Happy Thanksgiving! I know that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders.
First, I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:
![]() Rapid Traffic Secrets |
![]() Rapid Product Creation |
![]() 365 Sales Boosters |
![]() Traffic Flow |
Next, here is the 8th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
Oddly, I’ve only made a couple of blog posts this entire year, but I didn’t want to skip this annual tradition.
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out last year or any of the previous years.
Here are the 10 winners of the contest, chosen at random using a randomizer app.
Joe Pe——–ld@gmail.com
Carl Jacobson jake—-@yahoo.com
Csilva csil—–@gmail.com
Robert R—–eray@gmail.com
Zhanna zd—–uk@yandex.ru
Tony Jones tj————–97@gmail.com
Claude Liboiron cla——@mac.com
Glenn Fox t——-fox@gmail.com
Angelina angel——–la@gmail.com
Vince vi——–aer@gmail.com
Congrats to the winners! I will send the prizes to your email addresses via paypal.
What I’m thankful for…
As I mentioned, this is the 8th year we’ve done this…
Those who have been my customers and subscribers for those past 8 years have been with me through a lot of changes in my life and no doubt changes in yours too. In fact, I just went into my AWeber account out of curiosity and found that I currently have 112 active Eric’s Tips subscribers who have been subscribed for OVER 10 years.
I’ll soon be 37… which means a bunch of you have been subscribers for over a quarter of my lifetime. That’s a big chunk of life. Seriously, I don’t take that lightly.
You’ve been a blessing in my life, so first I want to re-emphasize that I really am thankful for you.
Maybe you noticed that I haven’t made many blog posts this year, and haven’t sent nearly as many emails as I have in the past. Perhaps it’s one of those changes that comes with different seasons of life. One change is a shift in how I view this platform…
Essentially, it’s not about me. Maybe I’m having a bit of a mid-life “brand identity” crisis, LOL. 10 years of running Eric’s Tips has taught me that I don’t need a website with my name on it. I have a good life with a beautiful wife and six awesome children. More importantly I’m loved by God and that’s enough. For that I’m forever grateful.
But don’t worry, I have some cool plans for Eric’s Tips… the best is yet to come! While I will draw from my own experiences, it’s not primarily going to be about me. It’s about you. Thanks for sticking with me through those changes.
Here’s a pic of our crew from a couple weeks ago. That’s my brother-in-law Micah in the middle whom you probably know from my helpdesk.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for š
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
I’m thankful for individuals like you Eric, who actually care and want to help people make money online.
This Thanksgiving is especially meaningful. My grandson was born this past May with a congenital coronary defect that caused his pulmonary branch to flow backwards, making it very difficult for him to breathe properly. We knew he would have surgery to correct the problem and also patch a hole between the left and right chambers of the heart. His surgery was last week on the Nov 17. We were told he would have to spend 8 days in the ICU followed by another week on the cardiac unit before he would be able to come home. Thanks to the prayers and support of our loved ones, he healed up at a remarkable pace and we were able to bring him home yesterday, a full week early!.
So, this is our first holiday as grandparents and we had the entire family around to celebrate Bryden’s homecoming. It was an incredible reminder that all the fluff-n-stuff of life is truly unimportant. Although we have a large house, that doesn’t make it a home. Although we have a bit of money in the bank, that does not make us rich. Even though we have a couple awesome toys, that isn’t what makes us happy. None of that material stuff acquired through a lifetime of work means anything without the family. Words simply cannot express how grateful we are for our little family and those precious grandchildren. Besides, being a grandpa has got to be the best, most uber-cool job I’ve ever held! Time to run now, I’ve got little ones to spoil!!!!
To Eric: I am thankful for you and your sincere efforts to help all of us. I have not made it yet, but I keep trying. I want to comment on the previous message from Christopher: Congrats on becoming a grandpa. Being a grandparent is the best. I have 13, plus step-grandchildren. I thank God for you, that your grandson is healthy, whole, redeemed and set free from all things not of God. My last grandchild, also a boy, was born in May. He dropped during delivery, face down, and both arms trapped. One femur was broken, and the Dr. had to break the left clavicle. He had a cast on the femur to repair it, and physical therapy for the last 6 mo. He is getting better all the time, and is so strong. He does not let anything stop him. Now they have found fluid on the brain, and enlarged veins. Surgery is being with- held for 6 weeks at which time he will have another MRI. My Jesus said that His stripes healed all of us, and I believe His Word. This little guy & yours as well are healed, delivered and set free in Jesus Name. Our God is an awesome God, and His plan for these little ones, that He chose before the foundation of this world, shall be all that God created them to be and will do exploits for God. God bless you and Happy Thanksgiving to all reading Eric’s message.
