Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here’s a free gift as a token of my appreciation. It’s a 111 page ebook that I recently had ghostwritten on the topic of freelancing. I know the contents are great, because it was written by one of my freelance ghostwriters who has been working for me for many years. In other words, she was writing on her topic of expertise. It is brand new and has never been released before.
You get to download it for free today WITH Master Resale Rights. This would be a helpful book for anyone who is interested in making money as a freelancer (especially as a freelance writer). You can also sell the ebook or add it as a bonus to any product.
Download the Ebook (PDF file) Download Reseller Pack (Zip file) |
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Next, here is the 7th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Wow, this is the 7th year we’ve done this!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
Update: Here are the 10 winners which were chosen randomly…
1) Marilyn (mdoyle—-@gmail.—)
2) Mike (mjd–@yahoo.—)
3) Tim Means (——-@peoplepc.—)
4) Jackie Oxenham
5) Jessus (aztech—-@terra.—)
6) Celeste (celeste.fra—-@comcast.—)
7) MC (–@stepintosimplicity.—)
8) Steve (stephenedgar–@gmail.—)
9) Bob Macek (probiz—@gmail.—)
10) Patrick (–giffen@hotmail.—)
Something I’m thankful for…
I recently had the privilege of visiting India again. I’m thankful that my children got to experience another culture. I’m thankful for all the ways I am blessed, including the opportunity to help others. I’m amazed by all of the beautiful things I was able to see, but most of all by the people. I would like to share some pictures I snapped of these beautiful people in cities, villages, and slums…
Some of these pictures serve as a reminder to be thankful for what we have. Others demonstrate that joy transcends circumstances. We’ve all got something to be thankful for.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for š
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for talking with someone who helped me figure out “my Why”. Why I am doing my business and I figured out how to stay focussed and that if I chased my biggest “Why”, that would automatically lead to all my other “Whys”. A bit of short term pain for long term gain.
Hi Eric
Everyone in the Photos has got a story to tell, you may be able to read on their face through their eyes.and they are seems to be Grateful too. You are one of the Lucky one with Kind Heart to support them.
God will Bless You and your Family.
Happy Thanks Giving.
Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for God’s unending love and grace I experience day by day. I stumble, I fall yet I still stand because of His love. I’m also thankful to you Brother Eric for being so generous. You are a man with kindness and compassion.
Happy thanksgiving to you Eric and family. I am thankfull for life. That everyday I can wake up and see all those beauti-
full things that God made for us.
I’m really thankful for my kids, my family, my friends, and my health. I’m also thankful for all the great tip, hints, and training from those who help others to reach success. Thank you! Jay
I am thankful to God for the gift of life and making me to be at my best in all I do. Thanks to you too Eric, for those tips that has been doing wonders.
There are so many things to be thankful for that I hardly know where to start!
But to pick just one… I am thankful to live in the age of the Internet, which affords us opportunities for making a living, learning and connecting with people around the world that were previously unimaginable!
Eric’s Tips are the best especially anyone wanting to get started in Internet marketing. Thanks to him and The Real Guys for sharing their secrets for success.
I’m thankful for my family. Like you Eric, we also have 6 children (yep, we are homeschoolers too!). Each child is a beautiful miracle from God!
It looks like I am a bit late in commenting, well, I worked 12 hours today; then, with another hour commute back and forth to the job, say, hey, I made it through one more day alive. I gotta’ say that I am thankful that ended.
With my father being in the hospital on this Thanksgiving day, I am so thankful that God gave me the time with family and friends that He did. I appreciate my parents even more today and stopped to realize just how fortunate I am.
thanks for the tips as they are needed and have a happy 2015
I am thankful for my beautiful daughters, my loving husband, my extended family and friends, for having just had my 90 year old Dad come for dinner. For the wonderful and giving members of my Church. That I am employed, have a warm, dry home with electricity and running water. For food on the table and money in the bank. I’m thankful for my health and the health of those I love. I had the opportunity to drop off Thanksgiving dinners to families from the school I work in on Tuesday. Quietly driving up, dropping off turkey and fixings and ringing the doorbell as I sped away… sometimes anonymous is the best way to give. It made me once again realize just how blessed I am š and how blessed I am to share God’s blessings with others. Happy Thanksgiving and may the rest of this joyous holiday be wonderful for you and your families!
Many thanks Eric for your kind thanksgiving gifts.
I just love the pictures you have shown of your recent trip to India.
Beautiful country with beautiful people.
I have many things to be thankful for but the most important is knowing Christ and His plan for all mankind.
How thankful I am that a dear neighbour shared Christ with me many years ago.
God bless you and your family with many blessings in the coming year.
Thank YOU so much Eric for all the great information that you bring to all of us on your blog and in your products you offer… May you and yours enjoy this Thanksgiving holiday together!
My wish is for us all to be aware of the gifts we have – each and every day of the year. By always remembering this and being aware of our good fortune, our minds will become more at peace and our spirits will soar immeasurably and to incredibly unbelievable new heights! This I truly believe.
