Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
And happy Hanukkah! Supposedly these two holidays won’t eclipse again for 79,000 years, so that’s pretty special 🙂
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 43-page niche ebook that I recently created, as a result of my wife’s newfound passion for essential oils. It has never been released before. You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. You can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product. Download the Ebook (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 6th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 6th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past five years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Updated: Winners!
Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.
Tina ttn____@gmail.com
Jake Steinbrenner jakes______@shaw.__
Dave Novotny da____@gmail.com
Cynthia Silas css____@yahoo.com
JOSEPH MAINA KIIRU mai____@live.com
andre arnett askarn______@gmail.com
Larry larry@_________onmental.com
Bob Marconi ______niv@yahoo.com
Colin ___oden@gmail.com
Shannon shannon@________entures.com
Congrats to the winners!
Here are a few things I’m thankful for…
(My 6 awesome kids! Here’s me with a couple of them my wife took on her phone 2 days ago.)
(My baby girl RuthAnne!)
(My oldest daughter with youngest daughter)
(My friends and business partners Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. This was a few days ago on a hike behind my house.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I’ve been impressed with your marketing prowess as well as your walk with God.
I’m thankful for the so many blessings God has provided for me and my family. I’m thankful for the great sacrifice my Savior made in atoning for my sins, and that I have turned my life over to Him. I’m thankful for my awesome family, and the love we share. I’m thankful for good people like you who aren’t afraid to share your personal faith with others.
Keep up the good work!
I’m thankful that, given all that is going on, the world has opened up to a new day rather than self-destructing – with hope for a brighter future fo all – Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for a loving God for God so loved the world that He sent His Son to die for our sin and the sins of a sinful nation. To me and my family, every day that God gives us is a day of Thanksgiving. God is so good.
Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Day! Thanks for all the great information that you give us all!
I’m thankful for Eric’s gracious heart and for his family that keeps him balanced and loved.
Survived 13 years with cancer, and I have a great wife and all of our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren have made my life great. Thank God for all I have.
Thanks for the gift. Happy Thanksgiving to all
I am thankful for my little house overlooking the lake. It is so calm and rejuvenating!
I am also thankful for family, friends, and good food.
Also thank you for the gift. I look forward to reading it.
I very thankful for my family especially my two daughters and wonderful friends I meet in discussion forums. God bless to all of you!
Happy Thanksgiving to you an your family! I’ve been hearing from you for many years and don’t plan to stop now! Your ‘tips’ have brought success to many aspects of my business! Keep them coming!
Happy Thanksgiving. It’s nice to be able to afford large families. There are 6 of us siblings and we appreciate them.
They are spread over the USA, but phones work real well so we usually know how they are. All but 1 is now 80 or more, so we take each year and am glad when we all still alive.
Hi Eric.
Thank you for the free gift.
I’m thankful to you, because you are REAL. You are transparent and not someone that only think of yourself and your pocket. Your help here on Eric’s Tips are much appreciated.
Above all I’m thankful to God, for my family and for the Love that Jesus show me in everything I see.
God bless and keep well
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I am thankful to be near my Mom and Dad in what may be their last days in this life. I am thankful to be able to provide a home, love and companionship to my disabled son.
Eric and family Happy Thanksgiving.
Wishing you and your family a relaxing holiday season spent with good health, great food and close friends.
Although I am from Australia I give thanks for many things but the most important to me is to have my family both healthy and close. After having many serious family illnesses and working through them you come to understand what is really important in life and it is not wealth or material goods.
If I am one of your ten winners I would like you to use the $25 next time you are in Lake Providence to help someone there to start a better life with your Internet help.
Best regards
I am thankful for my husband of nearly 28 years – we have a real “happily ever after” marriage. And for our children. Children are so much work – even after they leave home – but they are such a blessing.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for this Thanksgiving gift.
All my family is please to receive this informative eBook from your wife.
We do use essential oils in so many aspects as well as sent, health,
pets and household sanitation, body scares…
Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for a few things, but the top of the list has got to be my husband of now 30 years as of this year!! I don’t know where I would be if we had not met and thanks to him together we have two amazing sons!! So life is good.
Hi Eric, I’m always interested in what you have to say. Thanks for being real, honest, and insightful.
On this sixth anniversary, here’s my six-letter word to you for Eric tips: thanks!
I’m thankful, happy to wake up everyday!
Take care, Shannan.
Happy Thanks Giving to you and your family, I am thankful for Life
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, Eric. Thanks for the great tips and guidance you freely hand out! Look forward to another amazing year!
