Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here’s a free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 111 page ebook that I recently had ghostwritten on the topic of freelancing. I know the contents are great, because it was written by one of my freelance ghostwriters who has been working for me for many years. In other words, she was writing on her topic of expertise. It is brand new and has never been released before.
You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. This would be a helpful book for anyone who is interested in making money as a freelancer (especially as a freelance writer). You can also sell the ebook or add it as a bonus to any product.
Download the Ebook (PDF file) Download Reseller Pack (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 7th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 7th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
Update: Here are the 10 winners which were chosen randomly…
1) Marilyn (mdoyle—-@gmail.—)
2) Mike (mjd–@yahoo.—)
3) Tim Means (——-@peoplepc.—)
4) Jackie Oxenham
5) Jessus (aztech—-@terra.—)
6) Celeste (celeste.fra—-@comcast.—)
7) MC (–@stepintosimplicity.—)
8) Steve (stephenedgar–@gmail.—)
9) Bob Macek (probiz—@gmail.—)
10) Patrick (–giffen@hotmail.—)
Something I’m thankful for…
I recently had the privilege of visiting India again. I’m thankful that my children got to experience another culture. I’m thankful for all the ways I am blessed, including the opportunity to help others. I’m amazed by all of the beautiful things I was able to see, but most of all by the people. I would like to share some pictures I snapped of these beautiful people in cities, villages, and slums…
Some of these pictures serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have. Others demonstrate that joy transcends circumstances. We’ve all got something to be thankful for.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Puts everything else in to perspective! – Humbling
I’m thankful for people like you and your family who do good around the world and I appreciate for the good information I get from your tips.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family,
Happy Thanksgiving to you Eric, your family and everyone in this community. Thank you for your gift and continuously educating us on how to be successful in our business.
Hi Eric,
You might find what I’m thankful for to be a bit unique. I am thankful for my family and friends, but I am most thankful for something even more personal. I am totally blind and use a screen reading program in the computer to visit your blog. This is how I am able to comment here. Most would think that being totally blind is a rough struggle in life. For me, that struggle is merely a challenge that I’ve learned to overcome throughout the last 22 years. In sharing this, I am most thankful that I can still see, with inword eyes, and appreciate the beauty of the world. While not perfect, it is still a magnificent place. I believe that we are all representative of this beauty. One of my own best inspirational thoughts is this: We are the gift that we give to others, and those to whom we give this gift, will forever be our greatest blessing. I hope to always be known by this thought, and Eric, I truly believe this thought is extended to you for all that you’ve done to teach me about building an ethical business online.
Thanks again so much. May your Thanksgiving be filled with much love, happiness, and humblest blessings.
Thanks Eric for the value AND values you provide!
I am thankful for my family, I am grateful that God gave us air to breathe and everything we need to thrive here in the US. My wish is for all people to share in the abundance most of us enjoy in the US. (Oh, and for whirled peas).
I’m thankful for the power God gives us to please Him.
Knowing what pleases God without having the power to do so, is frustrating and cruel
Knowing we have the power in God but not using it, is foolish
Trying to use God’s power without knowing what will please God is deception and selfishness
Using God’s power to do what He tell’s us, is wise for us and pleasing to Him.
Thanks for the gift, but I am doing my best to get beyond trading time for dollars.
Thanks ERIC for all the valuable resources you have provided. I have never received so much Information & Videos training for so little amount of money that I have spent. This includes the last ( 5 ) five years of being on the Internet. Just recently I purchased your IM Guru PLR Firesale Package; which is a Digital Product, eBook, and Videos. This will make my year for 2015.
My comment is for everyone. We all see folk less fortunate than ourselves, you may not have much or so you think, you may not be wealthy but you will know or see someone who is less fortunate than yourself, so be thankful its not you in that position and help the one who is.
My wife and I have decided that we will use the money we would normally spend on each other this Christmas and use it to help the homeless, we are also donating time to volunteer and work in a local soup kitchen. I do not want the $20 thank you, and would donate it to a charity of your choice Eric if I was selected and happened to win.