My Mom and Dad both have dementia and I’ve had to put my Dad in memory care this year and my Mom will be there soon. My handicapped son just got out of the hospital after 10 days of battling c diff, and I was afraid I might lose him. I am on the verge of either bankruptcy or prosperity. But I’m not despairing. I give thanks to God for my parents, my children and our health, and for His provision!
Do you ever get back to St. Peter? I’m thinking of going back in two years for my 40th anniversary at Gustavus. Hard to believe it has been almost four decades since I left there. It was a year before you were even born!
I am thankful and grateful for being able to be thankful and grateful.
I am thankful for another year with my wife and family. My wife developed breast cancer last year and she has gone through Chemotherapy and Radiation. She still fights a mighty battle and her journey is continuing. We celebrated our 41st Anniversary and she is my inspiration.
I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving and thank you for the PDF e-books, Dan.
I’m grateful, that I found Eric’s tips early in 2015 when I was just starting to get serious about IM. Eric has saved me many $k’s since his tips have steered me away from alot of mistakes that I would have made without evening blinking twice. Good to know there are other God fearing/good folks who are out to also pass the good information forward and whose only guiding motivation was the almighty $, but sharing with others how to have good, valuable businesses first and know that the $ will follow. Appreciate, someone who shows by example. Thanks for being that strong example in the corner, that I’ve turned to many times when I’m looking for an effective, ethical solution to an IM problem.
Thanks for this opportunity Eric! I’m so thankful for my family– My amazing wife and three awesome kids. They give me the motivation and inspiration to chase my (sometimes) crazy dreams. Without them, none of it would really matter.
And special thanks to you Eric. You were my entry point into the world of IM. If I remember correctly, I linked to your blog when I did a random search about “betting arbitrage”. Thankfully, I didn’t follow that topic any further, but you opened my eyes to the world of making money online.
I’m thankful for loving friends and family. In particular, I’m very thankful to have a very courageous daughter Vanessa, who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, instead of just waiting for her condition to get worse, while taking very strong drugs which can have severe side effects, she has booked to go to Moscow next April to have a Stem Cell Procedure called Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Although this procedure will not cure her MS, it can stop her condition from getting worse, but there is also a risk of serious infection, until she grows a new immune system. If anyone is interested in her story, have a look on https://nessbeatsms.wordpress.com/.
I am thankful for my life and the hope that I have of making money online one day
Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving, in fact you are very generous for all the stuffs you put in there for people to use. although am from Nigeria and have been reading your post for quiet some years. Am always happy when ever i see your picture surrounded by your loved ones in any occasion this shows whom you are. thank you for inspiring me. Take care.
I thank God for giving me you, for your tips are incredibly helpful.
Hello Eric. I’m so thankful for the love of God in my life, for His grace and His mercy that is new every morning. I’m also thankful for honest marketers like you to learn from. You and your mission travels are an inspiration to me. Also, thank you for the free PDF’s.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your extended family!
I’m thankful about your lessons on Eric’s Tips. For various reasons I could not start online business when I did subscribe to Eric’s Tips about 3 years ago. Since than I changed my e-mail provider and partly sorted out other problems. Reading and listening your blogs did helped me a lot to overcome major problem (health issues).
Thank you a lot!
Can I ask you for little favor? Eric, can you do write some book or blogs like ”PLR for beginners” or so. I know there are many people already done it but we all are different and I do not catching, do not understanding them. Your language is a lot easier and you do really step by step teaching.
Thank you a lot.
I’m thankful for family, friends (IM and other) and the beginnings of an online business that will allow me to replace my J O B .
Love these freebees. Eric you give lots of good stuff. Sometimes way too much stuff. But please keep it coming.
Thank you for being here and being
part of our business.
