Happy Thanksgiving 2012

By | November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 49-page ebook that I paid to have ghostwritten awhile back, but I never got around to launching it.

I literally paid $600 for it, and it’s been sitting on my hard drive ever since. It’s never been released until today.

So I’m going to let you download it for free WITH Master Resale Rights. I even left it white-label (didn’t put my name on it), so you can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Click here to download… (PDF file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 5th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 5th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past four years: 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Here is something I’m thankful for…

frozen custard
(My wife, 5 kids, 2 cousins, mother-in-law, and 24 flavors of frozen custard. This was a fun day on one of our road trips, and was a special time because it was the last day we saw my wife’s grandfather before he died.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Shirley pickson—-@——-.co.uk
Jahnavi janisanj@—–.com
Donna Johnstone
Myra magenisia@—–.com
Diana dlbusby–@——-.com
Errol Eardly
Cassie Cholaki
Cynthia Silas
Mark mcooll@——-.net
Billy billyjack@———-.com

Congrats to the winners!

811 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2012

  1. Ileana

    I am thankful to the “light” that openned my mind and eyes to what was there beyong the very far horizontal line in the sea and that because of this enlightment (that I did not know was God until later since I was told in school there was no God)I left my sad drowning country and brought my kids to a new future. I am thankful to God that I know now is guiding me now to take care of them as I am close to them at home. Thanks to Eric I am now knowing the steps to get there. Thankful because not knowing what internet was 4 years back I can say now I will give my children the time they need to have a healthy and open bright future Thankful because I know I will get there and help everyone in need in my homeland Cuba including my family that is suffering from misery and mind blindness. I am thankful that I wake up everyday and I know what I am here for and the path I will follow. Thankful to life and all good souls around the world. Thankful

  2. rena

    Im thankful that my elderly 94 year old mother is here with us again on this Thanksgiving Day…

  3. Airin Haynes

    “Being helpful is one of the shortest distances between 2 people.” -Les Parrott.

    I am thankful for all the help I have received to get to where I am and the opportunities I get to help others achieve their goals.

  4. Bonnie Lee

    I’m thankful for eyes to see the beauty of the universe; ears to hear music and the voices of loved ones; a nose to smell the sweetness of flowers and dinner cooking; and a mouth to eat the bounty of the earth and tell everyone just what I think of them. 🙂

  5. Robert Hovorka

    I am thankful for God and my wife and my two kids!!!! and THREE grandkids!

  6. Cathy

    I’m thankful for my 3 kids and granddaughter. I’m also thankful that I work from home. I am always thankful for a roof over my head, and enough food to eat. We really are blessed in the US.

  7. Kim

    Hi Eric, its Kim from Rez. We are going through some major trials right now and I am most thankful to the Lord for He gets us through it all, He is my strength. I also am so very thankful for my wonderful family who has been helping me and my AWESOME hubby who has been just wonderful, I don`t know what I would do with out him.

  8. Dick


    Thank so much for the gift, I need to get busy building an list so this will be very helpful.

    While the wife and our dogs can’t celebrate Thanksgiving in a traditional way, we are Gate Guards in the oil fields in S.W. Texas on duty 24/7, we are thankful to have the opportunity to earn a few extra dollars.

    God bliss you Eric for your generosity and sharing.

  9. Michelle

    Dear Eric,
    May the good things of life
    be yours in abundance
    not only at Thanksgiving
    but throughout the coming year
    I thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom

  10. Dianne

    I am overwhelmed by all my blessings.

    “No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks” …James Allen.

  11. Terry Stevens

    Life is so much more delightful with “an attitude of gratitude.”

  12. michael adamonis

    Our lives move ever forward. It’s enough to just keep up… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  13. Cristina

    You became to me during this course a secret supportive friend- therapeutic! (and you don‘t even know it!)
    I am in a very “low” part of my life and I’ve got to look forward to listening to your lessons as one of the very few positive parts of my every day
    Thank you for being there and Happy Thanksgiving to your wonderful whole family (without seeing you pictures I would not remember that happy families and good times still exist)
    PS-…and I know, my email is still “@rogers”…

  14. tanesha sharpe

    Im thankful for my kids and family. Also for being healthy and having positive people around me. Lastly im thankful for you Eric and your emails.

  15. Anonymous

    I remember a story from the book, “The Secret”. It was about a man who picked up a rock along the side of the road while walking and pondering his problems in life. He decided to use the rock to remind himself to be grateful for all of the good things that he had in his life. Later, someone saw his rock, and asked him why he carried it. He told him why, and the rock was dubbed the “Gratitude Rock”. I now have my own “Gratitude Rock”, and among other things that I am grateful for, I am grateful for you, Eric, and this community of people all trying to find a way to get ahead and learn from one another. Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Graham in UK

    Hi Eric
    Happy Thanksgiving to you, your wife and family!
    You are an inspiration to us all.
    What am I thankful for?……….
    Still having a roof over my head, and my wife still believes I can make a success on the internet.
    Thanks for all your help and I’m sure the Listbuilding book you gave us will be a great help.
    Thanks again.
    German Shepherd Dogs- Don’t You Just Love Them!

