Happy Thanksgiving 2015

By | November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.

First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.

Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:

ebook cover
Rapid Traffic Secrets
ebook cover
Rapid Product Creation
ebook cover
365 Sales Boosters
ebook cover
Traffic Flow

Next, here is the 8th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

Oddly, I’ve only made a couple of blog posts this entire year, but I didn’t want to skip this annual tradition.

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out last year or any of the previous years.


Here are the 10 winners of the contest, chosen at random using a randomizer app.

Joe Pe——–ld@gmail.com
Carl Jacobson jake—-@yahoo.com
Csilva csil—–@gmail.com
Robert R—–eray@gmail.com
Zhanna zd—–uk@yandex.ru
Tony Jones tj————–97@gmail.com
Claude Liboiron cla——@mac.com
Glenn Fox t——-fox@gmail.com
Angelina angel——–la@gmail.com
Vince vi——–aer@gmail.com

Congrats to the winners! I will send the prizes to your email addresses via paypal.

What I’m thankful for…

As I mentioned, this is the 8th year we’ve done this…

Those who have been my customers and subscribers for those past 8 years have been with me through a lot of changes in my life and no doubt changes in yours too. In fact, I just went into my AWeber account out of curiosity and found that I currently have 112 active Eric’s Tips subscribers who have been subscribed for OVER 10 years.

I’ll soon be 37… which means a bunch of you have been subscribers for over a quarter of my lifetime. That’s a big chunk of life. Seriously, I don’t take that lightly.

You’ve been a blessing in my life, so first I want to re-emphasize that I really am thankful for you.

Maybe you noticed that I haven’t made many blog posts this year, and haven’t sent nearly as many emails as I have in the past. Perhaps it’s one of those changes that comes with different seasons of life. One change is a shift in how I view this platform…

Essentially, it’s not about me. Maybe I’m having a bit of a mid-life “brand identity” crisis, LOL. 10 years of running Eric’s Tips has taught me that I don’t need a website with my name on it. I have a good life with a beautiful wife and six awesome children. More importantly I’m loved by God and that’s enough. For that I’m forever grateful.

But don’t worry, I have some cool plans for Eric’s Tips… the best is yet to come! While I will draw from my own experiences, it’s not primarily going to be about me. It’s about you. Thanks for sticking with me through those changes.


Here’s a pic of our crew from a couple weeks ago. That’s my brother-in-law Micah in the middle whom you probably know from my helpdesk.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

257 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2015

  1. Joe Villarino

    Hi Eric, I am grateful to our lord Jesus Christ and being faithful for all the blessing we have received this past year. I give thanks to my God, family, friends, and people who I will receive a relationship with them in the upcoming year. Thank you..

    1. Julius M. Scott

      Thank you Eric for your “Eric’s Tips” I have been through them more than once and love your work. I am an 86 year old retired Electronic Engineer turned Bible Study author. I love your work!

  2. Zhanna

    Hello, Eric!

    Congratulations to you and your family a happy holiday.

    I always open your letters

    Thank you for your webinars and books.

    You proffi!

    I wish you success .

  3. Deborrah Gauthier

    I’m thankful for everything and everyone in my life. I’m also thankful for Eric’s Business Tips. Although I’m not ready
    to act on them yet, I’m saving them so I may go back when I’m ready and try to get organized.
    Thank you,

  4. Keith

    Eric -I’ve always felt that you really care for your customers – long may it continue. Many thanks.

  5. Mona

    I am grateful that I wake up every morning. I am grateful that I wake up every morning and my mind works. I am grateful that I wake up every morning and my mind works perfectly in sync with my body. I am grateful for all my blessings. I am grateful I am safe. I am grateful I love and am loved. I am grateful for the miracle of being.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  6. Tres

    I am so thankful that all of my 4 kidz now in their 30’s are truly good human beings. The hell they put me threw was worth every fight with them when they were in teenage years. They have happy lives, their careers, their own families, they are spiritual beings, kind and so giving. I am proud of what they keep accomplishing in their own lives. (btw one of my girls beat leukemia at a young age). I am truly blessed with some grandchildren too. I am thankful for my oddball and loving family.

  7. John Krese

    Thank You Eric for the motivation you provide throughout the year, Thankful for friends around the world. Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. Kat Clore

    What a great idea Eric 🙂 I’m thankful for so many things as well… but mostly, that I’ve been a child of God for 32 years (next week!) when Jesus Christ rescued me from my pitiful life! I’m thankful for my best friend / man-of-God husband of almost 34 years, and for my 3 kids and 9 grandchildren. I’m thankful that my oldest son Gregg and his 3 children weren’t killed or burned AT ALL in the horrible car accident they had on September 19th, in which the flare gun that was in the trunk caught the car on fire after impact! And I’m thankful that FINALLY, all 3 of my kids have recently turned THEIR lives back over to God! The Lord is good and faithful, and His mercy endureth forever! Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless everyone 🙂

  9. Richard D. Hawley

    I want to thank YOU, for being an honest reliable I/M’er. I almost always open your emails. Only exception being repeats or doubles. It’s people like you Eric, who keep (Hope) alive for the beginners. What a Great Looking Family you have! Happiest of Holidays to you and yours Eric.