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanks Giving to you, your family, friends and members of Eric’s Tips. I just want to thank my family and friends in the Philippines and my colleagues here in Queen Alia International Airport Amman, Jordan, friends and colleagues from Dubai, United Arabs Emirates and Doha, Qatar who are very supportive an any little way they can and of course to your Eric for giving me the opportunity to learn the step by step on how to make money in Online Business Course. I am learning a lot from this course and I really appreciate your honest to goodness way of teaching this course and I am Thanking the Almighty God for all the blessings He gave to me for the Year 2013.
More power to you and your friends The Real Guys.
Best Regards,
Happy Thanksgiving Eric& family! Many Blessings to you all. I am so grateful for the my wonderful family, friends and the many opportunities life brings. Enjoy!
May all of GOD’S best be revealed to you, family, and friends. Happy Thanksgiving!
I never liked reading much especially online but how you’ve arranged your tips made it more easier to for me to learn how to read net tips. Helpful so far with are your tips and am climbing success ladder towards the peak daily, thanks to God and you. Am glad I am celebrating Thanksgiving with you and your family. Hope to have more years to celebrate together again and again. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for knowing God and HIS presence in my life, for my parents and for all of the HELP from people and the experts in my life.
I am thankful for my daughter, grateful for my family and friends, and so very fortunate to be a citizen of this great country!
Happy Thanksgiving/Thanksgivukkah to everyone! All the best to you and your family, Eric.
I am thankful for my family and friends, my health and for God to have given us this wonderful life to experience each and every day! I’m also thankful that I have came across Eric’s wisdom and advice through his Eric tips – it has given me huge motivation and drive to become successful.
I am thankful for having a full time job (in these economically hard times) that pays well and will allow me to use those funds to invest in creating a NEW Internet Marketing based business that will one day (hopefully soon) allow me to work from home, quit my job and be able to spend a LOT more time with my family and friends!
I am thankful for being given this mind/body/spirit to experience a wonderful life on this beautiful planet at this important time.
I’m thankful for God’s blessings and love. I don’t know how I would ever live without Him in my daily life. He has blessed me with a great family and wonderful Christian friends. I honestly don’t feel that I deserve such rich blessings from Him. God bless!
I’ am thankful for our God allowing me to see another day to spend time with my family and friends!!
Wishing all Happy Holidays. I am so thankful for my family and friends. Wishing I could be with some of them.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric!
Thank you for your lessons marketing.
Health to you and your close-knit family.
Yours faithfully
I am thankful for the ability to learn new things – every day 🙂
Happy thanksgiving.
Thank God, thank you for all the tips so far and happy thanksgiving to you and your family.
Hi, Eric. Wishing your and your the very best of this holiday season.
I am grateful for America and the freedom to do and believe things that others can’t do in different parts of the world..I am grateful for the people that I meet everyday and the lives that i touch and touch me..May we remember those in need and who are having a tuff time in life.. shoot them a email or give them a call and say happy thanksgiving!
Beautiful pictures, happy family, best of luck
Happy Thanksgiving to You & your beautiful Family. You have a lot to be thankful!
Looks interesting! Happy Thanksgiving/Hannukah!
I am thankful to be able to say I am thankful
Thankful for the blessings of the season and year round. God is good!
Sometimes it’s hard to be thankful for anything. And then I re-open my eyes, and my mind, and I (almost) cry with relief that I an not alone. Although I live alone with my cats and dogs, I have friends and opportunities that are generous and sincere. Everything takes time and effort to accomplish, and I am thankful for the ability to focus on what I need to do. Although finding that time takes me away from other responsibilities. There is always the “first this, then that” when problems arise. It’s all about learning and doing, so I’m thankful that I can do both.
Hi Eric. Thanks for all of the Tips and tricks you have shared with us over the years. keep up the good work ! We look forward to more from you as time goes by.
I am first of all thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all he has blessed me and my family with. I became disabled 3 years ago and have been on disability and struggling to make ends meet. I am thankful for my Fiance’ who has had patients with me, and walked back into a life rededicated to our Lord.Since then I have been called back to work by my former employer, who created a position in his company just for me in his company,suited to my health limitations. I feel truly Blessed. I am thankful for Eric`s tips. I have learned a great deal thanks to you. My dream is to one day start my own business online. I feel like I would like to create a company that could help the less fortunate and lost souls find their way to a better life through Jesus Christ. Maybe a locator online or something of that nature. Any way, weather I win anything for this comment or not, I am so very Thankful. God Bless you and yours Eric. Enjoy the day.
Sincerely, Randy Roach
I am grateful that i connect with your website. It has helped me a lot over the past months. It gave me a better understanding of the internet. Thank you. happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.