Happy Thanksgiving 2017!

By | November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving! As I say every year, I do understand that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders πŸ™‚

This is the 10th consecutive year that we’ve done this. Those of you who have been subscribers over the years have probably realized that I’ve shifted my business focus away from this blog over the past few years, but it’s still a great place to have this annual Thanksgiving tradition!

For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business.

So I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.

Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:

ebook cover
Content Marketing Blueprint
ebook cover
Amazon Affiliate Profits
ebook cover
Goal Planning Strategies
ebook cover
Copywriting Influence

Now, here is the 10th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.

I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.

Here’s a picture of my family taken on a hike a couple months ago. I am so THANKFUL for my amazing wife and wonderful children. #blessed

In spite of what seems like a society filled with of complaining, political and social strife, and dissatisfaction, I’m thankful for the FREEDOM that I’m afforded on a daily basis. Life is not easy but it is good.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for πŸ™‚

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!


Congratulations to the 10 winners of this year’s Thanksgiving contest. I will be sending some cash via Paypal to your email address:


253 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2017!

  1. nestor

    Hi Eric,
    Happy Thanksgiving 2017. These quote is for you:
    β€œIn the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” Psalm 5:3

  2. Louis

    Thanks so much for your tips and your generosity; it’s deeply appreciated!
    Keep up the good work πŸ˜‰

  3. Millie

    Thanks for the free ebooks, Eric! I’m grateful for a ton of things, but here I’ll say how grateful I am for YouTube! I can remember a show I watched for ten minutes when I was 12 years old, and if I remember enough details, I can search on YouTube and see it all over again. It’s the best Wayback Machine ever! And there are so many albums I’ve purchased based on getting to hear entire tracks on YouTube, so I already know I love it before I make the purchase. Viva la YouTube! Hope you all have a beautiful and blessing-filled day and season!

  4. Humberto

    Thanksgiving is time for reflexion and gratitude for the many blessings we have, by the grace of God and by the sacrifice of members of the Armed Forces of the United States, something that someone as I, born in Cuba where a totalitarian regime destroyed our liberty in my youth, who later proudly served in the U.S. Army during the Viet Nam War and witnessed the repudiation of returning veterans, and now at 75 years of age again see with sadness the lack of respect to our flag that seems to have become routine, must be thankful to live in what is still the best country in the planet.

  5. Andrew Titcombe

    I’m in England and just read this Thanksgiving originally goes back to the time of the early Puritan colonies that came to America from England w well done my American friends. I am grateful to u all for preserving something we long ago forgot to do A lesson to me in particular Thanks

    1. Barbara Gorzinski

      I am grateful for the concept of nudging, and for my close friends who nudged me forward this past year toward my goals by inspiring me by their examples and by not cutting me slack on my excuses. I don’t need pressure or guilt or any other strong-arm engagement. A little nudging gets me thinking differently without calling my defenses to act. I’m grateful for mentors who understand that.

  6. Ruth

    So much to be thankful for: renewed health, clarity of mind to plan and focus on the future, for friends who understand and share experiences thoughts and laughter, to love and be loved, to be open to learning something new each day, to care and make a difference. The simple things that make each day better, sunshine, a smile, a kiss, a hug. Refreshing sleep after a balanced day of work, play and exercise.

  7. Lucy

    Your tips are great. A lot of information and very interesting to read. Many of the things nobody ever mentions are there in your presentation. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I would think you would be quite some person with that big of a family. Busy anyways. You make your living online to support that family. Your really doing well.

  8. John

    Love reading your tips.

    Things happen which make you grateful for what you have (may not be alot but you are most likely better off than some others). On the way to work yesterday, I saw a the van of a local charity that go around the Gold Coast (QLD) feeding, bathing and washing the clothes of homeless people. Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA.

  9. Roger A Revell

    I have many things and people to be thankful for. Health, happiness, a 47-year marriage to one wonderful spouse, two adult children, four grandchildren and many former and present clients. I’m also grateful for resources such as yours, Eric, that enable me to get up learning curves faster (in many cases). Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Kyle Mac

    I’m thankful for the grace and love of God and my friends and family

  11. Cristian

    Thank you, looking forward to read the books and learn some new skills.