Like my Mom says, “Everything will be all right, and Life will just keep getting better and better!”
Wishing you and the world a wonderful holiday season this year –
I’m thankful that even though I lost my house a year ago because of Typhoon Haiyan that devastated the Central Philippines, God has been faithful in restoring it, and even more because I gain new friends, and new ministries. We have reached hundreds of souls for this past year, and even planted more churches.
Wish I was able to help in some way. Thankful to be alive.
I am thankful for people like you who spread there knowledge and goodness around the entire internet community. The life of freedom it provides makes for better, happier, more giving people and benefits radiate to all of mankind.
ps Thanks for the ebook!
I am extremely thankful to God for the precious Bibles I have.
It have proven to be a greatest instrument of God and I think
everyone should owe at least a copy.
Warmest Regards,
Thanks for your time and efforts.
I Thankful for gods creation that has allowed we inhabitants to live in these heavens. The breeze that blows through the trees; The water that flows down a river; The top of the mountain that overlooks the valley. All these things god created. All we have to do! Is enjoy what god made for me! Then this priviage is mine and god did not charge me a dime for it! Happy Thanksgiving!
God bless,
Jeruel Hewitt
Thankful is an attitude or mindset. One of the things that bugs me the most about special holidays days is the fact that people will make every effort to be kind, to be thankful and to be the nicest person they can be, only on these special occasions. I would contend that we should make every effort to be kind and thankful and to be the best we can be everyday. Nevertheless I am thankful for the special days with all their short comings. Since we are given these days to reflect and remember and to be thankful, kind and loving, I must be thankful for that and all the wonderful things the Lord provides. In reviewing some of the pictures it brings to mind there are so many people in the world who are less fortunate than I, yet they wake up with a smile and a heart of thanksgiving. This should be our mindset; I do wake up with a thankful heart, giving the Lord thank first thing for sparing mercies, however there are occasions when thing don’t go my way then I’ll begin to look for pity, I love to take away today, that I should focus on the blessings rather than the disappointments.
Thank you for sharing and God Bless.
Thankful For
waking up to a new day
friends and family
Health and wellness
For every day I have lived
For everything I have and will learn
I am thankful for my beautiful family! We have 2 grown daughters who love the Lord, educated and excelling in their careers. and I am especially thankful for our first grandchild, Eliana, who turned a year old on the 25th. She was born a preemie and now is such a blessing to our family. Eric, hope you and your family had a beautiful Thanksgiving!
Hello Eric, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I am grateful for this opportunity called Life…it has been my friend, philosopher and guide. All experiences good, bad or ugly have enriched me. I feel blessed to be able to find joy in simple things in life which often require no expenses. Finally I would definitely say that your association is a wonderful one and I am glad for it.
Thanks a lot my friend…giving thanks to the almighty is one of the healthiest actions anyone can do. Again thanks a lot.
I am thankful for my family, our health, home, plentiful food, and peaceful country that we live in.
You’re indeed a great teacher. I’m honestly very thankful for teaching me in IM.
Most of the time I look at your life as God’s blessing with five beautiful kids. And it is my belief that every human born into this earth, the Almighty God has promised His blessings.
Iām thankful for all the greatest in my life… Thanks, Eric, for being part of my life !
Thankful for my one year old little boy::))
I’m grateful for being alive today because it’s by God’s good grace and will if I live until tomorrow.
After nearly 6 month’s in the hospital and still much therapy to go.
I’m thankful to be alive, I’m thankful for my family there unending support
I’m sure had a lot to do with my surviving my accident.
I’m thankful to live in a country where we are free.
I’m thankful for all my friends and subscribers.
I’m thankful to God, and thank you Eric.
It has been a tough 6 month’s
There are so many things
that I’m thankful for.
thank you
Hello to all,
I am thankful for the gift of choice. That we can choose to be thankful. We can choose to be honest, forthright and kind.
We can choose to survive hardships, heart breaks and set backs. I am grateful we can choose to grow.
Happy Thanksgiving for today and everyday.
Eric – thank you for years of great tips! Your newsletter is the only one I stay subscribed to because you put so much value into and provide it to us free – thank you very much. You are obvously a great guy with all you do. If you would ever like to tqake a break for some good laughs – visit the site I added as my website. For even more funny subjects, visit my facebook site – I actually have more there than I do on my site: https://www.facebook.com/FunnySubjects2 .
Take care and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!!
I am so blessed to have the love and abundance of all good things in my life. Gratitude it a way of life. We are so fortunate to have what we have. Most people on our planet don’t have clean water to drink and food. My prayer is that everyone has more than enough what we need to survive and thrive.
I’m thankful for my salvation, my wife of almost 41 years, my two children, and my grandson. I’m thankful for God’s calling on my life. I have served Him as a missionary and a pastor for 35 years. I’m thankful I live in the Kingdom of God.
