Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
And happy Hanukkah! Supposedly these two holidays won’t eclipse again for 79,000 years, so that’s pretty special 🙂
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.
Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 43-page niche ebook that I recently created, as a result of my wife’s newfound passion for essential oils. It has never been released before. You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. You can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product. Download the Ebook (PDF file) |
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Next, here is the 6th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 6th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past five years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008
Updated: Winners!
Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.
Tina ttn____@gmail.com
Jake Steinbrenner jakes______@shaw.__
Dave Novotny da____@gmail.com
Cynthia Silas css____@yahoo.com
JOSEPH MAINA KIIRU mai____@live.com
andre arnett askarn______@gmail.com
Larry larry@_________onmental.com
Bob Marconi ______niv@yahoo.com
Colin ___oden@gmail.com
Shannon shannon@________entures.com
Congrats to the winners!
Here are a few things I’m thankful for…
(My 6 awesome kids! Here’s me with a couple of them my wife took on her phone 2 days ago.)
(My baby girl RuthAnne!)
(My oldest daughter with youngest daughter)
(My friends and business partners Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. This was a few days ago on a hike behind my house.)
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful this year for my mother health, she turned 99 years old, we just had a little party with friends to celebrate her. In many way she has been the hero and the inspiration in my life.
I am grateful for my old friends and the new ones I met through my Internet activities. They stay by me on ups and downs and is so joyful to know that somebody is always thinking and helping you.
Eric you are one of my Internet friends, I learn a lot from you, I still do and I admire the way you respond on any request, questions, or just life ideas.
Lets the spirit of Thanksgiving bless all of us, giving us strength, prosperity and joy of life.
I am thankful for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
I am thankful for being married to a wonderful Christian wife 40 years.
May we all be thankful for what we have.
Hi Eric,
Thanks very much for the effort you have put into this website over many years. I trust that you and your family will enjoy God’s blessings for the remainder of this year and as you seek to serve Him in the year to come.
All the Best!
I start my mornings by thanking My heavenly father for giving me life and his blessings. I thank Him for his love and the grace he has shown to my family. All the people in my life. Amen.
Eric your inspiration as an ideal family man and a successful internet marketer reached around the globe! You helped those who are in need in various countries. I hope i can also see you helping yolanda typhoon victims here in the Philippines.
Oh i forgot to say thank you, my bad.
I am thankful for the Grace of God, my dear wife, my daughter, and a wonderful collection of family and Christian friends.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric, to you and your family on this special day. Thank you for all the help you have given over the years. God bless.
I’m thankful for being on Eric’s Tips Newsletter 😛
I’m thankful that Jesus is in my life,and for all the wonderful things he does in my life.
Happy thanksgiving to you all from New Zealand
I am thankful for my personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the incredible family he has provided for me. How wonderful it is each day to see my own imperfections, not be entirely sure of God’s plan for my life, yet still have no doubt that He is in control and know everything is going to turn out just fine for me and my family. Eric, you are truly a blessed man who makes Success seem effortless. May God continue to bless you and your family until His return.
Hi Eric,
I’m thankful to my family and friends and the support they give me throughout the year. Also looking forward to a great 2014. Best wishes to you and your family.
I am grateful for all the good things because they make life so wonderful, and grateful for not so good things because they are such good opportunities to learn.
I am so thankful for my family and for the many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us this year. My wife and I have 5 children. One of them accepted the Lord as his personal Savior this year and another one was water baptized. My oldest just graduated college and landed his first job. I am a teacher by profession and this year my students did exceptionally well in their public exams, scoring straight A’s. I serve in the performing arts in church and our evangelistic Christmas musical last year saw more than 170 souls saved for the Lord and the added blessing was the musical also won 4 awards at our national Malaysian Arts Awards in May this year. Besides all this, I am thankful for good health, a roof over our heads, food on the table and…Internet marketing without which I would never have come to know about you, Eric. You’ve been a blessing for sure!
I am thank full I have the chance to offer you a JV which I would like to discuss with you
I am thankful for you, Eric, all that you do to provide quaility instruction to the rest of us that so need it in the Internet Marketing world. And for the really cool, free e-book that you just gave away to your readers, with MRR to boot! It just so happens to fit right into the niche I am about to dive into, so I will be offering it on my soon-to-be site, of course. Perfect timing! It’s kindof like “Ask and you shall receive!” Thanks so much for all you do…a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours from Washington State!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks for all the helpful tips you’ve provided Eric!
I am thankful for my family most of all. I am also thankful for the help I have received here…
Thanks a lot.
I am thankful for life and for all the opportunities the universe offers us all everyday 🙂
I’m so thankful for my wonderful husband, children and grandchildren.
I’m very happy to find a Internet Marketer who help newcomers a lot to save time and money.