I’m thankful for a Creator who has not left us alone in the universe, and who has made Himself known to us in the person of Jesus. I’m thankful for love, and for the joy of seeing His ideas work in real life – in the lives of family and friends.
First of all, I am thankful for God’s grace, Who has given me everything, and for Jesus, Who gave His life for all men who wish to receive His forgiveness and His mercy. Also, I am thankful for the few men and women who truly want to help us earn some honest money on the internet. And, for my church, where I have christian men and women who share my beliefs and where I find rest and joy and great fellowship.
Thank you Eric, for taking away my fears of internet Marketing and restoring my faith in the world; It is genuine “Real Good People” like you who makes IM credible to newbies like me. I have become more trusting and in the process knowledgeable….. My people will no longer perish due to luck of information …….
It’s tough to find an Internet Marketer that is honest, trustworthy and genuine and who really cares about the people behind the names in their list. You are one of those rare exceptions and the incredible value that you provide has been proven over and over again! You’re a wonderful example of integrity on the Internet! Great job and I look forward to hearing more from you in 2016! Thank you!! š
Thanks for the free gifts, Eric.
But thank you most of all for your witness for the Kingdom. We may never meet here on this old earth, but we’ll share a great time together around the Throne.
“My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spiritānot a brute strength but a glorious inner strengthāthat Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, youāll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christās love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.
God can do anything, you knowāfar more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
Glory to God in the church!
Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus!
Glory down all the generations!
Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes!
Ephesians 3: 14-21 The Message
I’m thankful for Jesus!
I’m with you on that julie!
I am thankful for the year that has almost come to a close. Hasn’t been an easy year, but Jesus held my Gand through ever step I went through. I have a heart to see my Country South Africa be the peace Country that it is surposed to represent. I hope that I can help others to generate money in order to see the economy become favorable as times are tough out there for many in my Country. I keep pushing through believing for a miracle in my persue on the internet to make an income. I haven’t got that breakthrough yet. I need to help many so I need much income to do that?i am sold out for my Country and need to be the voice that rises, but that needs income. I am studying politics and believe my hard work will pay off. When not studying I go wherever I can do reach the people with the gospel and to teach them to vote wisely, Godly as our land needs righteous leaders. Thank you Eric for your boldness as a man of God, sharing your missions that you go on, don’t ever let the world silence your voice. Blessings Esther Bester
Thanks for this opportunity to express my thanks. It’s almost 10 years since I was first diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, so I am feeling very thankful as I watch this anniversary approach. It has been a rough journey since then, another diagnosis, more health problems, 6 ( over 20 hours worth) surgeries in total and on going health problems. Like others here we have become financially destitute, deeply in debt. But Hope and Faith are always there. This, too, shall pass. One steady thing throughout this journey has been a knowledge that I can work from home, I can build an income (slow as it may be to happen) and that always gives hope for the future. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Blessings for the season to come.
I’m thankful for opportunities that did not exist before the internet but more than that I’m thankful for what Christ has done for me. Romans 5:8
We are thankful for the beginning recovery of our son from a dependency addiction. He has had a moderate level of success in life, and recently told us that he has been addicted for the last 15 years unbeknownst to us all that time.
I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my health and to have had the chance to go the places I have and meet the people I’ve met. Most of all I’m thankful to have realized in time to appreciate and enjoy it that waking each morning to a fresh new day is a gift in itself.
I guess being thankful is not just when you have it all. It’s the times when you fell like you don’t have; that you should really find the things for you to be thankful for. In any and every situation, there are always things to be thankful for! Look around, you’ll find it!
Like you Eric, I’m blessed to work from home and I have an amazing wife and 6 wonderful kids! I’m thankful for my family. And I’m thankful that you and a few other homeschool dads have inspired and instructed me about how to earn money online. Thanks for all you do!
I am grateful for the blessings of God. I am grateful for all you do Eric. Enjoy
I am thankful for good health, a wonderful wife, and great friends.
