Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:
![]() Rapid Traffic Secrets |
![]() Rapid Product Creation |
![]() 365 Sales Boosters |
![]() Traffic Flow |
Next, here is the 8th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Oddly, I’ve only made a couple of blog posts this entire year, but I didn’t want to skip this annual tradition.
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out last year or any of the previous years.
Here are the 10 winners of the contest, chosen at random using a randomizer app.
Joe Pe——–ld@gmail.com
Carl Jacobson jake—-@yahoo.com
Csilva csil—–@gmail.com
Robert R—–eray@gmail.com
Zhanna zd—–uk@yandex.ru
Tony Jones tj————–97@gmail.com
Claude Liboiron cla——@mac.com
Glenn Fox t——-fox@gmail.com
Angelina angel——–la@gmail.com
Vince vi——–aer@gmail.com
Congrats to the winners! I will send the prizes to your email addresses via paypal.
What I’m thankful for…
As I mentioned, this is the 8th year we’ve done this…
Those who have been my customers and subscribers for those past 8 years have been with me through a lot of changes in my life and no doubt changes in yours too. In fact, I just went into my AWeber account out of curiosity and found that I currently have 112 active Eric’s Tips subscribers who have been subscribed for OVER 10 years.
I’ll soon be 37… which means a bunch of you have been subscribers for over a quarter of my lifetime. That’s a big chunk of life. Seriously, I don’t take that lightly.
You’ve been a blessing in my life, so first I want to re-emphasize that I really am thankful for you.
Maybe you noticed that I haven’t made many blog posts this year, and haven’t sent nearly as many emails as I have in the past. Perhaps it’s one of those changes that comes with different seasons of life. One change is a shift in how I view this platform…
Essentially, it’s not about me. Maybe I’m having a bit of a mid-life “brand identity” crisis, LOL. 10 years of running Eric’s Tips has taught me that I don’t need a website with my name on it. I have a good life with a beautiful wife and six awesome children. More importantly I’m loved by God and that’s enough. For that I’m forever grateful.
But don’t worry, I have some cool plans for Eric’s Tips… the best is yet to come! While I will draw from my own experiences, it’s not primarily going to be about me. It’s about you. Thanks for sticking with me through those changes.
Here’s a pic of our crew from a couple weeks ago. That’s my brother-in-law Micah in the middle whom you probably know from my helpdesk.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Hi Eric, I want to thank you for sending me an email about an opportunity that will help my wife who has MS, this I am truly thankful for, May Jehovah bless you and your family, yours, Ezra and family
I am just happy to be living in this time.
I am thankful to God for a wonderful family (I have a wife and 5 children). I am thankful for the ability to wake up every morning and live life to the fullest. Most of all, I am thankful for Jesus Christ who has paid the price for my salvation and that of my family (each of us know the Lord in a personal way).
I am thankful I survived cancer – I’m totally in remission!
I am also thankful that we live in the home of the brave and the land of the free… America!
Hi Eric
Thank you for your coaching over the years.
I enjoy going over eric’s tips and get useful info that I need and know where I can find it,
Grateful for the internet. Thankful to get this random chance for a cash prize. May IM help build many countless happy families.
I am very thankful that years ago I became a child of GOD. Over those years I have seen GOD work in many wonderful ways. One of those wonderful things he has done in the past month was, he put my best friend back on the path to recovering from near death and wanting to die. Many prayers went up to the FATHER for him and he knows this and is very thankful to everyone that prayed for him. There are many wonderful things out in the world, but we have to remember without GOD there would be nothing. Eric, your information I know I can trust , just by the example you and your family make to us.
Thanks for faith.
I am thankful for having a relationship with Christ, my family and friends and the wonderful opportunity to teach the youth in our community cooking cleaning cardio scripture memorization cashflow management and career planning as a way of giving back~ thank you Eric for all that you do to make internet marketing easy
I am grateful for God, my husband, my children, our jobs, and that we get to live in beautiful Colorado! I’m thankful for our health and that we can be active and enjoy the outdoors. I’m thankful we can gather together!
I am grateful for the love of my wife and the home that we both share.
Hi Eric,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Thanks for the great information you provide.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric! Thanks for the great information you have provided throughout the years.
Hey Eric,
I am thankful most of all for my family.
I am also thankful for Eric’s Tips!
Take Care – Happy Holidays!
Thank you, Eric, for your generous spirit. Eric’s Tips is such a help for those of us learning how to navigate IM.
I am thankful for being a child of God.
I am Thankful for many things and people in my daily life but what stands out to me the most as I type this reply is how Thankful I am those particular people are still Thankful for me weather I succeed or fail in my never ending attempts to change the course of my life. I sometimes can’t even understand their patience with me in this quest but am – oh so Thankful – for it as it keeps my trying with less pressure and embarrassment as I remain hopeful that they just might see me make it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I’m thankful that I have such a wonderful wife who is on board with me, working on building us an online future.
I also have a great family who has never told me I am stupid or anything like that for going online to make my future a good one.
I am also thankful that when I woke up this morning there was still air in my lungs and blood moving throughout my veins.
I am also thankful that I am going to be eating some OK food over the next few days to a week.
I am thankful for eternal salvation through the unique sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
I am thankful for family and friends and for all of the valuable information you provide.
Thanks for being one of the “good guys” of IM! I have enjoyed and learned from your tips and courses for several years.
Good fishing! George
I am thankful for a wonderful wife; for a busy, enjoyable fulfilling career, for children, grandchildren and an active church family.
Hey Eric;
Nice Family………………………Im thankful for family n friends because with out them life would not be as interesting n enjoyable as it is……….Have a great ThanksGiving…………….(.EASY On The Pumkin Pie)
I’m thankful to be a cancer survivor and for the many people and friends that stepped up to help me in my time of need!