I am thankful for Eric’s Tips. I recommend it to everyone who ask “How do I get started in making some money online?”.
It is an easy answer with the best available information.
Now it is time to say…
Tag Powell
Thanks for all the helpful tips and tricks you provide Eric.
May you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for 1 1/2 bonus years with my wife who passed away from pancreatic cancer 2 weeks ago and the fact that she passed in her sleep with no pain. This is not to say that she didn’t suffer for the last year having gone from 124 # to 70 #. I thank the Lord for his mercy.
I am thankful for God’s Grace and Blessings in my life
I am thankful for the wonderful new career as an Internet Marketer (with your great assistance Eric)
I am thankful that I can help millions of people bring love, joy and peace into their lives through the Internet
I am thankful for my wonderful wife, family, children and yes Grand Children
I am thankful that my daughter is blessed to be having her third set of twins ( all naturally by the grace of God) totaling 7 gorgeous children five years of age and under ( My daughter is such a Star)
Blessings to you all on Thanks Giving Day
Thankful that I can spend time with my children. I also received an apology from my sister today after she went on a rant two years ago today (of all days). That lightened a big divide between us and re-opens the lines of communication.
I am thankful that I live in America, have a decent job, am not disabled, have the love of my family, and have so many choices and opportunities in this life.
I’m thankful for my wife and daughters, and also thankful for being able to watch my daughters continuously growing in the Lord.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric!
Erick, awesome pictures, proud father. God bless you all!
I am for ever grateful to the Lord to see a new day commencing. Amazing graces! Thank you Lord!
God, wisdom and insight, and people whose faith in God allows them to support and embrace me and the vision God has given me.
Thank you, for all that you do.
I’m thankful for so much; God & Family and mentoring from you and the Real Guys…
Happy Thanksgiving
Jesus, my family, my country’s founding principles, Eric and the Real Guys.
I am thankful Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me!
I am grateful for my wonderful wife. She suffers from Bipolar and after being very unwell for 3 years and not being able to work, in mid 2012 decided that she had enough of the ‘woe is me mentality’ and started voluntary work at a local hospital and for the last 12 months has worked full time in paid work.
It gives one an appreciation of how hard it is for some people.
First of all, I am thankful forever more for the Lord Jesus Christ to what He did and doing in my life. Also, I am thankful for my wife, my family and the people I came in contact with which I learned so much.
And for you, the Lord’s blessings will be ever abiding. This goes as well to your business partners Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. I so thankful for the new career you Guys are teaching me.
“Thank You” nothing beats hearing or saying those 2 words
I am thankful for this moment, for it will never come again
Thank you Eric for the Ebook gift. Thank you for the lessons on starting and growing an Internet business. I am thankful for everyone, good or bad, in my life before and now. Without the difficult people I wouldn’t have built character or made better choices and without the better people I wouldn’t have learned how to appreciate the difficult ones or realized or known the difference between them I am thankful for the sorrow, pain, heartbreaks and disappointments. I am thankful for the blessings, happiness, laughter, love, friendship. I am thankful for living so long with diabetes and be in such wonderful health. I have learned that It’s All Good. I am grateful and thankful for my faith in a Higher Power ( or whatever others may call it). That has guided me my whole life and kept me goiing through the bad and darkest times and the times of incredible insight and release. I am grateful for being human and living in this incredible, wild time we are in right now.
I am soooo thankful for my family – my wife of 41 years, my 3 children and their spouses, and of course, my grand children (5 plus 1 in the oven). I am thankful to God for His grace and love to me, and His call on my life to the Christian ministry. I also want to express my thanks to Eric and “The Real Guys” for their great products, but more importantly for their ethical approach to business.
I’m thankful for your gift! as I, too, am into essential oils. I have a new essential oil site,so this will come in very handy. Thanks.
Thank you to everyone. I am grateful to make my first comment in Eric’s Tips. I am thankful for my Philippine wife is safe with me here … in USA. I am Grateful to family, friends, health, fun, business, woodworking, my guitars and of course God.
I appreciate the Godly man you are and how you are raising your children to be servants. The examples you set before them and all of us is very refreshing.
I trust you as an Internet businessman and thank you for your interegity.
I recommend Eric’s tips to many people.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Two very important words we must use everyday. THANK YOU. We must be grateful for all the blessings we are receiving from God. Everyday in our daily lives, we face so many challenges. We are truly blessed to have the support of our family, friends and even strangers. Thank you Eric, my family members, friends and to everyone who has in some way touch my life for the past one year. Like to share this video with everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CFq4G2U8Cw
I am thankful and grateful that God is so good to us—beyond our imagination. And that He loves us with His whole HEART. He loves the very core of our being.
Dear Eric,
It may not be Thanksgiving here in South Africa, but I can assure you that I am thankful and appreciate what you do for the Internet community all over the world.
Thank YOU!