Happy Thanksgiving! As I say every year, I do understand that only about half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, but gratitude transcends all borders 🙂
This is the 10th consecutive year that we’ve done this. Those of you who have been subscribers over the years have probably realized that I’ve shifted my business focus away from this blog over the past few years, but it’s still a great place to have this annual Thanksgiving tradition!
For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business.
So I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist.
Here are a few free gifts as a token of my appreciation. You can download these ebooks for free right now:
![]() Content Marketing Blueprint |
![]() Amazon Affiliate Profits |
![]() Goal Planning Strategies |
![]() Copywriting Influence |
Now, here is the 10th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could be one word, or it could be much more… it’s up to you.
I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.
Here’s a picture of my family taken on a hike a couple months ago. I am so THANKFUL for my amazing wife and wonderful children. #blessed
In spite of what seems like a society filled with of complaining, political and social strife, and dissatisfaction, I’m thankful for the FREEDOM that I’m afforded on a daily basis. Life is not easy but it is good.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
Congratulations to the 10 winners of this year’s Thanksgiving contest. I will be sending some cash via Paypal to your email address:
Thanks for the gifts.
I trust you had a great Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric
For the last two years I have tried several online business ideas but I just could not get excited about them. I looked again at ClickBank because I know I want to market Digital Information and low and behold I found No Cost Online Business, Pregnancy Miracle and Children Learning Reading Ebooks. Now that I can get really ecstatic about. I know beyond a doubt that God has led me to this work and am truly blessed and grateful. Also we have 9 adult children who have taught us so much and am very proud of all of them.
Have a Wonderful Week
Diane Lucas
Lavender ON Canada
Hi Eric , Happy Thanksgiving to all the 8 members of the family as they combined are the real source of joyful existence which creates that blissful opportunity to convey our deep
heartfelt thanks and gratitude when we say to that dear someone ” Happy Thanksgiving ”
I became your ardent admirer the day I started reading your over 60 parts course on
“Internet Marketing “. It changed my entire mindset and created a new dynamic, visionary
and confidant person out of a septuagenarian ” ME ” . HAPPY THANKSGIVING . Eric.
I duly appreciate you for the thanksgiving e-books you shared. I’ve learnt much from you. I’m sending you this message from Nigeria
I’m thankful to you Eric for your tips. God bless you.
I’m also thankful to God for His Grace and Love all through 2017.
Hola Eric muy agradecido por tu Acción de Gracias en esta semana todos tus consejos han sido de utilidad para mi, y Felicitaciones por tu Familia tan hermosa bendiciones para todos ellos…..
Live long and prosper brother from another mother..!!
Hi Thank you Eric for the good items you have put here and in yuor newsletters. Hope you continue doing this. Have a great festive season.
Great stuff in this post Eric, keep up the great work and have a great festive season.
I’m a thanks full to Eric’s invaluable tips that kept me to never give up in my Internet marketing objective.
Raymond Cadet
Here we are on ‘The New International Black Greed (Fri)Day’ and I get an email about gratitude. Nice one Eric. Thank you.
Thank you Eric.
Thank you for the gifts! Very useful material.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Thank you for your gifts! Very useful material.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Thanks for the gift books!
Beautiful family…
Great tips!
Hi Eric I really like doing things like this. I have been following you for years now. I stumbled onto Eric’s Tips somehow and have been there ever since. I still go to those lessons and walk thru them. I want you know how much I appreciate what you have done for this community and for my business. I have learned a lot here and from other products that you recommend.
Thx a lot
Happy Thanks Giving Eric and Clan!
First I am Thankful to be alive! My birth began in the toilet, my Guardian Angels have kept me from serious harm ever since! I am working on creating a book , “70 PLUS YEARS OF MIRACLES IN THE MAKING !”
Although I am a widower, I am Thankful for nearly 32 years of wedded bliss. Dawn & I found out she had cancer on my birthday, October 27th, 2014,,,,,I am Thankful for the 28 years we had our animal shelter, they were our children, I closed it December 23th,2014…… Dawn passed January 18th, 2015… I still have Missy, she is a Boarder Collie, our last “kid”, been with me for 13 years today November 24th, 2017…
I am Thankful for HOSPICE helping me through that time, and then allowing me to be a HOSPICE volunteer .
I am Thankful for all Our Service Men & Women who have and are serving Our Country, keeping us safe. I am Thankful for being able to visit weekly those Vet that are under HOSPICE care, especially yesterday, on Thanks Giving Day, I was able to visit and give comfort to 50 Vets, including those that have families. I am Thankful I am able to spend extra time with ones that are alone, I get more inspiration and energy each time.
I am Thankful to be recovering from surgery, September 27th,2017, and a head injury from falling on Black Ice, April 10th, 2016.