I am thankful for the peace and all goods we have form the God. I am thankful for my 11 kids which God gave me. The youngest one is only 3 weeks old. Thanks God for all my wonderful life and Gods support!!!
Happy thanksgiving! I am thankful for being alive and having the opportunity to care for my family.
I’m full of thanks for the way God works in helping my business. He had to be the reason my business was recently named Small Business of the Year (and it’s tiny, with one employee—me!) by the local chamber. And thanks for your tips over the years. I have them saved.
I am grateful for my family and friends and their love and friendship. Thanks to Eric for his teaching and gifts. God bless you and your team.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family!
Thank you so much Eric for all of the great information you provide. Your training has helped me tremendously! Have a great holiday
thankful for a Savior Who gives new birth and then gives the life to live it
Hi Eric,
On this Thanksgiving 2015, I would like to praise the Lord for giving us honest, caring and God-fearing Internet marketers such as yourself in this troubled sea of opportunists, liars, cheaters and overall scammers! It is a rare thing indeed! I hope and pray you will be even more successful in 2016, as God helps those who help others, always!
I’m thankful for my family and the opportunity to work in publishing.
A broke actor at Thanksgiving and half a burger at Denny’s. It became a foundation for a lifetime of gratitude. http://yourinnerwizard.com/hungry-on-thanksgiving/
Happy Thanksgiving to All and May the Lord Bless All Your Efforts
Hello Eric and Fellow Entrepreneurs!
All of the previous comments are hard to follow so here is my take for Gratitude
This Thanksgiving..
I am grateful there are a handful of real genuine people in the world who really care about thier followers. When I started IM two years ago I almost gave up due to the plethora of devious and greedy Gurus who are only out to “Build The Almighty List”.
I am truly Thankful Eric’s Tips taught me
how to register my owm domain and insrall WP.
If I had not joined “Eric’s Tips… I would not have my own site live today.
Ya Eric… its was because of your 100 emails that I didnt give up!!
I thank God for you!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Eric!
Happy Thanksgiving Eric,
I am thankful for Gods blessings on me! He has carried me through times when it was darkest. Has helped me realize how to be humble and appreciative of all and everyone. I still have a lot to learn and overcome but, I know he loves and forgives me. That is what I’m thankful for!
Its been amazing to know you and be inspired by you over these years.
The priorities for thankfulness and gratitude from me at age 85 are:
Jesus Christ
Lynda, my wife
Children, several
Families and relatives
And a variety of people, animals and things that are of God’s creation
Many people, events, happenings and catastrophes have brought so much to be grateful for. I, and many near me, have been blessed beyond any reasonable life assay of worthiness. Mistakes have abounded; errors have flowed about; forgiveness has showered down and repentance has found a home here.
I’m humbled and rejuvenated by all that has come to pass.
God is good. Let us thank Him for all the blessings He sends, even if we don’the always see them as blessings.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
I’m blessed with good health, and I’m almost twice your age,
also my wife is a 3 year cancer surviver. What else to ask for?
Hi Eric, Thanks much for the Black Friday Gifts! Thank you for the info over the last couple years or so! Now I need to press because my engineering job is getting mighty tight in terms of hours, …
Even with some challenges I have [we all do] many things to be very thankful for including God, His Word, … our lives, the beautiful world He created – still beautiful even so many years after the fall!
It’s great to see Christians in the marketing space!
Neat picture! I hiked down to Phantom Ranch with the leader and other teens summer ’69.
Thanks much.
– Ned
Happy Thanksgiving Eric,
God bless!
Happy Thanksgiving Eric. Thanks for all you do.
I’m grateful that God has blessed me with wonderful friends and family.
I’m thankful for our Founding Fathers crafted the Constitution.
I’m thankful for Giving God praise and Thanksgiving for the Blessing he has made available!
I’m thankful for the men and women fighting for our country everyday.
The freedom of speech, The freedom of religion, The freedom to vote.
Hi Eric,
One of the honest IM Guru. Thanks for your awesome tips!
I am thankful for being alive
Thankfulness……. what is it to be thankful?
For me it is the acknowledgment of a creator who is over all things seen and unseen, it is to know that without Him I am bound to failure, when I act out in times of fear, of which I am a witness to the destruction I have caused others and myself, bound to failure when I act out in times of good willed intentions for the purpose of bring glory unto myself. I am thankful that in His never ending mercies He shows me how I have lived a life so selfishly, disconnected, foolishly, simple put a life of my own design. I am thankful that yet I am disobedient and undeserving He has been coming around knocking at my door. I am thankful to have opened that door and to put my trust in Him, myself being unable to repay the debt I owe, that in Him all things are possible. In Him lies my hope of becoming a new creature, reborn and liberated. Thank You Lord!
I see a whole world in confusion, as if drunk, I view our history from before Christ to today and I see peoples of all nations striving to conquer, only to achieve more strife, with the weak being the greatest of the victims. Yet He is over all of the calamity, with a plan to bring us to our knees to confess ourselves unworthy in our drunkenness and foolishness, that He alone is The sovereign King of kings who is victorious over our own self destruction, victorious over all His enemies even death, because He will not give His glory to any other god. I am thankful to have that peace and rest knowing that it is our God, creator of all things, who will restore His righteousness, holiness, His love in us for each other, no more fear, no more hate, no more strife, only obedient subjects to His Kingdom knowing that He is our victorious King. I am thankful that He has risen, because without that there is no hope!
I am thankful for today that I have breath and can praise the Lord our God.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric! I’m grateful for the fact that despite the chaos that life throws at us,we are still connected at our core. We only need to discover that essential and unbreakable bond and connection for ourselves. We need only discover that it is what’s on the inside that truly counts. Everything else is just a manifestation and revelation of what was there all along.