Happy Thanksgiving! As I say every year, I do understand that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders š
This is the 10th consecutive year that we’ve done this. Those of you who have been subscribers over the years have probably realized that I’ve shifted my business focus away from this blog over the past few years, but it’s still a great place to have this annual Thanksgiving tradition!
For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business.
So I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:
![]() Content Marketing Blueprint |
![]() Amazon Affiliate Profits |
![]() Goal Planning Strategies |
![]() Copywriting Influence |
Now, here is the 10th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.
Here’s a picture of my family taken on a hike a couple months ago. I am so THANKFUL for my amazing wife and wonderful children. #blessed
In spite of what seems like a society filled with of complaining, political and social strife, and dissatisfaction, I’m thankful for the FREEDOM that I’m afforded on a daily basis. Life is not easy but it is good.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for š
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to the 10 winners of this year’s Thanksgiving contest. I will be sending some cash via Paypal to your email address:
I am absolutely, over-the-top grateful for all that I have and all that I am. I am grateful for my travel business and dong the writing that I love.
Besides everything you have taught, what is your advise to guys in developing world. You have made me start by registering several domains and now I have some professional emails, I have started to build Physical product site and am very soon I will start selling. I tried the Amazon but need some more info on it. Which plugins can be used for a blog? Every plugin I install tells me update failed, what could be the problem? Because of my budget I started hosting my site on Godaddy which costs $15 for a year but the plesk hosting is not friendly to me and they have just adviced me to buy a new hosting on Linux. This steps are a result of what you have been teaching us. Gudos man! How do get your personal coaching sir?
I am very grateful to my family and in particular my oldest sister who is supporting me throughout my recovery from several surgeries.
Hi Eric, just wanted to wish a Happy Thanksgiving day to you and your beautiful family
also thank you for the PLR Ebooks , you have always provided so much value to me
I know that one of these days I will have my breakthrough as you did in the past and I can only dream
of good things happening to me if I learn and educate myself through all your lessons and content
I wish you all the best always
Grettings from Chile
Cheers !
Carlos H
I am grateful for the Law that every moment is a new gift of wonder and we’re not bound by the past or the future. I’m also thankful for erics tips Rolodex.
Hello, Eric.
Thank you for your info and services.
I’m thankful for everything that God has provided to me, in and through Christ Jesus.
I’m also thankful for all that you have done for us, in and through Eric’s Tips.
Again, thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving and, Thank You for all the tips!
I’m thankful for good health and for the fact my parents gave me resilience and a never say die attitude that no matter how many times I get knocked down I always get back up. I know I will succeed eventually.
Happy Thanksgiving all ~ I’m thankful I’m not a TURKEY! Lol, just kidding š Seriously tho, I have so many things I’m thankful for and I name many to the Lord just about every single day. First, I’m so grateful that He reached down in His mercy & grace 34 years ago when I was still young (26), and rescued me AND my husband from the miserable pit we were living in! And I am so very thankful for my husband (and best friend) ~ 37 yrs together in a couple weeks. I’m thankful for our 3 kids & 10 grandkids… thankful for our health… thankful that God planned & purposed me to be an entrepreneur, creative/artist, and business woman that loves to help and bless others. And I’m thankful for my online like-minded marketing friends who teach and inspire me š Thanks Eric, for giving us the opportunity to share here about our blessings… it’s wonderful to read about goodness and appreciation from everyone!
I am always very thankful when I awake to see another day and take another breath.
I am also very thankful for the ability, strength, and wisdom that has been bestowed upon me which allows me to partake of, enjoy, and experience so many of the things that this blessed life of mine has to offer as I attempt to better myself in many ways..
I am also thankful for things like living in a great country, the USA, where I am free to choose my religion, my place of living, my choice of medical attention, and so, so, many things that those in other countries cannot do.
I am also thankful for the abundance of food and clean water that is available to me on a regular basis.
