Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
And happy Hanukkah! Supposedly these two holidays won’t eclipse again for 79,000 years, so that’s pretty special 🙂
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 43-page niche ebook that I recently created, as a result of my wife’s newfound passion for essential oils. It has never been released before. You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. You can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product. Download the Ebook (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 6th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 6th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past five years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Updated: Winners!
Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.
Tina ttn____@gmail.com
Jake Steinbrenner jakes______@shaw.__
Dave Novotny da____@gmail.com
Cynthia Silas css____@yahoo.com
JOSEPH MAINA KIIRU mai____@live.com
andre arnett askarn______@gmail.com
Larry larry@_________onmental.com
Bob Marconi ______niv@yahoo.com
Colin ___oden@gmail.com
Shannon shannon@________entures.com
Congrats to the winners!
Here are a few things I’m thankful for…
(My 6 awesome kids! Here’s me with a couple of them my wife took on her phone 2 days ago.)
(My baby girl RuthAnne!)
(My oldest daughter with youngest daughter)
(My friends and business partners Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. This was a few days ago on a hike behind my house.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
P.S, Enjoy the entire 2014 holiday season.
I am thankful for so many blessings in my life, I have been taking about 15 minutes a day to reflect on them and meditate on gratitude — instead of racing through my entire day.
Here, I would like to thank you for being an example of an ethical marketer. I am also thankful to you for the amount of content you share on your blog and in your products.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for all the people in my life.
I am thankful to God giving us everyday to thank him for our families, friends. and being able to help others thru Internet marketing
I am thankful for all of God’s blessings, Jesus, and my family.
Amen!. Thanks for your testimony. Paul
Thanks, Eric, for the Essential Oils eBook. I’m giving it to my wife, and in her still new biz, she may use it as a gift/giveaway. She’s big into EOs, and I’ve gotta say… before meeting her several years ago, it was one of those things I sort of scoffed at, thinking it most likely more hype than help. But I’ve been converted – I’m a believer! Seriously, she’s used it on a couple few problems I’ve had, and have been healed from, thanks to her mixtures of different oils. Thanks for all you do to help us with our own ventures and blogs. Happy Thanksgiving!
im thankful for my future in IM
You and your family are a blessing Eric. Happy Holidays and thank day!
Happy thanksgiving to you too! It has been a blessing to have found your program and it is nice to know its from someone in our church! Thanks again!
I am thankful for all that I have, too many things to list without leaving someone or something out ?
I want to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving and may the good Lord bless all of us with many more!
Sitting down with friends and family today, there will be thanks for the steady currents, flowing out of the past, that have brought us to this table. There will be thanks for the present union and reunion of us all. And there will be prayerful thanks for the future. But it’s worth raising a glass (or suspending a forkful for those of you who’ve gotten ahead of the toast) to be thankful for the unexpected, for all the ways that life interrupts and renews itself without warning.
I am so grateful that I got to know you and your wonderful TIPS this year. Well done and full of important information! I am also grateful for the super life I am living. My days are filled with fitness, variety, great people, loving family, fun and enjoyment. Great contest, and yes, gratitude is so important and healing!
Just really starting with online stuff, a little lost, well, a lot lost, but trying. I appreciate the essential oils book. I have been using oils for years until money got funny. Essential oils are powerful and holistic tools for the body, air, and awakening dormant senses. I love jasmine, frankincense, and myrrh the most, but there are others. Again HT, and appreciate your sincerity.
Gratitude. I am thankful for the way things are in the writers world today. Kindle, the Internet, support services (think Aweber, Fiverr) allow me to be successful in my writing career. The possibilities are endless!
I am thankful for signing up with your e-tips and sharing Thanksgiving with my friends.
I am extremely thankful to be in good health even though there may not be much money, have a good family relationship and meeting honest god-fearing people like you, even on the internet.
I am truly thankful that for the past month, that I have woken up everyday I have woken up after suffering a brain hemorrhage and now on the road of recovery. God saved me that night.
It is truly humbling when the doctors and nurses tell you that you should have died or at least survived with complications…. But I serve an amazing God. I have not finished what He created me for.
Happy Thanks Giving Everyone!
Very aprops gift!
You have a beautiful family.
Even the 2 guys you are pictured with look great!! 🙂
I am grateful to be alive, learning to live in gratitude and positivity as I find new ways to become more than I ever thought possible. I am grateful for my husband, family and friends. I am grateful for the abundance I see in the Universe, and the love which abounds.
I am thankful for being given the ability to help children this year. I am working with children who have or will go throught a grieving process over a loss. It has changed my life and I look forward to being able to continue for many more years helping others. Thank you Eric for the belief in all of your “customers / fans”. You inspire and change lives as well while maintaining an honest beautiful life with your family. For those reasons I am also thankful for you. God bless and have an incredible 2014!
I’m thankful to be alive at 74 and after Vietnam and I am thankful for considerate people who still have the heart and care to help others.
God’s saving Grace!
Hi Eric !
I’m thankful for all the Love That
Sorrounds me…all the Time…everywhere!
You only have to be open to it …and You will find True Love!
I appreciate this awesome life…!
Thanks, Eric, for the Essential Oils pdf! I’m very interested in essential oils but have never taken the time to look into them. I have just glanced through your pdf, but it looks like a great place to start the learning curve on essential oils. My 87 yr old mother is living with me and developing dementia and I’m hoping maybe the essential oils might help her mind a little – and maybe even my sanity!
