Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here’s a free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 111 page ebook that I recently had ghostwritten on the topic of freelancing. I know the contents are great, because it was written by one of my freelance ghostwriters who has been working for me for many years. In other words, she was writing on her topic of expertise. It is brand new and has never been released before.
You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. This would be a helpful book for anyone who is interested in making money as a freelancer (especially as a freelance writer). You can also sell the ebook or add it as a bonus to any product.
Download the Ebook (PDF file) Download Reseller Pack (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 7th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 7th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
Update: Here are the 10 winners which were chosen randomly…
1) Marilyn (mdoyle—-@gmail.—)
2) Mike (mjd–@yahoo.—)
3) Tim Means (——-@peoplepc.—)
4) Jackie Oxenham
5) Jessus (aztech—-@terra.—)
6) Celeste (celeste.fra—-@comcast.—)
7) MC (–@stepintosimplicity.—)
8) Steve (stephenedgar–@gmail.—)
9) Bob Macek (probiz—@gmail.—)
10) Patrick (–giffen@hotmail.—)
Something I’m thankful for…
I recently had the privilege of visiting India again. I’m thankful that my children got to experience another culture. I’m thankful for all the ways I am blessed, including the opportunity to help others. I’m amazed by all of the beautiful things I was able to see, but most of all by the people. I would like to share some pictures I snapped of these beautiful people in cities, villages, and slums…
Some of these pictures serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have. Others demonstrate that joy transcends circumstances. We’ve all got something to be thankful for.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
thanks god for a life that i m living!!!
God bless u Eric !!!
I’m thankful to have found a career in Massage Therapy which is the most rewarding, challenging and completely fulfilling work I’ve ever experienced.
Hi Eric,
You have a blessed thanks giving with your beautiful family. I find you to be a person that I admire and respect for you willingness to help and share with others. If there were more people like you in all walks of life the world would be a beyter place.
I am thankful to be living in beautiful Melbourne Australia with my lovely family and friends
and thankful everyday for my life.
All the best
Dina Pinirou
G’day Mate!
I’m thankful that I’m not the only one from Downunder!
Ever heard of Cobar? I suspect not! But thankfully, this is where it’s at for me. Actually it’s almost due North of you, on the ten inch isohyet, the edge of the desert – two thirds North and two thirds West, in NSW.
Mostly, for this exercise, I’m thankful for the triumvirate which Eric leads and for what they demonstrate about ‘Goodness’ in their dealings on the internet – not to forget the ‘Goodies’ they hand out to us their clients and students. To have such generosity in the world of business is a welcome rarity.
Thanks Eric, Jeff & Paul. Living in the real world, you really are “The Real Guys”!!!
May you receive love in return.
Eric, Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! A man does great things and that is great but you do great things around the world which makes you a Great man! You seem to show the whole world what “Thanksgiving” means by going globally and helping the less fortunate by saying “Thanks” and saying “Giving”
I’m thankful that I found your “Eric’s Tips” newsletter. I consider you one of the “good guys” and I’m always interested to read your emails. You have helped me grow in IM. Thanks, Joy
Thank you Eric for all your helpful hints throughout the year.
Thank God for everything that He give us. God bless you!
I’m thankful for family and the opportunity to make my own choices.
Heating in winter!
I’m grateful for my loving family, steadfast friends, good health, a comfortable home, warm clothes, food to eat, and my right mind. I’m grateful for the beauty nature provides (as I come in from a long walk outside).
Thankful for all I have in life however limited I feel my wallet is sometimes…
I have access to everything I need and I am so grateful to God – also just
come back from doing some bits in India with education – so much to do
there…as many certainly don’t have wallets that can offer help at all!!
I am thankful I know God, as a Loving Father. This beautiful creation, the love I can share with family and friends, and my health I see as coming from the hand of God. I am truly blessed!
I’m thankful that I’m still ur loyal subscriber for almost 3 years.
if it’s not for ur IM tips, my websites will not be where it is today.
thanks again.
Hi Eric, I came across your blog after I purchased a plr bundle through James Jones. I was pleased with the value of the plr pack. I am presently, working on making the products “my own”. I had heard your name before, and then when I got the products, your name was there again, and warranted a click over to your blog.
I am tickled pink, that I’ve found a marketer I can learn from, who is really human. I hardly know you, but I feel I can trust you. This is very rare in cyberspace! So, I am grateful that I found your blog, and in turn, you.