Happy thanksgiving all Jonty
I am grateful for witnessing this day with my family, we may not have the best but there is life. Am thankful to God, thank you Eric for opening up another opportunity to say a thankful thanks on this Thanksgiving.
I’m Thankful to be Winding down my 81st year of Good Health on this Fantastic Planet – Earth!
I’m happy for the beautiful planet live on and the wonderful people I have meet and have in my life!
Thank you for everything Eric. May you and your family shower in blessings this holiday season and forever!
Family and health!
happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for God and His provision during the past year
My wife and I feel so blessed having a wonderful family to share our lives together. Have a great holiday Eric. Thanks for all your info throughout the year.
Hi Eric,
I’m thankful for the opportunity to live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
I’m also thankful for the opportunity to build an online business.
Roy A. Jones
I make a point of being grateful every day just before I get out of bed, it is amazing how it sets my day up and I keep finding more things to be grateful for. So its starts of with being grateful for just waking up to experience a new day, grateful for my beautiful family who are healthy and happy, grateul that I have running water as I take a shower, grateful for my refrigerator, toaster and jug as I have brekkie, grateful for my car as I travel to where ever it is that I am going that day…this is how my day runs, and it is amazing how much more comes along when you are grateful for everything that you already have.
Thank you Eric for being you
Jackie Oxenham
Hi Eric! I am thankful for people like you that cares about others and help in anyway they can. I am thankful that God my Saviour & Lord, is always looking out for me to protect, provide and to love. He is awesome!
Receive all blessings the Lord have for you and your family!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eric you always bring perspective and focus.
Hi Eric, Firstly… Wishing you, your business associates, and your respective families a most enjoyable and fulfilling Thanks Giving Festive season.
Because of your highly ethical business principles and christian beliefs…. many, many thousands of people have benefited from your philanthropy and willingness to assist others less fortunate in this world… I envy your position to be able to do so… For it is my own personal desire before I expire to be in such a position, financially, to also contribute and assist others who are less fortunate than oneself. However maturing age (nigh on 75) and regressive grey matter between the ears are my liability… certainly not desire or application.
You are to be commended for your unselfish efforts to alleviate suffering, provide shelter, and opportunity to educate others who are denied these important factors… through no fault of their own.
Thanking you sincerely for your FREE gift and education along the way… My your God Bless you and your family
and guide you with safe travel, health and happiness in pursuit of your goals an endeavours into the future.
Many Blessings… Roy
P.S… There are three thoughts which I leave with you, which exemplifies your character and those of your family and business associates… Which may inspire others to follow in your foot steps…
“What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us. What we have done for others and the world…
Remains in perpetuity”. Albert Pike ….and,
“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with another human being.
Each of us owes the deepest thanks and respect to those who have rekindled this inner light.”
Albert Schweitzer
“What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us… Are Tiny Matters Compared To… What Lies Within Us”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hello Eric,
I am glad I found Eric’s tips, I am working my way thru the lessons and feel the information you give is straight forward and to the point. I am thankful I found it. I know I will be able to become an internet marketer with the help I am getting from the tips, hopefully sooner than later.
What I am most thankful for is living in a country where I am free to worship God, my family and friends.
When visiting Devao in the Phillipines several years ago, I saw some young, raggedy children playing a game with a broken bottle and some stones on the side of the road. They laughed blissfully and were fully engaged. Meanwhile, in Japan – my residence of 34 years – I see tons of gorgeous food in upscale supermarkets getting thrown away carelessly and some business people dutifully crushing into trains to head to faceless offices to do the grim work of survival. We have so much in this westernized world and yet we cannot enjoy the simplicities which those Phillipine children could.
I’m thankful for God’s rich blessings.
I’m thankful for the gift of life itself!
Thank you Eric, love your photos of the people you met in India.
God bless. Selwyn
Hello Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thank you for offering this e-book on freelancing as a special
Thanksgiving gift. That is very generous of you to do so. There is a great deal of extremely valuable
information and tips in this e-book which can really be a great guide for doing freelance work and all the step-by-step
do’s and don’ts for doing work of this kind. I think I will reread it again just to make sure I haven’t overlooked any of the great details that are packed into this incredibly well laid out and written book. Thanks again.
