Happy Thanksgiving! As I say every year, I do understand that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders 🙂
This is the 10th consecutive year that we’ve done this. Those of you who have been subscribers over the years have probably realized that I’ve shifted my business focus away from this blog over the past few years, but it’s still a great place to have this annual Thanksgiving tradition!
For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business.
So I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:
![]() Content Marketing Blueprint |
![]() Amazon Affiliate Profits |
![]() Goal Planning Strategies |
![]() Copywriting Influence |
Now, here is the 10th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.
Here’s a picture of my family taken on a hike a couple months ago. I am so THANKFUL for my amazing wife and wonderful children. #blessed
In spite of what seems like a society filled with of complaining, political and social strife, and dissatisfaction, I’m thankful for the FREEDOM that I’m afforded on a daily basis. Life is not easy but it is good.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to the 10 winners of this year’s Thanksgiving contest. I will be sending some cash via Paypal to your email address:
Trust you & family had a great Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for Eric’s Tips & all the fantastic opportunities you bring to us to help with our business!
Being a Muslim
You are so extremely gifted and thoughtful for the things you have doen over the years
I’m so very thankful for my new granddaughter on the occasion of her healthy, happy birth and for my amazing daughter who is a wonderful mother.
Happy Thanksgiving, Eric. Thank you for the steady stream of valuable insights and information. I appreciate it.
Great content. Thank you for your Eric’s Tips.
Family, health, opportunities and most of all, my Lord and Savior.
I am thankful everyday that I get out of bed on my own, to see the sun rise and the sunset. I am blessed with an amazing life from good health and intelligence to family and friends.
I am THANKFUL for my wife and children and the freedom we have and the beautiful planet we all live on.
I am so thankful for my wonderful husband, children and precious grand baby. Each day is a gift, even the challenging ones, and I try to stay focused on my many blessings instead of the complications that pop up now and again.
Thank you very much Eric! Although I live in a country where we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving Day, yet it’s very nice to receive your gifts and to be reminded to be grateful for everything that life has to offer. All the best!
I am so thankful for Life! So many times this year I came close to death with illness. I am thankful for my loving partner of over 23 years who has not only stood faithfully by me, but has tirelessly provided more and more care for me while Spinal Muscular Atrophy has slowly stolen all my voluntary movement except a bit of my fingers. I’m thankful for my family – both my wonderful birth family and small group of women I call my family of choice. I am thankful for my continued ability to provide Life Coaching and help another person another day.
I am truly grateful to be living in this great country of ours and I’m also so grateful to the men and women of our military
that give so much of themselves to protect this great nation and the freedoms that seem normal to us but to others in
different parts of the world they can only dream of having!
I am thankful to all those people who are putting their continuous efforts to make this world more beautiful and humane.
Hey Eric,
Absolutely love your products and what you’re doing.
I learned a lot from your training and your products.
I’m now learning about IPE and how to take advantage out of it.
Really excited about the journey that you guided me.
Huge LOVE from Vietnam
I am thankful to God for this 2017, first my mom and dad passed away first quarter of this year. I am not thankful that they are gone, but I am thankful that they finally find peace and rest in the Lord. Both of them served in the mission field for nearly 40 years until God took them home. I am in grief, but celebrating that my parents will no longer feel the pain of renal failure.
Second, I am thankful that God gave me an opportunity to serve more people this 2017. Lots of work, and blessed nearly a thousand people in this entire year, preaching, teaching and helping other people christian or non-christian. It’s our work.
Third, I am thankful that God despite of my grief for my parents, gave me joy serving the church I am pastoring for the past 11 years.
Hi Eric
Well another year goes by, hope you and your ‘growing family’ are enjoying thanksgiving.
Great pic of you all (and your wife still looks great even though she has carried 6 children!)
You are a credit to us all, I’m still trying to make a success of this I.M. thing?
regards from across the pond
Thank you, Eric, for all you do for your subscribers. I am so thankful to be here to celebrate this Thanksgiving with my wonderful family–“out of the blue” I learned I had cancer of the bladder during what was supposed to be a routine procedure on Monday, the 20th. It really makes you appreciate whatever–and whoever–you have.
So very thankful to still have my husband with me. I almost lost him this year so my heart is full of gratitude that he is still with me and my family. I am grateful for life and breath and each and every day! Also, very thankful that my small tech, marketing and design business is starting to take off and show fruit of very hard labor over the past year.