One hundred video course, for FREE!!! Unheard of! Thank you!
I have roots that go back to India. My father was born there. Although, I am half Portuguese (not Goa, but rather, Lisbon, Portugal), and the other half is primarily British, my Dad was born about 110 miles North of New Delhi, Saharanpur. I haven’t visited India, but I plan to. I think it’s amazing that you have made the effort to go there. The family moved to England just prior to the revolution in the late 1940’s. That’s where I was born.
Anyway, I’ll cut it off here. I was just moved that you’re a sincere person, that I can learn from, and coupled with your visiting my Dad’s homeland, I just wanted to share my feelings and thoughts. You are right with saying that even though half of us aren’t living in the U.S., we can still enjoy the Thanksgiving Day spirit and good feelings! I am in Toronto, Canada area, and I am grateful for living in the Western world and having such great opportunities, and being surrounded by good people and mentors to learn from. Cheers to you, Eric! Thanks to my Dad (R.I.P.) for moving to England or I wouldn’t be here to share this day with everyone!
Much gratitude to you and your team Eric… and a Happy Thanksgiving 2014 to you and your loved ones!
Even with all the insanity and various problems in our country at the moment, I’m very thankful to be an American.
I’m grateful for all of God’s blessings this year (and every year). For health, family, friends, a new church family, my nonprofit clients who are seeing results and a business that is growing.
I am thankful for gift of life & divine health for me, loved ones and even you Eric because without life or good health, everything, every idea & every plan may not hold nor be possible!
I am so grateful for all the amazing people in my life that share their knowledge and wisdom from the heart 🙂
Good to see you living out your faith Eric & doing it far away from your continent A business man who has heart and soul is a gem! Thanks for sharing
Hello brother…you recently were in India.. I’m from India and I’m your regular update reader…
Please let me if you’re gonna visit India gain.. gonna Host you…. you’re awesome…
I am thankful for the education I was given, the values and standards with which I was raised and that I had the strength to make the correct decision and resign from my dream job because I felt that the dishonesty I was being pushed to display just to get some more sales conflicted with what I believe in.
I am most thankful for my brothers and sisters who at all times come together when needed. There’s nothing like family.
Hi Eric,
We have so much to be thankful for , that it’s only when someone we love is sick or unwell that we stop to think.
I am thankful for my wife and three children , for my dear mother who (T. G.) is still with us and for all my extended family on both sides.
I also thank you Eric , for your wonderful tips on Affiliate Mkt., and opening up a whole new world to me and other lucky readers.
Regards: Joe
Thankful for Life, Love, Health, Family and Freedom.
Thankful for dogs.
And… many other blessings in life (too many to count), but especially Forgiveness.
And, Eric; I am thankful for the helpful things you unselfishly give and do as well.
Be Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the valuable resources you provide. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am Thankful for my family and friends who have supported me for the past 9 years in teaching kids how to build robots.
YRobotics in January is the beginning 10 years of teaching new kids. I am venturing out of my comfort zone and taking my teaching skills and love on children and robotics to the world wide web. I hope to reach many kids in the world.
Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow country men and women here is USA. And blessings to my new friends world wide.
I feel so blessed, now, for God bringing some unbelievably tough trials into my life. I am so much closer to Him because of them! I walk and talk with Him every day and can not imagine my life without Him! Thank you God for being You and loving me. I am truly blessed!
I am thankful for the gift of life itself!
I am thankful for being alive and knowing GOD, whose answered my prayers. Hallelujah!
Thankful for Jesus, my family, friends, and mentors like you.
I’m thankful for family and friends, for the privilege and joy of knowing Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and the the opportunity to earn a living online using my God-given talents and gifts, even though I live in South Africa, miles from anywhere! I’m thankful for the opportunity to touch lives with words and to make a difference. I’m also thankful for people like Eric who willingly share their expertise. I have followed you for many years and Eric’s Tips have helped me immensely. I think I have been following your tips since you started writing them!
I’d like to thank God, our Creator, and Jesus, our Savior, for breathing life in us and providing this land called the United States of America as our home, and for all the blessing and favors my family and I receive from Him, Almighty God, everyday.
I’d like to thank you Eric for giving so much and expecting so little or nothing from us. Reading your post inspire me and teach me a lot. You’re the best, and most of all, you are very trustworthy.
