Happy Thanksgiving 2013

By | November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! I realize that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

And happy Hanukkah! Supposedly these two holidays won’t eclipse again for 79,000 years, so that’s pretty special 🙂

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips wouldn’t exist.

Here’s a small free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 43-page niche ebook that I recently created, as a result of my wife’s newfound passion for essential oils. It has never been released before.

You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. You can sell it or add it as a bonus to any product.

Download the Ebook (PDF file)

Download Reseller Pack (Zip file)

ebook cover

Next, here is the 6th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Wow, this is the 6th year we’ve done this!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you. If you need some inspiration, feel free to check out the comments from the past five years: 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008

Updated: Winners!

Here are the 10 winners which where chosen at random using a web-based randomizer. If you’re on the list, you’ll receive an email from me regarding your prize.

Tina ttn____@gmail.com
Jake Steinbrenner jakes______@shaw.__
Dave Novotny da____@gmail.com
Cynthia Silas css____@yahoo.com
JOSEPH MAINA KIIRU mai____@live.com
andre arnett askarn______@gmail.com
Larry larry@_________onmental.com
Bob Marconi ______niv@yahoo.com
Colin ___oden@gmail.com
Shannon shannon@________entures.com

Congrats to the winners!

Here are a few things I’m thankful for…

(My 6 awesome kids! Here’s me with a couple of them my wife took on her phone 2 days ago.)

(My baby girl RuthAnne!)

(My oldest daughter with youngest daughter)

real guys
(My friends and business partners Paul Counts and Jeff Wellman. This was a few days ago on a hike behind my house.)

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

372 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2013

  1. Barrie Armstrong

    Hi, Eric,
    Know What?? … When the Senior Surgeon of our main hospital rang me personally to say “Well, Bazz, after all our efforts and treatments, YOU ARE NOW CLEAR OF BLADDER CANCER!!!!”
    For this message I give thanks to the world. Thank You!


  2. Kyle

    I’m thankful for so many things… The grace, love, and faithfulness of God; my wife and 2 daughters, my family and friends, provision, health, and on and on!

  3. ann riley

    I am thankful for my husband of 40 years (we celebrate our anniversary on Thanksgiving Eve no matter what the date as we were married on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving), and our family (4 children, 4 in-law-children and 9 grandchildren). We are blessed to all live within 20 minutes of each other. This year is exceptional as the whole family is getting along and are enjoying time together. Having 19 people all talking to each other and getting along is a huge blessing!! LOL You will understand better as your children grow up. Thank you for sharing your knowledge at a reasonable cost. May God continue to bless you and yours.

  4. Matt

    Thank you Eric for your great service to us readers of your newsletter.
    You are such a great encourager!

  5. Veronica

    I am so grateful to have that my 15 year service in the military is now complete and I now get to be home with my husband and my kids.

  6. Rick Stokes

    I’m thankful for a multitude of things, but most of all I’m thankful for the promise of God that Jesus Christ will return.

  7. Larry

    I thank the Lord daily for my sweet faithful, supportive wife. She is who I willingly chose to love and work for.
    Thank your wife for the book Eric. I have no doubt she put a lot of effort into it.

  8. Stella

    Thanks Eric ,for being such a great teacher and kind- hearted person!You have been such inspiration for me (and my children,too). You taught me many valuable lessons,may God give you and your Family long and prosperous life!
    Have the greatest time of your life this Thanksgiving and Christmas!


  9. Jac

    I’m thankful to my Creator for all the blessings I’ve had and have in life, and my family as well as all the good people I know. I’m especially thankful for a brand new healthy grand daughter.

    Thank you for the gift and I wish you all a great and blessed life.

  10. Cynthia Silas

    I am thankful for the birth of my grandbaby on Monday, Nov 25th. My daughter had preeclampsia and was very sick. The baby was born 4 weeks early and was delivered by c section. Very thankful that my daughter’s health is improving daily and the baby is doing fine. I thank God for my church, friends and family rhat prayed with us during rhis difficult time. Thank you Lord for your grace.

  11. Cynthia Silas

    I am thankful for the birth of my grandbaby on Monday, Nov 25th. My daughter had preeclampsia and was very sick. The baby was born 4 weeks early and was delivered by c section. Very thankful that my daughter’s health is improving daily and the baby is doing fine. I thank God for my church, friends and family that prayed with us during this difficult time. Thank you Lord for your grace.