Anyway, thanks for all you offer to struggling internet marketers such as myself. Besides everything else I’m thankful for, I’m also thankful for the legitimate marketers I’ve found online, including yourself, that are genuinely interested in helping others make money online. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am so grateful for your pure and honest content. So much wealth in all you do. Also this year I have been able to take in a homeless person that has several health problems. He has turned out to be quite a cook. Blessings to all.
Be grateful for the “little people” be they children or our pets! They are treasures all of them.
I am grateful that I am provided with the right people and right information at the right time to help me grow in my abilities to contribute to the world – people like Eric, Jeff, and Paul.
I am thankful for God’s faithfulness to my family, sustaining us through extreme adversity. I am thankful for God sustaining my wife who suffered a heart attack in 2009 which left her in a coma and she has not fully recovered from it…YET. But God is faithful and continues ministering to her and through her. I am thankful and grateful that God has preserved me as well. Right before my wife was stricken, I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer which God healed me of. Subsequent to that I was hospitalized with acute kidney failure on three occasions. Long story but God brought me back from that. I am thankful that for knowing that through it all the bigger picture is about God and what He is purposed for our lives. There is no victory without opposition and there is no overcoming without something to come over. Medically speaking neither of us should still be here but God… each day is a day of giving thanks.
I am thankful most of all for the grace that God has shown me and mine.
I am thankful for the precious gift of Life and Health!
My Dog,
May seem a little sad, but he really is a great friend
Thankful for our abundant blessings!!!
I’m thankful for life…for all it’s ups and downs, challenges and triumphs. It’s an honour and a privilege to be the highest of all God’s creations – a human being – and I have a responsibility to find and fulfil my purpose for being here.
Thank you Rick for sharing your knowledge with us with such ease. Your tips are much appreciated because I know you are REAL and truthful. I apply your recommendations and they work… Many thanks.
I meant… Thank you Eric!
Thank you Eric. Your actions always reflect your words and vice versa.
Impressive yet so quietly powerfull. God bless.
I am thankful to be alive and healthy, and for having my own family soon. Thankful to have Christian mentors in my life. And thankful my blog is almost ready and my business will launch soon. I am really thankful or the amazing life and opportunities I have as a foreigner in the East.
I am thankful I am here to live another day, to get or give another hug or a smile or a word of encouragement. I am thankful to be here – to say thank you – and mean it! I am thankful for life in all its glory and for all the experiences that are the core of my existence – of who I am and who I can be. I am thankful!
Hi Guys
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you, your family and indeed all Americans worldwide.
I’m thankful to God for having 3 wonderful, healthy and vibrant children.
God Bless you all
Richard and Family
So much to be thankful for every day. Healthy family, comfortable place to live & plenty of food to eat. Also very thankful for the opportunity to have my own business and be in control of my own time.
Gratitude is the most estate to be in , it gets you closer to our creature, and in order to be in this mindset
you have to be THANKFUL for everything and in everything …. May God Bless you all …. 🙂
Eric thank you for being such a great person, father and businessman , you lead by example…
you talk the talk and you walk the walk…. May God be with you and help you for all what you do !
Thanks for the book! Nice pics of your children.
Your Surname indicates that your ancestors came from north of Sweden or north of Norway. Do you know which?
I am thankful for my daughter and her two children who have stood by me during this very dark time in my life. I am climbing out of “the pits of hell” thanks to their support and encouragement. I am now the author I have always wanted to be for some many years. In spite of having everything and then losing everything I have a very good life. The most important people in my life I did not lose and they are worth all the riches in the world. Actually, they are the true riches of my life. They make waking up every morning worth while.
Thank you Vicki, Ashtin, & Tyler.
There are so many things to be thankful for this season and my children. The works God is doing in our lives and the depth and breadth of wisdom and understand he is creating in me. I thank God for our new business and the exciting industry we are in.
i feel honoured to be part of eric’s listing. yes, u are such awesome , very useful tips were feed to me. Thank you
Happy Thanksgiving to you Eric and everybody!
I feel blessed having my family that loves me and supports me and I adore. I am grateful for the few great friends I have who are always there for me. The thing I appreciate and feel happy about is stumbling across Eric’s lessons. I’ve been searching for information on how to create a (online) business on my own and the lessons came right on time! Thank you!
I am thankful that in the UK there is no thanksgiving as eating a big turkey dinner twice in a month.I would probably be trying to lose the weight rest of the year.Think Guy Fawkes day Nov,5th(loads of fireworks) then Christmas not forgetting New Year( being Scottish how could I) is just fine.Also it gives the turkeys a brief respite.On a more serious note I am thankful that our armed forces on both sides of the Atlantic continue to keep us free from tyranny Regardless hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.
I’m grateful for lifelong good health. I’m retired now but, in my 48 year working life, I only had to take 4 days off sick (3 of them to recover from a cracked rib).
Grateful for every moment that I take a breath my heart still beats & that I get to be on this planet with free will to choose, create, experience while expanding our universe. Took me way to long to get to where I am happy in this present moment.
All is as is should be. Happy Happy Happy
Eric your family ties and strength is evident – your generosity is legendary – Thank you for sharing .
Thanks Eric and family hope yall had a GoOoD Thanksgiving Day and Have a Happy Holidays.
I am thankful for all my family and friends.
RoberT JoneS
I’m Thankful for been alive and with great hope, This year my wife graguated from college and she is doing her masters in the same college, I just give God thanks for our dream come true.Eric thank God I come to know you, You’re such a blessing to me thank you and God bless you more and your family too.
My regards