Thankful for another year November to November, and Thanks to Eric for all his helpful hints, support, for Internet Marketers š
Wow Eric I’m sure I’m one the 112 thats been one your list for 10 years and believe me it was a chore hanging onto that paid email address but I did. There were things I just didn’t want to lose and you were one of them. It has been a pleasure over the years learning from you and your down to earth ways. I also like that group of guys you are always doing sales with. I have enjoyed your blog and doing what you say to do every step of the way. You always knew what you were doing and kept it simple for us average folks to learn from. Looking foward to more from you heck you are only 37. I am 55 you were so young when I first ran across you and your wife helping people. Back then the internet was truly and infant. I would say you paved the way for us. You had such a keen sense of marketing skills and such awesome ideas and ingenuity. I say thanks for everything! .
What an incredible gesture of generosity! Appreciate it so much!!! You were my very first purchase in my discovery of the online realm!
I am thankful for:
*old and new friends
* family
* for having survived a heart operation
* for being alive
* for health
I am thankful that our Lord God almighty is always shining for us.
Peace and Blessings!
Thank You!
Dear Eric,
I’m not an internet marketer and, despite having purchased products, I’m not much inclined to pursue it. However, I always enjoy reading your newsletter and seeing how your mind and heart function. I’m glad there are people like you in the world who are making a difference. My best to you and your family.
Hi Eric,
I am thankful for the helpful tips and products that you deliver.
I am thankful for my family and for the second year anniversary of my enterprise.
I am thankful for all the great persons that I meet in real life or through the internet.
I am thankful for all the persons who are working to make the life and the world better.
Happy Thanksgiving from France to all who are celebrating.
I am thankful that we had all our kids home for Thanksgiving
this year.
I’m thankful to God, for my loving parents whose contribution for and in my life is priceless. I’m thankful for the hurdles in my life which made me a humble and wise man. Iām thankful for noble individuals like you Eric, who actually care for and help people make money online and change people’s lives.
Thank you to the whole existence!
I wish all the very best in life for all š
Lovely idea to post what we are most thankful for. This past year I have kept a daily journal to record 5 things I am thankful for and it has helped me greatly to stay focused on what matters.
I am grateful for my faith, family, friends and loved ones and mentors like you that bring joy to my life. I am also thankful for the opportunity to work at home and be available to help my husband with his health issues.
Wishing you a blessed holiday season and a very merry Christmas!
I am first so Thankful and Grateful for being in the family of God! Beyond that I’m grateful for every day I have to enjoy this magical place we call Earth. I’m thankful for the few really good, honest people like you that I have met in the Internet Marketing world. You have provided such helpful advice and information that is simple, straight-forward, and uncomplicated. Unfortunately, on the way to finding your site, I lost a lot of money trying to do things on my own, and then to some less-than-honest and trustworthy internet marketing “gurus”. You have restored my faith in my fellow man! I thank God for leading me in your direction! May God continue to Bless you and your family, and your extended family!
I’m Thankful for being able to spend Thanksgiving with my oldest son because it’s been years since I was able to do so, Amen.
I am grateful for having found you when I was frustrated and disenchanted with IM. I think that you were God’s answer to my prayers when I hurt my hip and working from home was my only hope. Your help on Eric’s Tips was the reason that I decided to stick with it until I make it! I”m not the type that gives up, and I’m still trying.
Thank you and God Bless you all.
I’m thankful for being a believer. I’m thankful that God is in control, and that I can have peace that all will end well and according to His will. I pray for the souls of non-believers and pray that they will come to the Lord as He offers His grace freely.
I feel abundantly blessed, and thankful for all that has been bestowed upon me…..
To God be the glory. I am so much thankful to God for his mercies and goodness. I just came back from our Annual thanksgiving service.
I thank God, this year my three children graduated from the university and they are now doing their national youth service. Only by his grace, every morning and evening l passed through the spot where suicide bombers kill people in Abuja and had never been a victim. I am grateful. So much to thank God for.
Hello Eric,
Thank you for the gift.
I wish you and your family good health.
Happiness to you and your children.
To your business grow and prosper in the world.
I am thankful to God for saving my soul, helping me to be born-again and giving me a new life in Jesus Christ.
I am thankful to my parents for sending me to school to be educated.
I am thankful to my wife for loving me so.
I am thankful to God for giving four lovely and cooperating children.
I am thankful to Eric Holmlund for offering internet marketing lesson, and solutions to people living outside the US. He even gave me a very costly ebook for free sometimes ago.
I am still learning and will never give up, till I become a highly successful internet marketer in the order of Eric Holmlund and even beyond…