  12. Laurynas

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
    I’m thankful for everything what surrounds me, the nature, earth, trees and animals. We live in such a wonderful place and I’m really happy to have an opportunity to live here.

  13. Richard Rodriquez

    The world is going through a great change at the moment and there have been many problems for the world to readjust too.
    I am very thankkful and graetful for the roof and food that we have.

    Whatever your faith or religion or creed we should all give thanks in our own way and pray or give out positive thoughts for the future, especially for those who have lost a great deal due to the many problems they are facing Syria, The Philipines and many other parts of the world.

  14. Michael

    My wife was diagnosed with extensive small cell lung cancer, so I am most thankful that she is still here with me today and that we have a bit more time together.

  15. Richard Rodriquez

    I am sorry I have given an incorrect email and I have amended it already.

    I am repeating the message I sent without the spelling mistakes.

    The world is going through a great change at the moment and there have been many problems for the world to readjust too.

    I am very thankful and grateful for the roof and food that we have.

    Whatever your faith or religion or creed we should all give thanks in our own way and pray or give out positive thoughts for the future, especially for those who have lost a great deal due to the many problems they are facing Syria, The Philipines and many other parts of the world.

    Thank you for the gift I appreciate it.

  16. Keith Nahlovsky

    I am so thankful we live where we live, have what we have, our children to enjoy and all the great things the USA let’s us be thankful for!

  17. george

    I’m thankful for my understanding wife and family. Just hope I can deliver for them.

  18. Jesse

    I am grateful for every day that I can get out of bed and begin a new day with my wife and grandchildren. Thank you Eric for opening my eyes and stretching my mind to encompass a new idea, namely Internet Marketing.
    I am also thankful that I can still achieve my goal of bringing a smile to at least two people each day that I am here.

  19. Marlene McPherson

    Thanks for the correspondent through the years. I really appreciate them. I have brought things from you but I have had to use my friends card so you may not readily recognised my name. I realized that I have to have certain things in place to use these offerings so it is on hold. Somehow I trust you as a person and hope to meet you someday.To your topic of being thankful. I have hundreds of things to be thankful for. I am thankful for life and health, my loving husband, my mother of 84 years old who is still active, in her right mind and is willing to share with us. I have a loving sister who means the world to me plus two God blessed sons who have demonstrated that they care and aim to live a decent life, – all these things I give thanks for.
    I am also grateful for God’s move in my life to broaden my territory and to awaken my creative powers in motivational speech and I believe in the internet business. Thanks for your gift that I will use to help me. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share. God bless you and your family.

  20. Karen Heck

    I’m thankful for so many things that I know I won’t be able to get them all listed here :). My loving and wonderful husband, my family and true friends, for salvation, for the many blessings stored upon me daily, for peace and joy, for health, for being an entrepreneur, even if I’m not where I want to be, for the downs and trying times, because they make me a better person, business owner, and learner, and last, but definitely not least for this Life I get to Live! Oh yeah I’m thankful for my 1st book that I’ve written and it’s live and published on Amazon – Moving Forward: From Cubicle to Entrepreneurship, Vol 1…Woot woot and for ALL the other books that are in me and ready to be written :).

  21. Andy

    I am thankful for my family! We believe children are blessings…we have been blessed with 5 wonderful kids and our 6th is on the way (due 1/7/14)!! I’m also blessed to be able to work at home (since just a few months ago) to be with my wife and kids all the time! God is good!

  22. Dharmender Singh

    I am thankful to you because you helped many peoples mostly newbies to start a online business by sharing your vast knowledge on online marketing for free on your blog with videos. It was a helping hand for people like me with zero knowledge of online marketing. Moreover, from time to time you exposed some fake or scam products by revealing its real black face. You helped us to get on to the proper and right track.
    Always waiting to grab new lessons from you. Continue helping others in future. Keep it up.

    Thanks again.

  23. Sunny Tung

    I’m thankful to be healthy. Recently my dad got a stroke. Thankfully it was mild one and had not affected his speech and movement. He’s recovering well and best of all he’s 86 of age. Everyday I count the blessings I have of being able to spend time with him and my mum (who’s 85). Happy thanksgiving! and many healthy returns, God blessed all of you!