I am also thankful for our tireless leader who does his best to keep us free and safe, our brave men and women of the military who sacrifice and give so much of themselves, our policemen and women, doctors, nurses, first responder, and so many other good hard working people that we depend on in our times of distress and great need.
So,, I am very thankful for all those things plus so many other things such as a roof over my head where I can be cool in the summer, and warm in the winter, clothing that shields me from the elements, and especially, the time that each day provides for me to enjoy my family and friends.
And, of course, I am thankful for the ease in which we can do so many things these days that were unthinkable in previous years.
I am also thankful for the knowledge I have and the knowledge that has been bestowed upon so may others which allows them to be able to either invent or produce things that allows others to be in a better place in their lives.
So, while the above-mentioned things are just a few of the things everyone, including myself, can be thankful for, there are so many other things that I haven’t mentioned that makes our lives what they are today..
For these things I am very grateful and thankful to be alive to see and experience just some of the things that our great provider has given a undeserving person like me..
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am graceful of your gifts. HappyThanksgiving to you and your family.
There are so many reasons to be thankful for. First, it is the gift of life. Our very existence tells us that we are lucky to be alive, see the world, bring happiness to others and live our purpose in life. Second is our loved ones- family & friends. My family means so much to me. They give me joy. They give meaning to my life. They are the reasons why I want to become a better version of my self. Third, I am thankful for all the blessings that me and my family received throughout the year. Life is like a tire – sometimes your up, sometimes your down. The important thing is to take on the challenges in life. It can be surpassed by a positive mindset, will and determination. For it too shall pass.
Let’s celebrate life. Let’s celebrate all the blessings that we received and be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric and family!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am blessed, grateful, and hoping that anyone who may feel a little down and discouraged today will find the coming Christmas season one of unexpected blessing and surprises. Thanksgiving day blessings to all.
Really enjoy your newsletters, have a great Thanksgiving, my wife & I did.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your very large beautiful family
I’ m thankful for my friends, my health, and my family — my current family nd those members who are no longer with us.
I’m thankful for the beauty of the earth and it’s creatures and plants and the amazement of the universe.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family. Thanks for ideas to help our daughter and her 5 children, 3 of which are 18 month old triplets.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Eric. I’m so thankful for “Eric’s TIps”! You speak and present so well. Of every training I’ve tried, yours is so succinct and full of so much information. Thank you thank you.
Hello Eric,
I’ve been following you for years. I’m thankful for the ethical internet marketing model you provide. Black hat techniques and shadowy niches are not for me, and I’m glad you never advocate for these things.
I am thankful every day for my family and that we live in a place where we don’t have the same day-to-day concerns that so many other people do. I am lucky to have the problems I do have, rather than struggling for basic survival and safety.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Senior Revival
Every day I’m grateful for another day to spend with my awesome husband of 31 years. I love our great family. my health, and my knowledge and freedom to worship as well as all our freedoms we have in America. I’m grateful for a new business that is truly difficult for me, and so I’m especially grateful for people in this world who understand and create incredible tools, test them, and most of all are willing to share their knowledge with us. Thank you, Eric.
I am thankful for life and my family
Thanks Eric for always teaching folks only ethical internet marketing skills and always offering only ethical products from way back when you started.. I always can count on promoting your offers without thinking twice.. blessings to you and your family my Christian brother..
Roy Fielding
I am thankful for everything god has done in my life. Even things I thought were bad turned out to be good for me in the long term.
Thanks Eric for pointing me in the right direction. Getting ready to fire up my product engine!
YOU !!
A lot to be thankful for this year. Been one of your subs. since last yr., looking forward to more info., tips, and tricks in the I.M. world. Happy Thanksgiving from here in the U.S.
I am grateful for, YOU.
Hi Eric, Iām thankful that our kids all want to come home for Thanksgiving and like being together.
I am so extremely grateful that I have been able to come within 7 days of 85 years old with my wits (and almost everything else) intact!
I am thankful for everyone and everything that made my life better. Best wishes to you and your lovely family.
