Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here’s a free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 111 page ebook that I recently had ghostwritten on the topic of freelancing. I know the contents are great, because it was written by one of my freelance ghostwriters who has been working for me for many years. In other words, she was writing on her topic of expertise. It is brand new and has never been released before.
You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. This would be a helpful book for anyone who is interested in making money as a freelancer (especially as a freelance writer). You can also sell the ebook or add it as a bonus to any product.
Download the Ebook (PDF file) Download Reseller Pack (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 7th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 7th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
Update: Here are the 10 winners which were chosen randomly…
1) Marilyn (mdoyle—-@gmail.—)
2) Mike (mjd–@yahoo.—)
3) Tim Means (——-@peoplepc.—)
4) Jackie Oxenham
5) Jessus (aztech—-@terra.—)
6) Celeste (celeste.fra—-@comcast.—)
7) MC (–@stepintosimplicity.—)
8) Steve (stephenedgar–@gmail.—)
9) Bob Macek (probiz—@gmail.—)
10) Patrick (–giffen@hotmail.—)
Something I’m thankful for…
I recently had the privilege of visiting India again. I’m thankful that my children got to experience another culture. I’m thankful for all the ways I am blessed, including the opportunity to help others. I’m amazed by all of the beautiful things I was able to see, but most of all by the people. I would like to share some pictures I snapped of these beautiful people in cities, villages, and slums…
Some of these pictures serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have. Others demonstrate that joy transcends circumstances. We’ve all got something to be thankful for.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for God taking care of me and my family this year. Although I was laid off in March, God has supplied all the needs of my household. He has proven his faithfulness to me this year. Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful that I was able to give my family a good start in life…
Now they can carry on fighting the good fight unlike so many less fortunate.
Never give up… Never surrender … Tim Allen in Space Quest
I think Tim Allen was paraphrasing Winton Churchill.
Today and hopefully tomorrow
I am thankful for a great many things this year but among those is that I have found you….”When the student is ready the Teacher appears” ..and there you are
I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for people like Eric who genuinely want to help people.
I’m thankful that God has given me an understanding heart. In these times full of hate and rage it has served me well to be able to empathize across all sides.
Thankful for my kids.
Thank God
Thank God
Thank God
I am Blessed
I am Blessed
I am Blessed.
I’m grateful for all those men and women who have chosen to serve this country (and all of us) in the military. They suspend all the ‘togetherness’ with family and friends that we enjoy. They preserve the freedoms we enjoy in this country including the right to protest social in-equalities. They give of themselves so that the rest of us can live free and be as successful as we are willing to be. Thank You
A grateful VietNam Vet – Life Member, Disabled American Veterans
Thank you, Eric, for posting this. Blessings to you and your family! So much to be thankful for… even at times of adversity or in our darkest moments, blessings oftentimes are hidden — but if we search deeply enough they will reveal themselves. Even at our darkest times, we could simply say, “Thank you, Lord, for this breath” because we have the opportunity in that moment to turn things around and find the good in it. Let us rejoice in the little things — the simple things — of life. The material wealth we might accumulate is its own blessing, but at the end of the day the most beautiful treasure is but dust… Let us look to greater rewards and accept the greatest blessing there is – the love and grace of our Lord!
Thanks for your tips,support…..
and thanks to life for all that has come my way
*I mean all: good and not so good :):)
Thanks for being there
God IS faithful! Happy Thanksgiving!
I would have t say that I am most thankful for the continued good health of my family. I have had a couple of minor setbacks, but all in all we are a healthy group. Thank you Lord!
Thought provoking photos indeed! Each and every day is an appropriate time to be thankful. Enjoy your dinner and time with your family!
I am thankful for being blessed in so many ways.
For my wonderful husband who puts up with me and encourages my enthusiasm for this industry.
For God for providing us with what we need. He truly is a great inspiration to follow.
And also for markter’s like you, Eric, who share unselfishly with us and work to provide solutions that will move us forward to succeeding with our own businesses.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank You, Eric for being that to so many people. If we all pass it along, what a beautiful cycle it will create. 🙂
I’m thankful for the opportunities that this country and the internet provide me.
I am thankful to have known a bit about Internet Marketing this year. Moreover, I am also thankful to have great experts juat like you to take newbies like me by the hand.
I loved your pictures! Almost everyone in them had huge smiles on their faces, reminding me that happiness is a choice.
I live in Lagos, Nigeria and I am thankful for my life, health, 2 boys (with a third on the way (prayerfully a girl)!) and my wife. I am thankful that the body of Christ is fulfilling it’s mandate and we contributing! Thankful for my mentors (Eric is one) and thankful for the Internet that empowers us to earn passive income. #SoThankful
Happy thanksgiving,
I’m from Germany where we don’t know thanksgiving as it’s celebrated in the US, but one sunday in November we celebrate “Erntedankfest”, where we say thanks to GOD for his gifts.
