Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here’s a free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 111 page ebook that I recently had ghostwritten on the topic of freelancing. I know the contents are great, because it was written by one of my freelance ghostwriters who has been working for me for many years. In other words, she was writing on her topic of expertise. It is brand new and has never been released before.
You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. This would be a helpful book for anyone who is interested in making money as a freelancer (especially as a freelance writer). You can also sell the ebook or add it as a bonus to any product.
Download the Ebook (PDF file) Download Reseller Pack (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 7th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 7th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
Update: Here are the 10 winners which were chosen randomly…
1) Marilyn (mdoyle—-@gmail.—)
2) Mike (mjd–@yahoo.—)
3) Tim Means (——-@peoplepc.—)
4) Jackie Oxenham
5) Jessus (aztech—-@terra.—)
6) Celeste (celeste.fra—-@comcast.—)
7) MC (–@stepintosimplicity.—)
8) Steve (stephenedgar–@gmail.—)
9) Bob Macek (probiz—@gmail.—)
10) Patrick (–giffen@hotmail.—)
Something I’m thankful for…
I recently had the privilege of visiting India again. I’m thankful that my children got to experience another culture. I’m thankful for all the ways I am blessed, including the opportunity to help others. I’m amazed by all of the beautiful things I was able to see, but most of all by the people. I would like to share some pictures I snapped of these beautiful people in cities, villages, and slums…
Some of these pictures serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have. Others demonstrate that joy transcends circumstances. We’ve all got something to be thankful for.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Erik,
thanks for your tons of tips an great offers.
Have a great day and happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for the wonderful family that God has given me. For the privileged to be a blessing to them and for them being an absolute blessing to me.
I’m thankful for God through Jesus Christ, His love and His goodness – everything else that we could ever possibly be thankful for in life and eternity comes from HIM – the only true God. Thank You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for every blessing!
I am grateful for my lord and savior Jesus Christ! For without him we would be lost sinners.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thankful for eternal Life through Jesus Christ shed Blood on Calvary’s Cross by believing He died for me and the sins of the whole world. He will save anyone who will put their trust in Him by confessing their sins and asking Jesus forgiveness and believing in Him! They also shall have eternal Life!
I am thankful to God almighty for making me who I am in him.
Sir Eric,
Thnk you/Thank you/Thank you for your HONOR/TRUST/BLESSINGS for this MIRACULES WEB PAGE/GUIDANCE/KNOWLEDGE. From the BOTTOM of my HEART. I shall very soon will go through it and KEEP YOU POSTED. Once again THANK YOU and SPREAD THESE BLESSINGS. God Bless You and ALL.
Hassan Dhirani
Count your blessings it could always be worse. Neither good or bad lasts for ever and to keep moving forward in life you must look for the good,. and give thanks for what you have..
Life has a way of reminding you everyday that you are better off than so many people
out there… and only when you can with your heart give a little bit of yourself will you complete
the circle of life!
I’m thankful for each of my kids. Even when they were just a thought on the horizon, they helped me be a better person so I could be a better dad. I’m thankful for laughter — children and babies laughing. I’m thankful that I can laugh at myself. I’m thankful for past adversities that have formed me into the person I am today. I’m thankful for difficult times that sharpen me and make me better in the end. I’m thankful for the simplest of comforts in my own home — for hot water, light and warmth. I’m thankful for finances that allow us to be generous with others. I’m thankful for today, because it’s another opportunity to make a positive change. Happy Thanksgiving…
I am truly grateful to finally be an entrepreneur. Through amazing lessons learned from the masters before me including you Eric, I have been able to offer amazing services to my clients. I am also grateful for those kind hearts in the world who give back. I haven’t been in a situation where I was able to share much, but now that my business is finally starting to take off, I soon will be and can’t wait to help others get out of where I once was.
I am soooo grateful for all the graces God gives me as I take care of my 87 year old mom Thomas Parkinson’s Disease, dementia and aortic stenosis, 24/7. I thank Him for the strength and patient endurance which I know come from Him. Indeed, I can do all things through Chlist who strengthens me.
Eric has been an inspirational internet marketing super mega master guru as I would put it as he truly lives to his words and gives back to source and nature as a way of giving thanks he is very true and his very compasionate that he would even offer a real free meal to the hungry unlike others who offer some thing with hooks attached but Erick just pulls something out of thing air and is willing to pay a person direct to there paypal account truely that’s some one if being thankfull for right now I can say am truely thankful for someone like you, hope many marketers would have your heart and compasion that true love for humanity when they reach the top thank you…for showing what’s possible and to all those that pave the way of others in desparation thank you for the extraordinary effort you put in….and all the help in this market and time that you mend broken hearts and heal the soul by what you do thanks and this goes out to you all extraordially people.
I am thankful for the world of choices we live in. Where we can see the dark and light of our choices and choose to do things better. I love that focusing on our intention and doing something to bring our intention closer each day can change our life and usher in the world of our dreams.
Thankful and Grateful for all the GOOD in the world. God bless everyone.
I’m thankful that the internet has given me the opportunity to improve my life, my knowledge and well-being and to special people like Eric who have helped me along the way.
I am grateful for life. It is nice to wake up each morning knowing
that anything could have happened during the night but I am alive to see another day.
I am grateful for friends and family and for finding your tips online. I know they will help me to be successful
online. Keep up the good work and blessings to you and family.
I am thankful for my family an my health.