I am grateful of your gifts. HappyThanksgiving to you and your family.
I am thankful to God for providing us with seasons and harvest to enjoy with our families and friends.
I am thankful for your commitment to help us fulfill our dreams and sharing so openly with people you have never met.
I’m thankful to even be in a position where I have a roof over my head and access to the internet to learn with when I know there are so many people who don’t have that privilege.
Eric, I am so very thankful for the awesome support of my wife for my online business! Although she is Thai, she sees the long-term value of building a sustainable income in this manner. Also thankful for your leadership and the value that I have received from you over the past 2 years.
Thanks Eric for your FREE gifts!
Look forward to reading the one about Amazon and Goal Planning! Enjoy your Thanksgiving holidays.
Love & Peace from Ivonne
Sydney, Australia.
Happy Thanksgiving
I am profoundly grateful for the cardiologists’ Physician’s Assistant who carefully listened to us in the hospital last week and, despite non-typical symptoms, negative lab tests and a normal EKG, advocated for deeper testing based on our description of my husband’s prior heart attack. That revealed a 90% occluded main artery in his heart and immediate action was taken. This was at a hospital new to us (we recently moved) and doctors who did not know his history. Yesterday his regular cardiologist said it was such a close thing, that it was a miracle that he didn’t have a very serious (or fatal) heart attack. There had been no evidence of this ten months ago. I am so thankful for the Lord’s continuing mercy!
I am so thankful for love and marriage. God knew it would bless us to enjoy true love with one person. My hubby are celebrating our 33rd anniversary tomorrow!
I am thankful for life and everything it holds what a blessing it is and how it fills my heart with joy every single day no matter what. We don’t have thanksgiving day here in Australia but I do like the concept of it all maybe without all the food though but we should be grateful every day not just one day of the year, the more you are grateful the more you get to be grateful of, it’s how the universe works. Anyway enjoy your thanks giving day with love Sue Gillespie
Thankful for being among the living.
Eric, I’m a new fight and hopefully you will teach me what I need to know to make a success of myself. So wish me luck and I’ll do my best thanks for all your help to this point.
I’m thankful for the opportunity that the internet provides for ordinary people to earn money from home. I’m 75 and unable to work outside my home.
So I am writing this for a second time as I can’t see my comments that I wrote before. So don’t think I’m a twit or something. Anyhow I am grateful for life and everything that it holds, and the joy it brings every single day no matter what. We don’t have thanksgiving here in Australia, but I do agree with the concept of being grateful but not for just one day of the year but every day. The more you’re grateful for; the more you get to be grateful for it’s just how the universe works. So, anyway have a great and wonderful thanks giving day may it bring a abundance of joy with love Sue
Hi Eric:
Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for all that you do.
I am thankful for your help.
Thanks for all the great content, instruction, products and leadership. I am thankful for my family – everyone says that on Thanksgiving, however my father passed away in October, he lost his fight with lung cancer, I lost two cousins in the terrible shooting tragedy at the church in Texas. My sweet niece, who just turned 30 passed away from breast cancer last week leaving a husband and four small children. So why would list those things? Because we are family who lives our faith and we have a hope to see them again. It is also a reminder to love, enjoy and appreciate your family as we do not have any guarantee of tomorrow. So I am thankful for my family and friends.
I enjoy your tips and have bought some of your products as well as some of your affiliate offers.
I just returned from a very blessed time with our son, new granddaughter and his wife’s family. It was a great time of being thankful for God’s grace and looking forward to a grace filled year ahead.
My prayer for you and your family is that you will continue to experience blessing and continue to bless others both in your business and in your mission trips.
Lovely family! Thank you for these great gifts. Each one is valuable to me at this stage on my journey!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I’m thankful for my life, my health and my family, especially as I head out Sat. for a funeral for my son-in-law’s mother. Thank you for your tips newsletter.
thank you Eric and your team for your help, from a one family guy to another who is making his family first in his life.
i am truly very grateful