As seen in the pictures on this post very eloquently, no matter where you live and what circumstances you live under, the joy of life and the hope of faith should always show in you. God bless and keep all our brothers and sisters in India and all over the world, including our beloved America.
Thanks Eric for all the free info and training videos. I bought your plr fire sale and cant wait to use them. I waiting till I get further along in your videos I,am only on lesson 7. I plan on adaptin the marketing techniques to my field which is car sales. Thanks again Syd Robinson
My neighbors husband and our friend – died, I’m thankful I could comfort his wife. My dog caught his leg under a tree root, I’m thankful I was there to set him free. Last week we found a stray cat, I’m thankful that we had the opportunity to give him a home and take care of him. Last week we met a person begging for money on the street. We’re thankful we had a little to give her. We’re thankful – every day, we’re thankful. Have a blessed day – every day.
I been reading your tips for over 4 years. Thank you Eric for years of interesting and informative reading.
Eric..right now I am in a difficult place to have thanksgiving but in spite of all the pain we are going through I am thankful for my family. That’s everything for me. It seems a dark cloud is following me but it doesn’t matter as long as my family is safe and I can help them whenever possible.
The one email I always try to open is yours because its always filled with information I know comes from your heart. Your integrity shines through and that’s what I want to emulate in my business.
Thanks for the opportunity to express these things.
OHHH God ! when you gonna bless me ?? That’s what everyone’s requesting from the Lord
In fact it works the other way round : When you gonna be a blessing to someone else ??
Then you gonna be blessed…. Anyways , I’m Thankful & grateful for everything & in everything in life…
May God Bless You All…
Thank you Eric for your helpful hints and lessons.
God bless everybody in the world.
I am thankful for the gift of life God has given my family and I. I am eternally grateful for the act of love and self sacrifice God my Father and His Son did for the entire world. God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) the creators of heaven and earth and all things gave everything for all humanity. God the Father gave His only Son to be crucified on a cross for all the sins of the world, that justice would be served forever. Jesus the only Son of God and who is God willing came from heaven and was born a child, born in a manger, walked the earth for 33 years and willing laid His life down as a sacrifice for all mankind.
No one took His life, He gave it. Three days later He rose from the dead and walked the streets of Jerusalem. There were multiple accounts of eyewitnesses seeing Him before He rose into the heavens and into the clouds out of site. Angles present that day said He would return to earth in the future the same way in the clouds to receive His people. This is the Good News, I am thankful to know and understand these truths. Jesus is alive!
Hello Eric
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Thanks for all the great info you give to all of us.
To God Be The Glory.
Eric, may you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
In October 2014 I was admitted, for the first time in my life, to hospital , for a spine surgery. I thank God for giving me the second chance to be with my loved ones by surviving the operation and be able to quit smoking !!
Thanks Eric. Happy TG Day!
I’m Thankful for my Saviour and LOrd Jesus Christ. I’m thankful for my wife and kids and the opportunity to learn more about internet marketing. Also, I’m thankful for Eric and the Real guys and the great products they offer to teach different aspects of making money online. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
I’m thankful for so many things that it would take forever to list them all, but here are just a few. I am thankful for a loving and forgiving GOD; I am thankful my family and friends; I am thankful for people like you who are willing to teach the rest of us (I am just getting my first real website set up and ready for use), so that we can experience the same kind of financial freedom; I am thankful for my good health; I am just truly thankful!!!
Hello Eric,
First I would like to say that im very happy to be reading your site everyday, watching your webinars.
For what I am thankful for… that I am healthy and for my overall well being because many people out there unfortunately are not.
Take care, God bless and Happy Thanksgiving.
I am grateful for all that I have, especially when there is so much trouble and strife in our world today . Unlike some other people who have posted above I do not thank “god” for the things that I have. Alas, many of the terrible things that are done unto others in our world today are done in the name of “god”. I do not believe in such a thing but admire and respect all the people in our world who are selfless and do good untoward others.
Eric, I think it’s a great time to tell you thank you very much for all the help, advice, and trainings thay you give us at Eric’stips. God Bless You forever.
I thank GOD for the people in my life. I thank you for ” Eric’s Tips”.
You have helped me so much in my business.
Thank you and GOD bless.
I am thankful to have the freedom to pursue my dream of supporting my family the way I want, not according to an employer’s schedule.