  12. Mary Duff

    I am thankful to God and that he has given me another day to be with all of those that matter the most to me, and all my friends and internet friends. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours everyone.

  13. Sue Kennedy

    Happy Thanksgiving Eric! There is much to be grateful for…of course there is my family and friends, however I am truly grateful that I am able to help so many people with my work, I love how it helps them on so many levels. I am very much looking forward to the many thousands of people yet to cross my path, I truly look forward to meeting each and everyone of them :-))

    Have a wonderful thanksgiving

  14. Vicki Peel

    I realize daily how blessed I am. And I always feel like I can trust Eric – his tips always hold real value.

  15. Robert Mitchell

    I am thankful for almost 11 YEARS CLEAN. I lost every thing (I was in jail) and have worked hard to get a new life and my own business. I am most thankful for my girlfriend who believes in me and my family in my life. At 51 yrs old life is AMAZING.
    Robert Mitchell
    Sky Mind Media
    Video Creation Agency
    DOOH Advertising.

  16. George Apetor

    Hello Eric,thankful that i met you in my career as an online marketer.

  17. Jacquelynne Myers

    I enjoy Eric’s Tips and I can always depend on your honesty as a businessman and feel secure when considering any product that you create or recommend.

  18. George Apetor

    So thankful that God has given me the opportunity to be alive today.Thankful for being a really guy to ne and my online business.

  19. Dr. Julius

    Very grateful to God for having led me in this direction. It’s my best gift for 2017. Awesome!!!

  20. Diane

    How wonderful to have a day of thanks to God for family and friends and also it is a holiday!!

    Thanks to you Eric for helping so many as you.carry out your daily.job and passion.

    Happy thanksgiving everyone and many blessings

  21. Ray

    Hello Eric & Family: Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I’m very thankful, that I can wake up daily, with the thought and realization that every day, not just holidays are so dear, and each holds much to be thankful for.

  22. Paul

    Hello Eric,
    How is it living West of the D’s Backbone?
    I moved to Loveland in 1989 and left on a South American adventure in 2008.
    Panama 1 year, Costa Rica, Columbia, Uruguay 1 year, Chile 5 years, has been most excellent.
    I’ll bet India was a shocker… I have been to Taiwan, Korea, Macau and Japan.
    I am on Tip #81 so far and this is a wonderful gift of information with no hype. (YAY!)
    I have purchased some of your products, (PLR) I am thankful for that opportunity.
    Now I must get IPE P20 up and running, hope its a no brainer….
    No Turkey for me…l I’m a Veggie now.
    I grow my own and there are many family farms around producing organic too.
    PS, It is Summer here. The Holidays in Summer is just weird!
    Take care of everyone….
    You have a beautiful family… Great Photo!

  23. Alan

    Eric, I’m thankful for the opportunity to be an entrepreneur. I appreciate all that you’ve been sharing about running an online business and giving us inspiration to make a difference in the world. Blessings to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!

  24. Lorraine Burton

    I am so thankful for the invention of the World Wide Web (The Internet).

  25. Tami

    I am thankful to God firstly for life and for my little one who was born miraculously and prematurely a few weeks ago. Thanks also to this site. It has truly helped to encourage me in my online journey.

  26. Edward Rapka

    On this day of Thanksgiving, I’m grateful that the Lord has given me the free will to express gratitude, an imagination that lets me envision the future (for better or for worse) and to relive the joys and sadness of the past, for a body and senses that allow conscious access to an infinite range of experiences…for a gentle but unwavering guidance toward living a fully realized life (although I often fall short), for the blessed assurance that He has orchestrated a perfect symphony of cause and effect, and that every event that affects me has a cause, a reason, and an ultimate purpose. I am grateful that in a world of conflict, strife, endless controversy and sometimes vicious competition that I can rest in a calm understanding that I hold dominion over my own experience of reality, that no weapon formed against me shall endure, and that the Author of this experiment in human self-determination has written the play with an ending that affirms my self-worth, His perfect justice, with the theme that love shall ever triumph…

  27. James Stibbs


    I Am Thankful for and to GOD, for Jesus Christ My Savior, for You and for All The Blessing I receive Daily.