I’m thankful for all the opportunities I’ve had come my way.
I´m so very thanksful for meet You Eric, love your lifestyle,thanks God
I’m thankful to spend Thanksgiving Day with my dad. We almost lost him last year – 3 major operations in less than a month.
I’m grateful for my family I’m grateful for my health I’m grateful for the information that I’ve gathered through these tips thank you
Beyond being thankful for my family and friends, i’m Thankful the internet has brought me closer to great minds where i can continuously learn and grown. I forget who said it, but there’s a famous quote that says something like “If you stop learning, you’re dying.” Thank you for all you do and share throughout the year!
I am thankful for my health and my family.
Thankful God’s grace and mercy. Thankful for family.
Great content. Thank you for your great tips.
I’m thankful to God for being healthy and able to do the every best simple things of
life that most people forget about it.
Eric, thank you for the presents and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your whole family.
I am thankful for my love of God, my wife, my daughter, my son and the rest of my family. I’m thankful for our health, great educations my children receive at their school and my employment. I’m going to work very hard to start an online business that I can start to supplement my income with and ultimately allow me the freedom that you Eric write about and live with your online business. I’d like to be able to dedicate more of my time to volunteering to help others less fortunate than myself.
Thankful for my family and health.
To be alive.
I can never forget Eric’s tips.com! You and your family life are very inspirational. Thank you, Mr. Holmlund.
Dear Eric and family, I am one of the “other fifty per cent” and am based in UK. I found you earlier this year and have found your Tips and products helpful. Thank you so much Mike Kent
Happy Thanksgiving Eric to you and your family. I’m thankful for my health and the love of family and friends.
Thank you Eric, for the good the things and fatherly guide you have being giving to all of us who are learning from from you. That’s something special with you which I have not find in many online marketers, which is “Your primary aim is not money” You always want to help and give HOPE to others. I once read your article about the iranian girl. 20, who made it online. For me that’s one of the things that kept me moving, telling me that I can make it. Some people think that if you’er not from First tier or second tier countries that you’er not gonna make it online. But with you I came to understand that any body can make it online. Am happy for you and I also pray that the good Lord will strengthen you the more and give you the grace to keep doing good. Everybody will not like what you’er doing, is ok. But keep doing the good work.
Am still fighting my way online to make some small cash. Am from Nigeria. Thanks you.
Hi Eric You Are Awesome For Showing Your Gratitude by Your Actions and For Including That Wonderful Image Of Your Family In Spirit with Nature Around You.
I am thankful for life, health, and strength.
I am thankful for being able to earn an income online which allows me not only to support myself but to help my family as well.
Very thankful to have found this kind of business opportunity. I’m starting testing with my first product this week. Can’t wait!
I am thankful for beautiful and smart children, a great wife of over 23 years, and boundless opportunities where every mistake moves me closer to success.
Hi Eric! I am thankful for the kindness of your heart by providing us with free information that might help us out to be better marketers. I am also thankful that god has let me and my loved ones to be here on earth another year and hopefully enjoy another Christmas!
Hi Eric! I am very glad to be part of great tips I learn from you. I am a newbie in online business,I make many mistakes,i losed money because of i did not understand very well the system. Now I purchased 5 products from you but i have a big issue because I cant open a business account in paypal to receive payment. Now I don’t know what to do. Do you have some tips to share with in order to resolve this issue?
There are several other ways to receive payments outside of paypal, but you can also receive payments to a Paypal personal or premier account. What is the reason for being unable to open a business account? Is it a country restriction, or you’re unable to provide needed info?
SOOOOO thankful for family and friends – and all my blessings! – AND for generous mentors (YOU!) who share their knowledge and wisdom with newbies like me! 🙂
I am thankful for you Eric! You have done so much for all of us that struggle with business. Whether it be on line of off.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you ericstips really help me .Now I know that dreams came com true with people like you and all your parners.God blessyou to you and all your families.
Thanks very much for the Thanksgiving prize. It was a nice surprise and I’m sorry I waited so long to say thanks. I used the money to buy a domain for an upcoming niche site, and another domain that I wanted to get before someone else got it. 🙂
Wishing all of you a Healthy, Happy, and Prosperous New Year filled with joy!