    God Bless,
    Richard D. Hawley

  10. Graham in UK

    Hi Eric
    Yes I’ve been with you for a very long time, you had long hair then!
    Your wife must love you very much because now you’ve got 6 kids.
    It’s great to see you are one big happy family and you also give back by helping others and I’ve always appreciated ‘Erics Tips’ which I have found very helpful.
    I’m thankful that I’m still here and that my wife believes in me.
    Graham from across the pond.
    P.S. Thanks for the ebooks

  11. Fitzroy

    Hi Eric, I am thankful for life. I enjoy all the help, tips, guidance that you have provided for us all in trying to improve our lives via our online business. I really do appreciate it.

  12. Zetta

    Happy Thanksgiving, Eric!
    I am thankful to God for blessing us and keeping my family healthy.

  13. Joanna

    I am incredibly thankful for my mom who is amazing, who prays for me, encourages me and laughs with me even on the really hard days. I can’t thank God enough for blessing me with her!

  14. Sharon Dixon

    Eric, I’m thankful for your faith in God and the way you live out a life of service. You are a blessing to the Internet Marketing community. Thank you for all the great tips through the years. May God richly bless you and your family.

  15. Mark Kemp

    Thank you for sharing your tools to help me and all of your subscribers share our messages with the world. We are all here to learn from experience, but it is such a gift to be able to learn from others who have already been down the path before.

  16. Sasha

    Thank you so much for your great work and kindness

    Wish you happy Thanksgiving too and to all of your faimily

    God bless


  17. Randy Hartman

    I am thankful for our dear Lord God and the blessed life He has provided for us!

  18. Marie

    Here is what I’m grateful for:
    I’m grateful for having a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and for being born in a country that is tolerant and champions women’s rigths, gay rights, freedom of speech and thought and religion, and where peace has prevailed for the last 150 years.
    I’m also grateful that more and more people use the Internet to spread truly effective messages of peace, ethics, love, consciousness and harmony, even in the face of horrific events. I will never forget this French husband who used the Internet to tell the terrorists who had just killed his wife that they would NOT win because he would NOT nurture feelings of hatred towards them That, to me, was a sign that yes, humanity has a chance to survive itself 🙂 I am grateful indeed!

  19. Barbara Maximchuk

    Blessings come in many forms, reflecting back to us. I am grateful for my boys, and the opportunity to witness them develop into amazing, complex, compassionate people. I am thankful that through them I have discovered deeper love, purpose and meaning in life; with children, one can get outside of themselves, allay ego and see our connectedness as one. For this and many other things, I am thankful and grateful.

  20. Blair W

    Thanks for all the information you post for us. Your leadership in this space has been very helpful to me as I try to find my place online. Have a Great Holiday Season!

  21. Barry O'Donnell

    Hi Eric, Thanks for all your help over the years. We all have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family from an Aussie. Barry O’Donnell

  22. Ramon

    I’m really thankful for being on your list. I really appreciate your sharing attitude. You are a tremendous teacher and your experience in the internet business is valuable to the most. Eric’s tips has helped me greatly, I just need more dedication to put what you have taught me to work for me.

    Thanks a lot Eric.

  23. Yolette

    Thank you Eric. I really appreciate your generosity and wish you and yours a safe and joyous holiday season. God Bless!

  24. Jenny from UK

    Happy Thanksgiving from the UK Eric. I have just lost my brother and I give thanks for his life and also thanks for all that I have in my life.

  25. Helen Blitzblau

    Thnk you, Eric, for your good wishes.
    I’m thankful for the love of G-d, my good health and my three sons and their families.
    Kind regards,
    Helen Blitzblau

  26. Bill H

    Eric, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family. I am thankful that I made the big move to the country of Panama. I am loving my new life down here. I am thankful for the opportunities that online marketing gives me to earn my freedom and independence.

  27. Dave weiser

    I’m thankful for family and more blessings than I can count (despite my online failure lol).

  28. Blaine Bauman

    I am thankful that my father will be celebrating his 95th birthday on November 27. My mother would have celebrated her 97th birthday on September 30. However, she celebrated her heavenly birthday on September 3. My wife and I were ale to celebrate Thanksgiving with my father today and wish him a very Happy Birthday.

  29. nzela

    I am so greateful that I am alive today by God’s grace. I am thankful for all the people in my life.

  30. Diana Frame

    I am thankful for my beautiful family and that I live in the greatest country in the world, where, God willing, free speech will never be taken away.

  31. Olivia

    Hello Eric, wishing you a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving, surrounded by your loved ones on this special day. I am thankful to God for all that He has provided for me and my family in this very difficult period of time through His Son, Jesus Christ.

  32. John Hogan

    Thanks Eric,

    The info and motivation you share is fabulous. Thanks and wishing you and you family another wonderful and successful year.


  33. Joanne

    Thanks for the gifts Eric. I’m a real newbie! I need all the help I can get.

  34. Cynthia Silas

    Hi Eric, I want to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. This is a day that the Lord has made and I will be glad in it. I am thankful for my wonderful family and my darling granddaughter, Eliana, who turned 2 years old yesterday. She is truly brings joy to our lives. I am so thankful for this time of year as I reflect on the reason for the season, Jesus Christ. Hope you and your family had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving today. Thank you for the wonderful gifts! God bless!


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