guided by one of the best knowledgeable business marketers
Thank you Eric for your guidence, I have been marketing online since 2007, struggling while being self taught on learning basic html to create my online store. I am really greatful that you created Tips by Eric. I am inspired by the way you handle business and the way you handle life in general.
Again, thank you.
Ken L. Gorenc
Hello- Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
…. As an American citizen, I am thankful for the all-volunteer military forces personnel and our nation’s veterans that protect all the freedoms we enjoy as freedom-loving Americans.
Thank You – you and your families are in our prayers.
Happy thanksgiving and Thanks so much for the free 30day list building book
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and giving back to the community. You are an inspiration on living a good life and doing good works. I am also thankful for my blessings daily, not just on Thanksgiving. Thankful for two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, two hands and two feet that are still intact and functioning normally, They are always ready to go to conquer the beast and slay the dragon. (Excuse the pun)
Hey Eric, I had not been reading my yahoo mail for months and it is so easy to miss reading your mails in a sea of unread mails in the inbox.
Thankful to spot your tips and thankful or this thing call the Internet.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric, to you and your family and many thanks for your gift! God Bless!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you ever so much for your tips. You are one of the few IM experts that have your own email folder so I can refer back to your advice.
I am thankful that I have incredible friends and a successful brick and mortar computer business in Littleton CO. I am thankful for my health and the well-being of those close to me.
I have looked at adding Internet Marketing to my business for several years now but never seem to find the time, so my resolution for 2013 is to find one thing to start with and actually make the time to get it up and running.
Again, Eric, thanks for the useful advice, not constantly sending me “spammy” offers just to make a buck and helping to motivate me to make money on the internet.
Wishing you and that incredible family of yours a fabulous holiday season!