I’m thankful for God’s mercy and grace.
I also am so thankful for the goodness and grace God has bestowed upon me…my family, friends and those who just have a caring heart. Many blessings to everyone and may prosperity guide you to bring others along the way.
Stay blessed!
Grateful for having a wonderful wife and for the ability to be looking forward to a great fulfilling future with her and new business ideas, even though I am almost sixty-five. Love and peace to all and always care for those less fortunate.
I am thankful for being alive and sharing the day with family.
I want to thank God for His grace upon my life. It has not been easy even when I was in the university. I spent 5 years in the university to study industrial/production engineering. God has been so faithful despite all odds and struggles during school days, but He protected me and now I am a graduate-glory to God. Now I am doing my NYSC-national youth service corps in the far north Taraba state in Nigeria where people are afraid of to visit because of boko haram issues but I have been here now close to 4 months no bad news at all, I am save and God has been so faithful. I use this medium to ask God to continue to be faithful to be. God I need your help, I have applied for scholarships to further my studies, please help me God. I know you can do it for me. Thank you lord.
I am so thankful for so many things I have had to shorten my pray to: My Lord and my God…Thank You for everything!
Eric, those are some great photos that really capture the people in them.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dave Miles
I have been meaning to write to you for a while to thank you for giving us so much of yourself. You go above and beyond with everything you offer.
I really appreciate it and just want you to know that.
I have struggled to make the time to take advantage of it. My life is so full with the work that I do helping people with computers and then after hours helping my wife with a few rental house rehabs I was dumb enough to get us involved in.
I now get up at 5 or 5:30 just so that I can steal a few more minutes to learn about how to web. Otherwise I’ m swamped.
Ha, I’ m too busy working to learn how to get on the web and make some real money. Dumb plan I am trying to change.
Anyway, I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for helping me and know that I am still out here trying to take advantage of it.
wishing you and yours the very best, Mike
Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am thankful for all of my family near and far and all of my friends and business acquaintances, new, old and even those unmet. Thanks to you all and may God Bless you and yours.
I’m 74 years of age and I’m thankful for everything, but mostly I’m thankful that I’m able to write this comment. And that means that I’m still alive and kicking!
Thankful for my first granddaughter.
I’m thankful I got saved and that many of my family members are saved too.
I would like to say I give the glory to our heavenly Father who allows us to wake up in our right mind to see this day and be glad and rejoice in it. For without him who knows where we would be I like to give thanks to my friends and family for support and I hope this Thanksgiving day is safe and blessed for everyone in Jesus name .Amen
love the pictures. I have so much to be thankful for I can’t list it all. Mostly I’m thankful for a great God , this great country, my family and friends, and my good health
Eric ……….. You Rock … so does Paul and Jeff ….. Happy Thanksgiving to all you guys and your Families.
You are so right Eric; joy does transcend circumstance! . Otherwise we’d have not reason to hope, or believe, or endure. Thanks for your photos. They are a reminder to be always grateful, always aware of our many blessings. Happy Thanksgiving. .
Happy Thanksgiving
We all much to be thankful for.
I am greatful for all I have, and whoever is greatful for everything, want’s for nothing.
Thank you my Brother and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Kind regards, Rigger
Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting. Have a Happy Safe Thanksgiving Day!!!!
Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
I’m thankful for my son who arrived this year like a perfect miracle 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving!
Cancer reared its ugly head in my family. We had to travel to the USA for treatment. I never drove a car in the USA, although I drove for years in my country. I drove 40 miles every day for 3-months. Drive and live, don’t drive and die. Simple. We prayed over the car, the road, my driving abilities, everything we thought of – we prayed for.
God has been good to us. Job said, “though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
We are thankful!
Looking at the images in your blog makes me thankful for my life as it is. But, they also make me realize that smiles can happen anywhere, at any time, under any circumstance – and that life is the joy we should embrace, not the comfort of our surroundings.
Wishing everyone an abundant life,
Eric, I am thankful for…
…the health of my lovely wife, our awesome kids and myself.
…my energy.
…the opportunities life offers me.
…the challanges I am offered to conquer.
…living in a peaceful & beautiful country (Austria)
…living in a house in house near a quiet wood
…having enough to eat
…my dreams and the ways I am going about them
…my friends
…and Eric the possibility to win 20$ 🙂
I am thankful that despite having gone through a Triple Heart Surgery and still having no job, I was able to sustain my ‘operation’ online regarding my blog and internet marketing activities. I am especially grateful and appreciative of my family support during these period of time.
I am blessed to be connected with Internet Marketers, especially yourself, who shows that besides money, happiness can be achieve in other matters in life.
I am consistently on the lookout for email messages from you and will do so for a long while.
I’m thankful for family, friends, health and for God’s grace.
For the holidays only ONE word matter – GRATITUDE!!!
Thanks for the book = well appreciated!!
My blessings are too numerous to count. Among so many other things, I give thanks each day for my friends, my 5 children, my 9 grandchildren, and now my first great granddaughter. My motto is, “In all you do, BE the blessing,” and I do my best to try to live that each day. I suspect that intention is what allows me to be so deeply blessed in return.
Happy day of thankfulness to you and yours…..I’m thankful for my family and the friends that feel like family.
I am grateful for life with my wonderful fiance, she has ms and we get to celebrate another
Thanksgiving. We would like to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving.
I’m thankful for friends and family and the support they have given over this difficult year.