Those who can give from their precious time to others have received a tremendous themselves.
I am grateful for my friends, family, mentors and an amazing environment to experience and grow. I am grateful that so many people are praying for a better future for all of mankind on the earth. I am grateful for sites like http://www.prayway.com and http://www.drawyourprayers.com.
I’m thankful for my family, my wife, son and two daughters.
I am thankful for caring and kind family and friends.
Like others here, I praise God for all He does for mankind. I am so thankful that He is the Disposer of events and at the same time giving all of us the freedom of choice. No earthly ruler has ever given us total freedom to choose. More than anything, I am thankful for the gift of His Son going to the cross and providing a way to finally be in Paradise with both of Them. I cling to the promises such as:
Joh 6:37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
Mostly I’m thankful for the little things. For example, I spent this Thanksgiving Day at home alone with my cats. I decided not to waste the day by doing nothing in particular so I gathered up my laundry and went to the laundromat. Of course there are always children there with their parents, and while I was standing at a table folding my washed clothes after I took them from the dryer, a little girl about 2 years of age came toddling by. She was so cute, and I smiled at her and waved. Thinking she would continue on her trek around the laundromat, I turned away to resume folding my clothes. In the next moment, I was surprised to realize that this little girl had grabbed me around my knees with both arms and given me a big hug. Then, of course, she was instantly on her way again. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud with joy and amusement. Two ladies, also laundromat customers who witnessed this scene, joined me in laughter. Going to the laundromat to wash clothes may not sound to many like much of a Thanksgiving, but that little girl’s spontaneous affection made it a happy day for me. So again, it’s the little things I’m thankful for.
I’m thankful to an old friend who invited me to stay in her home after I was evicted and is helping me to find employment and to get back on my feet. I’m also thankful to Eric for providing a way to earn income, along with the instructions on how to do so. Both are rare occurrences.
I’m thankful for Gods’ blessings everyday. There are always blessings around us, even if it’s the beauty of a leaf in the ground. It’s important to hope and wait on Him, though, so you can have the mindset to see them. š
I am thankfull for everything i have got from my friends, all people who have helped me in the past. Other people I do not know that I work with and internet marketing friends in the past and pherhaps also in the future.
I am thankful for the opportunity to wake each morning and be blessed with the day!
I am especially grateful to the Internet Marketing Community, who are mostly good people helping others to achieve their goals, and almost all are also leading by example and showing you what you could do to help the needy in our chaotic world, once your own basic needs are met.
I have many new plans for my Charity group which is now achievable due to what I have learned online.
Since 2008 I have a run a homeless charity group whereby we knit, sew and crochet items for those who are homeless, or in crisis. Toiletry bags, Swag Bags, Beanies, Scarves, Blankets & Mittens etc..
In recent times this has been extended to items for animal shelters.
The members have their skills appreciated and something of importance to fulfil their lives with, most are 60 – 90 yrs, whose families no longer need or want their creative gifts.
These items handed directly to homeless persons, bring a smile and often tears to the recipients as they cannot believe that these ladies and men on pensions spend some of it to buy yarn and fabric to make things for them – special items made with love – thinking of them in their time of need – we have a little note stating this and the first name of the person who created it.
Sadly the demographics have changed since I began this, once it was mostly young men – now the majority of homeless persons are retirees mostly women over 50yrs – they are the most discarded in our society.
NOW – I HAVE A NEW GOAL – once again thanks to the internet – people like Eric, Jeff and Paul.
A man from Pakistan contacted me recently on Linked In, about his dreams to bring fresh water to people where he grew up,
He has no idea how to go about it, how to fund raise, despite that he has educated himself and moved from his hometown to a major city to work, and he has extended family relying on him to support them all.
I don’t have the knowledge to advise him how to go about the water problem ( people and animals drink from same dirty water holes and disease is rife)- but I told him about Kickstarter and indiegogo a way to raise capital – once he knows what he needs. The hope that has given him is incredible, without the net and me reading a poem of quiet desperation written by him, I would never have known about his dream.
If anyone reading this can advise about the way to bring clean water to a community such as this – please let me know – so I can pass it on to Imran.
So you can see why I am so grateful to the internet, it exposes world problems so that others may help, it exposes world atrocities so that others are motivated to take action and then the internet Marketing people teach us ways to survive ourselves and raise our goals to do something wonderful to help others.
It’s simply magical and awe inspiring – that we are able to do this – I am 60 years old been using computers since I was 17, and prior to that was accounting machines and comptometers ( don’t laugh – was like a computer with no power – was all mechanical)
There is no way I could conceive that this magical opportunity would be here now in this day and age, a level playing field for all to be self supporting, regardless of who you are or where you are, financially or location wise.
While we do not celebrate thanksgiving in Australia ( I had not ever heard of it until I went online), it is quite truly a beautiful way to celebrate all you are thankful for.
just my 2 cents worth . . guys .
Eric, you and your family are always helping others.