  17. David

    I am thankful that God saved me from myself. When I was at my darkest hour God comforted me and brought me closer to my brothers who helped me to step out of the darkness and into God’s light. I was saved by Jesus Christ that day and my life will never be the same.

    I have been blessed ever since and have had many new opportunities opened to me because of my relationship with the Lord.

    I am thankful for my loving wife who never gave up on me, my In-Laws who saw through my pain, my church and wonderful people that I have met online, just like you.

    Eric, thank you for being who you are.

  18. Jenny

    I am thankful to keep learning new things everyday, good friends and good health.
    Happy Thanksgiving Eric.

  19. Dona Hatherley

    Thankyou Eric for the introduction to the internet marketing way. I use it for the glory of God the Father,the Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who indwells me. I want everyone who reads what I write to believe and be saved to spend eternity with all who love Our Lord Jesus.

  20. Peter

    Hey Eric,

    I was just up in Ft Collins the other day!

    Keep up the great work and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Peter Brissette
    The Digital Marketing Dude

  21. Patrick

    Dear Eric and all the Eric’s Tips Readers,
    Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for all the many blessing that God has put in my life. My wife and family and His word which has shown me what true thankfulness is. God bless

  22. steve

    Thanks for your tips.
    Happy Thanksgiving and God bless you and your

  23. Richard C.

    I am thankful for the hope God has given me! After over 5 years of hit and miss business opportunities, selling on eBay, loosing over 3 grand, I still have hope in a business of my own, I haven’t gone mad, I still don’t get high, and because my reasons are not selfish ones. For some reason, I trust you Eric. To you and your family…Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!!!

  24. Bill (LoneWolf) Nickerson

    As part of the group of your followers that has already celebrated thanksgiving I have a bit of a head start 8=)

    I am thankful to God for my Saviour, my family and the opportunities I have every day to be part of this wonderful life.

    Having mentors and guides like yourself who have been there, done that and share the knowledge is also something I’m thankful for. And that includes you Eric!

  25. Bill Hildebrand

    I am thankful for my family and friends. Also I am thankful for internet marketers like you who not only are willing to give, but put out quality products and represent an excellent example of honest marketing practices. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

  26. Kirsten Bullock

    Thanks for all the great information! It’s helping me to target my promotion efforts so that I can spend more time helping nonprofits and ministries. Happy Thanksgiving!

  27. Ruth

    Eric, I have a lot to be thankful for–beginning with family and good health of course. I am also blessed to have an opportunity to take control of my life. Your tips, which are both actionable and encouraging, fit right in to this time of positive change. Thank You !

  28. John

    I thank God for being able to live in the USA! Happy Thanksgiving! May God Bless You!

  29. Art Smith

    I am thankful for my God who watches over me in all that I do and I know that he watches out for all of mankind at all times.
    There is talk now that there is proof that Christ was a figment if the Roman empires imagination to control the people as we have those trying to control us now.
    For me Jesus was and is the son of God and member of the triumvirate and I give thanks that we have the freedom to believe what we want to as, everyone does, ONLY some can’t express it for fear of retribution.
    Do this for your own benefit: PRAY to your God for what you want or need! Then sit still and listen for an answer as you would if you had asked your Grand Mother, You will hear the answer in your mind. But only if you take the time to wait for the answer.
    Have a very happy Thanksgiving, Eat until you can eat no more, and give thanks every day.
    Love Art

  30. Jack Dunshie

    Eric, thanks for all the advise through your tips news letter. Hope you and yours have a happy thanksgiving.

  31. George Roth

    I’m thankful for my wife, and how she put up with me through 51 years of marriage.

  32. jim

    Happy thanksgiving everyone. I’m grateful for 24 years of a wonderful marrage. celebrating our annaversary today and the two wonderful childern. grateful for family and friends.

  33. John Wood

    I am 72 and have two (adopted) sons in high school. Am very thankfull for all my blessings.
    Hope you and your family have a wonderfull Thanksgiving. Thanks for all your tips.

  34. Ruth Clark

    Thanks for the gift, Eric. I’m thankful for many things, too many to list here, but want you to know that I’m still working my way through Eric’s Tips and rely on your freely given expertise almost every day. God bless you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving and I join you in prayer for those less fortunate.

  35. Troy

    On Thanksgiving Day we’re thankful for
    Our blessings all year through,
    For family we dearly love,
    For good friends, old and new.
    For the The beauty all around.

  36. Wayne

    Hey Eric:

    I know how important family is to you. Thanksgiving is even more special when you have someone to share it with.

    We are all blessed in our own way and have much to be grateful for each and every day.

  37. Paul Klein

    I am thankful for the manifold blessings of a loving wife, sons, a house that is paid for, enough food to keep us filled, enough money to pay our bills, and the ability to get up every day to help others, learn new skills. I am thankful to my Lord, who daily gives me life.

  38. Jorge

    Hi Eric, I’m Jorge from Perú, I don´t speak english, but read Eric´s Tips.
    Thank You for the gift.
    Happy Thanksgiving, Eric!



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