I am Blessed by God, for all these things, and I am Thankful for your generous gift of Eric’s Tips, directing me to a new path toward financial freedom. I am working on new website, J.F. Enterchanges.
After my Dawn’s passing, I want to make a new national slogan…. I stopped saying Good Bye, I now say….
God Bless you and your family, may we meet someday in this world or next.
Thank your You Eric for the gifts you have given all of us…
The Gift of Hope, sharing your knowledge, inspiring us with your education in these lessons.
The Gift of Love showing us that you care for what becomes of us, your students, making us feel part of your extended family….
The Gift of Charity taking your precious time to create your family, both real life, & us, your virtual online family, creating and sharing Eric’s Tips, which we are learning so much from… Giving us this opportunity to enter your contest, remembering we all have so much to be Thankful….
The Gift of Inspiration showing us that taking baby steps, we can all succeed in our goals… If I want to eat an Elephant, I need to start eating, just One piece at a Time… You are serving us this meal of this huge “Elephant” aka Online Business, for us to all eat as little or as much as we desire. It is up to us to accept your Gifts and finish our meal!,,,
Thanks for all these Gifts, YOU have given us an early Christmas Present, and a very Happy New Year…
I don’t say good bye, I say HELLO ! Until I see You again !
Thank you for your thoughtfulness!
I’m thankful to the twists and turns which have happened in my life that guided me to meeting my, friend who became my soul mate and wife who gave me 3 beautiful children. I’m thankful this beautiful, kind, intelligent woman choose to spend her life with me 🙂
I am grateful for your gratitude
I’m thankful for my beautiful family and a free country:)
Thankful for having a ROOF over my head again.
Happy Thanksgiving Eric .. Show Me The Money .. lol .. 🙂
Happy thanksgiving…be blessed
Thanks for the PDF’s and passing on your knowledge.
Hey Eric
Thank you for all the help and guidance you continually give,
I have followed you for some time now and recommend your Tips and products to people I know.
You are the only real guy I’ve found on the internet to learn from, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family
and cheers for the free gifts
If all those people who complain about the United States would visit almost any other country (except the tourist areas of Mexico and Canada) they would understand how special and lucky they were to be in the United States. I’m thankful everyday for the vision of the Founding Fathers and those who have made this country what it is.
I am thankful for my health, family, and friends, my cats, having a good place to live, and having an interesting job.
I thankful for my Mother is still living, that neither of my sons are in jail, that my health is Blessed, that my Mother never had to bury any of her children, and that The Lord Jesus Christ has saved my soul, Amen.
Thank you, Eric, for the gifts you have shared with us. I find myself grateful every day that I have abundant good health, a great relationship with a man who thinks I am strong and capable, four lovely rescue dogs to keep me smiling and active, and perhaps best of all a grandson who spends time with me and thinks I am kind of cool.
I am so thankful for ADRA to allow us to feed hungry people around the world!
I am so thankful for a Christian home where I learned of Jesus who gave up all heaven to show us His love.
I have so little I can give but Jesus knows this and said the two mites given by the poor widow was more than all the gifts of the wealthy!!!
God is so wonderful remember to love Him as you feel the needs of others and provide their needs He considers it as done to Himself. WOW we are loved!
I’m thankful for having an amazing church family that loves and supports us
Im thankful for my faith, my family, and opportunities I’ve been given
Thanks for the gifts Eric
Have a great Thanksgiving with all your family
May your quiver be continually blessed! I am so thankful for all you do for this community and how you extend your blessings throughout the world. Many thanks!
Thankful for the Internet, the great equalizer of business.
Thank you for the gifts.
Thank you for the gifts and all other useful information you have provided over the last couple of years that I have been subscribing to your site and emails. I am currently working my way through the mass of material you provided in a couple of your fire sales in the recent past. I am now retired, and looking to start my own online business to supplement my small pension income. You have given me hope that I can make money online and continue to have a happy life doing the things I want to do. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
You guys look great!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your newsletter and products.
I’m so thankful for Faith, Family, and Good Health!
I’m very Thankful to be able to have my family together with my wife and I on Thanksgiving.
Thanks for the gifts the copywriting influence is perfect timing.
Thank you, Gary
I leave in South Africa . I am grateful for the Amazon Affiliate and other downloads. Being unemployed, I cannot afford what is charged by other sites for learning ” Amazon Affiilate Secrets” . Thanks You Erics Tips for the opportunity to learn.
I thank God for connecting me to Eric.
Hi Eric, hope you and your beautiful family had an awesome Thanksgiving! I am thankful for everything because we know that for those who love God all things work together for good. Also, I am very grateful for your gifts. God bless!
I’m thankful just for being able to be thankful!
Hi Eric
Thank you so much. While so many are giving discounts on overpriced products you decided to give yours away. Such generosity will always be rewarded. Happy thanksgiving to you and you family.