  24. Dharmender Singh

    I am thankful to you because you helped many peoples mostly newbies to start a online business by sharing your vast knowledge on online marketing for free on your blog with videos. Moreover, from time to time you exposed some fake or scam products by revealing its real black face. You helped us to get on to the proper and right track.
    Always waiting to grab new lessons from you. Continue helping others in future. Keep going.

    Thanks again.

  25. Joanna K. Harris

    I have so much to be thankful for! Most of all I’m thankful that God is good – in the easy times and the hard times. I’m thankful that He never changes and that my life is in Him because of Jesus.
    I’m also thankful for greater health this year, new opportunities and hope for the future. =)

  26. Rita Stevens

    So thankful that God orchestrates my life and the life of my loved ones out of the reservoir of His Great Love!

  27. Richard Hale

    At my age, I’m just thankful to still be here, and for my lovely wife of 32 plus years. Thanks, Eric, to you and your partners, for all the help, tips, and encouragement you have given us over the years.

  28. Linda Poole

    I am so very thankful because has blessed me so much. I am thankful that I found Eric’s Tips in a search to learn how to put sound on a website. God has taught me so much through your ministry and through you, I have made other connections to help me. I believe I am on my way to making money so I can support myself after being on disability because of a stroke I had over 3 years ago. My health is returning and I have already reached many goals and overcome so many negative circumstances. I am truly blessed!


    Your a great teacher have several of your programs and almost all of your tips.
    I. m Thankful for a beautiful caring wife and fantastic kids and grand kids. e are in fairly good health for 72 and 80
    and wake up everyday thankful for another day.
    Our best wishes to you and the family and new baby.
    May God bless you all.
    You have also GREAT PARTNERS who care.
    Take care


    I have been praying for God to deliver me from poverty and l believe He answered by leading me to you, Eric, as all l came across on internet are not genuine and this made me think that there is nothing like internet business, but all fake stories from fraudsters, swindling people of their hard-earned money. Eric, you are my teacher, my mentor, my inspiration and l really thank God for you. How l wish l stayed near you, for l would have been your disciple, learning every aspect of life from you, both in theory and in practice. You know what? If it were in my faith, l would say: “You are my spiritual father.”

  31. JohnB

    I’m grateful for our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave His all for us.

    I’m grateful for our Founding Fathers, and the principles they founded our nation on.

    I’m grateful that we still live in relative freedom, compared to much of the rest of the world.

    I am grateful that we still have freedom of religion.

    I am grateful that we still have a free Enterprise system.

    Though we’re not as free as we were. Though our nation is in danger of becoming Socialistic , or even Co0mmunistic, we’re still the best nation in the world. I still would rather live here, than anywhere else in the world.


    John B

  32. Mandy

    I am very thankful for my 3 wonderful children – the eldest has just given birth to my first grandchild and she is beautiful. I am thankful that we are all generally healthy and happy. Also I am thankful for your tips Eric, they are extremely useful.

  33. Michael

    I thank God that our 20 yr. old daughter, Janelle was able to be with us after a near fatal crash on Sept. 26, had to be life-flighted to Akron General. After being in re-hab for only 4 days, they said she could go home. They said they have never seen anyone with all her injuries (collapsed lung, many fractures in her back, 4-5″ cut across her forehead along the hairline from windshield, couple fractured ribs and breastplate, fractured fingers, and dislocated thumb on left hand, fractured lower lumbar, fractures on her right foot/ankle, bleeding liver, contusion on kidney, and they replaced the disc between C6 & C7 in her neck), recover and walk like she did. They had to tell her to slow down when walking. We had people praying all across the U.S., asking God for a miraculous recovery ao she could be home for her favorite holiday….Thanksgiving. Even the brace from her neck to her waist, is hardly needed now….only as precaution. And I finally found a job after 2.5 yrs, when I was let go after an accident from a malfunction of a piece of equipment at my old job. The job is dusty/dirty and crowded, and only about 75% pay of my old job, but at 60, you gotta take what you can get. Thanks for all you do Eric.

  34. Steve

    Thanks Eric for all the great tips & valuable information. You are a definite asset to online marketing.


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