I’m so thankful for salvation in Jesus and the opportunity to serve Him
Thank you for sharing these pictures and the story behind them. Indeed, we ARE blessed! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Hi Eric,
I’m grateful for all of God’s many Blessings in our lives!
May you all enjoy a great Thanksgiving Holiday.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and may you keep your eyes straight forward, as you go down that straight and narrow path.
“I’d rather count my blessings than trip over my curses…”
Harry O’Dell (fictional character)
Happy Thanksgiving To All
Eric, thank you for all you do ! I thank God for the gift of life
I’m thankful for my wife and kids who are having a hard time at the moment helping me through a bad bout of depression.
Hi Eric,
Hope all of you have real nice Thanksgiving
From me in Thailand where I have lived now for 6 years.
Left Sweden to live in his nice country 😉
It is indeed a blessing to be healthy, safe, have friends and family, live in beautiful country such as Australia. Congratulations on having a kind heart, and on learning one of the greatest lessons in life; giving back at least tenfold what you have been given or earned. Assisting others who need support on the most basic of levels and beyond, by providing a book which can assist other marketers, is a great way of showing your respect for other human beings. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!
Thank you for all you give us.
Hi Eric,
First, thankful to you for sharing the pictures in the email. Regardless of their
circumstances, their glowing smiles lite up my day.
Second, thankful for my sister n law, who cared enough when I couldn’t go to
Thanksgiving dinner, packaged up and brought me a plate. (I have a bad cold, didn’t want to share).
Thankful that God still gives us a choice, be grateful for what you have and share. Use the talent
he has given you to create more if that is your desire.
Don’t be Job and waste your time lamenting, use it for caring and giving.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric and family! I’m thankful for Love, loved ones, for health and to be alive, for so many opportunities in life to build a life and help others experience meaningful lives, as well. I’m thankful for Jesus, and the amazing kindness, generosity, and unconditional love shown to everyone by Him, God, His Father, and Holy Spirit.
I am thankful to be thankful. I believe that gratitude is an attitude and I am thankful to be able to choose that attitude over grumbling. Having an attitude of gratitude is uplifting to yourself and others….grumbling makes one toxic to themselves and others. I am grateful for all of your tips and gifts Eric!
I’m thankful that God is my heavenly Father. He proves to me daily that He guides and cares for me. Also, I’m thankful to you, Eric for being a trustworthy and generous friend to your subscribers. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
I am thankful for life, and life’s pleasures. I love you Eric.
Eric, you are not only one of the real guys, but one of a rare group: you are “a real Christian”. Matthew 7:16 (KJV): “Ye shall know them by their fruits.”
Thanks for your knowledge and using your money for good. God bless!
I am thankful to the God to be alive and for health and strength.Thankful for my family and loved ones .Thankful that i get to make great connections with really interesting people online like yourself, who really are sincere and make a difference in what they beleive and stand for.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours Eric.
God Bless
Happy Thanksgiving. God bless!
Hello All,
I’m writing from work. I’m an ambulance driver and holidays are tough times for some people, so my team is ready for the next 911 call. I watched Youtube videos about folks who died, went to Heaven, and then returned. ALL OF THEM said that all Jesus just wants is for us to be kind to one another. So working on this, my favorite holiday, is how I’m being kind to others. Someone just brought me a Thanksgiving dinner! It just doesn’t get any better than this. Love to all, Elaine
Thanks to you Eric, for being a great teacher and business role model… and thank you for your gifts 🙂 I’m thankful for my hard-working husband & best friend, Mark. I am thankful for my beautiful kids and grandkids. I am thankful for my boss ~ today we served our 2nd annual FREE Thanksgiving dinner at the little local Diner that Mark & I work at, along with almost 2 dozen volunteers who came to help! And I’m thankful for my Heavenly Father, my Lord Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit. I could go on and on… God is so GOOD! Blessings to you and your family 🙂