Bless you all GOD
I’m thankful for your tips and helpful information to help me build my business so I can leave the “rat race”
I am grateful for life in Christ, my wonderful bride of 25 years (we celebrated our anniversary this year!), my loving family, the opportunities and connections I have made from “living online”…
I am truly blessed and thankful for my family, job, house and everything God has blessed me with.
Cancer can’t beat this Chicago offline marketer.
I am thankful for all the freedoms we take for granted in this country (USA) and for being born in a country that still provides unparalleled and unlimited opportunities for those willing to work for it.
I am also thankful that we are allowed to do anything (legally) we want, pursue the things and goals we have set for ourselves, live anywhere, learn anything, love anyone and become anyone and anything we choose to.
i’m thankful for TURKEYS! did u know the turkey was almost chosen as our national bird?
I am most thankful for all the great tips and advice I have received from you. I know that I can make it in this world if I have the right information for success. Thank you for everything.
I’m thankful for today whether it be good or bad but i woke up and have everything i need for another day and i’m mostly thankful that i did wake up on this side of the grass instead of under it and that is the gift from God.
Hey Eric… Its great to see another person who loves the travel and the perspective that travel brings. It really helps to bring into focus what we have and to be thankful for it. And also brings the challenge… Like seeing someone free to travel and saying “I’m going to be able to do that too!”
I am thankful for the grace and mercy that God provides everyday. I am thankfull for my family and friends. I am thankful for educators like Eric who provide valuable training and allow me as an entrepreneur to grow and live the American dream.
I am thankful for god being a part of my life and watching over me and helping me to have have the ability to keep my head above water and helping others to do the same and learning new ways to be successful online
I’m thank full to GOD, Family, Friends, Neighbors, Health and our venture on our online business.
I’m so happy and grateful for my health and the breath of life which sustains me. I’m very grateful for a roof over my head and food to eat, work to do each day and the love peace and joy that comes from above. I’m also very happy and grateful for Erics tips and generosity in sharing and caring for those of us that are seeking a better life through his guidance and knowledge.
Glad to be part of Eric’s Tips! Also very thankful for everything in my life, especially good family and friends.
I’m thankful for my family and friends, my new job, and the freedom to worship the one true God!
I’m thankful that I still have my health and can continue to help my fellow freelancers as I grow older but zestier 🙂 and even more determined to succeed in new ventures.
Thankful?? TOO much to even begin to share the Goodness and Faithfulness of God. Specifically, I am thankful for your consistent witness to your faith and family values, as well as to your business acumen!! You are a blessed example for ALL!!
Over the past 6 years my 3 children have died, 2 of them at the end of 2008 and the last one last year. I am so thankful of the years I had with them before they passed away.
i thank for my family and the support i am given, i am thankful for my job, i thank for the oppurtunity to be on line
Grateful to have a great family and fulfilling work.
Happy ThanksGiving….God Bless You And Your Loved Ones….May God Bring More Spiritual Blessings into Your Life
Hi Eric, you’re right, there is an incredible amount of things to be thankful for. One of them is I’m thankful for being able to read and learn about online marketing through your website and products. I’m thankful to God for the opportunity to be able to some day put into practice what I’ve learned so I can realize financial freedom.
I am thankful for life’s adventures, the challenges and the opportunities that are presented to grow personally and to serve those that I meet, whether it be for a moment, or become long time friends.
Great pics of India, and THEY, with nothing, are thankful, happy, smiling!
Every day is a gift we all should be thankful for and use to its utmost!
Hi Eric,
I’m thankful for the blessings God has provided for my family and for discovering that life is not all about how much money you have and the material things you possess.
Happy Thanksgiving and blessings to you and your family.
Thanks for giving back, I’m thankful for a great life, great family and a great country!
I worked for 4 years in the poor villages of Nepal helping control Malaria. I saw poverty and sickness up close and personal. I am extremely thankful for all the blessings I have in my life.
Well I’m really in a more pissed off mood at the moment. However I am even thankful for that, because I consider it a great potency to do something, to strive, to achieve and to be who I truly be. I am thankful for the Great blessing of existing, for being. I am thankful for God’s love for this planet and many other planets. I am thankful for this incredible matter we call our bodies that allows me to be here. I am thankful for my family and for all of their support. I am thankful for higher unerstanging and knowing. Thank you wonderful people in IM for consistently helping us achieve! I am thankful for peace, for space, for the amazing nature, for the air, the birds, the beautiful blue sky, especially with a few white fluffy clouds, for the sea, for many deifferent kinds of land, for dancing and the music, for martial arts, for kites in the sky, for sandy beaches, for comic books… Thank you God! Thank you for the money too, for all the wonderful food, I am thankful to you.
Ease, joy & glory!
Hi Eric
I’m just so glad that i live in a part of the world that allows my family and i to live reasonably safe and happy lives not like so many other dreadfully unfortunate people.
With that in mind if i should be one of those pulled out of the hat please donate my winnings to some deserving cause of your chosing thanks Ian