    “No Matter What Happens To Me Today… I Can Handle It!”

    Have A Blessed Day!

    P.S. I think t’s time for You to Get You A Television…

  28. ABD.Hisham Senin

    I really felt Thankful for Eric with his honest tips that change my life from know nothing about internet business than gain more knowledge that you can imagine to start my internet business and have my freedom of life.
    I really hope that GOD Blessed Eric and his family with wealth and good health for the purpose to help more people in this world….Ameen!
    Lastly have a Wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving holiday to Eric and the Real Guy that is behind my success …..:)

  29. Yvonne

    I’m thankful for my family and good health. I’m also thankful for your Email Tips course because its giving me to learn all about this biz in a step-by-step way. Thank you Eric!

  30. iacopo

    Great Eric, thanks for all: Funny you have 50% of your fans are out of USA πŸ™‚ , like me from Italy
    Take care You and your wonderful family.

  31. mourice mwongula

    Hey Eric, Thank you for accepting to be a source of inspiration and direction to many. To be sincere I have not seen anybody so open like this online. I have been trying to work online for the last 18months but not able to make a cent. Now I see where the problem is. You have opened my eyes and have started building my first site Mauriceonlinecash.com. Though am stuck but for I have made a mistake with hosting on Plesk and want to us wp to build but now I know and by the end of the year it must be functional. I request that the video class were downloadable for us to follow easily since learning takes going through for some time to get what you learning fully. I have now gone back to watch and build mine too. May the God who sees in secret visit you. I long to follow your class and build my products, I must use hostgator, Amazon, membership site was great. I can’t say everything. But thanks for giving me some feet. I have been trying to market things through JVZoo but not able. I have build my account well now in Sendlane and can now use it. I just miss the right words to say thank you. God bless you.

  32. Francine Lohar

    Hi Eric – Happy thanksgiving 2017!!! You noted that 50% of your readers are outside the USA, I am from Trinidad & Tobago and I am very grateful and thankful for the Internet and all the amazing opportunities it provides, communicating on this blog being one of them.

  33. Robert Hampton


    Thank you for sharing so much of your wisdom and experience for a fair price. The example of spreading your profits into various mission works.

    Thank you,
    Robert Hampton

  34. Robert Hampton


    Thank you for sharing so much of your wisdom and experience for a fair price. The example of spreading your profits into various mission works.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Thank you,
    Robert Hampton

  35. Mike

    I’m thankful to God for everything I have. I’m also thankful to Eric for the great job he does on the products he sells.

  36. Andy Long

    I am thankful for so many blessings in my life! I’m thankful for my wife and kids! But I’m also thankful for you!

  37. Jen

    Hi Eric,

    I am thankful for my family. I no longer take family for granted, because nearly two years ago, I lost my one and only sibling to a very quick and unexpected illness, related directly to the fact that he had severe intellectual disability and severe autism. He couldn’t tell anyone he was feeling really badly and by the time they got him to the hospital, it was too late. Anyhow, I am blessed with a great husband, both of my parents, two sons and two step-sons, a decent teaching job (even if it is stressful), good health, and the love of my Savior and my God πŸ™‚ That is what I am thankful for this year!

  38. Betty Segneri

    I am thankful that God is leading me in the direction of internet marketing. I have a long way to go. It is a journey. Thanks Eric for your input. I’m in Adelaide, South Australia.

    Have a blessed thanksgiving with your family.

  39. Jonty Johnson

    Hi Eric,I live in the UK. I’m thankful for many many things . Although I’ve not made a living online I do make a decent living for me and more importantly my family, for that I’m thankful. I have followed your tips for sometime now and believe you to be one of a few I would actually trust online. Happy thanksgiving to you and your family and all the very very best for the future. Kind regards Jonyy


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