Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

By | November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving! About half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, where Thanksgiving is a national holiday today, but like I say each year… gratitude transcends all borders!

This is the 13th consecutive year that we’ve done this. I don’t use this blog much anymore, but I still think it’s a good place to have this annual Thanksgiving tradition!

For me personally, it’s a great opportunity to be reminded of how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business for so many years.

I want everyone reading this to know that I’m thankful for YOU. Without you, Eric’s Tips would not exist. Whether this is your first time participating in our annual Thanksgiving contest, or your 13th, thank you for being a part of it.

Here’s a quick video update from me sharing what I’m thankful for this year…

Here’s a picture of my family taken earlier this year at our oldest son’s wedding which was held in our yard:


I’m so thankful for my family, and gaining another daughter this year.

Here’s a link to the memorial I set up for my friend Rudy who passed away a couple months ago. I’m thankful that he was my friend.

Here’s a video of some of our dancers performing on a stage I built in my backyard. I think the song will be an encouragement if you’re experiencing difficult times:

To see why this performance was basically a miracle, check out the version with the raw audio and commentary.

Next, here are a couple of freebies as a token of my appreciation. This year I’ve got a couple of unreleased ebooks with rights for you…

(The download file has been removed, to keep the value for everyone who got it. Be sure to stay subscribed to Eric’s Tips and download future bonuses right away!)

This zip file contains two Word documents. I spent hundreds of dollars to have these researched and written, and they have not been used at all yet… you may want to skim through and do some basic editing. These are hot topics right now. You can have full Private Label Rights to rebrand these, turn them into PDF’s and sell them or use them for lead magnets. Normally I leave the Thanksgiving gifts online (you can go back and find the past 12 years worth of them), but this year I will be removing this file after a week! This is to protect the value for everyone, and because I intend to sell these ebooks in the future!

Now, here is the 13th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could even be just a few words. There are no bonus points for writing more or writing better. It’s about participation.

In a few days, I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest. I will also announce the winners here on this post, as usual.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

(Chosen at random using random.org)
Dom Senda____ip@yahoo.com
T L on___nt@gmail.com
Jacquelynne ____acquee@gmail.com
Nate Nate_______79@gmail.com
Norbert dj___@hotmail.com
ileana il_____c@gmail.com
Sylvia scw___@comcast.net
Kevin cy____10@yahoo.com
Roy roy______n@rocketmail.com
Engelsina en______a@gmail.com

I have sent a $20 paypal payment to each of you!

145 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

  1. Ryan Paterson

    I’m thankful to know that in spite of our struggles, we are loved. A shared burden is half as heavy, while a shared joy is double the excitement. We have been handed the opportunities that lie before us and they are only limited by our own perceptions. The ball, ladies and gentlemen, is in our court. Merry Christmas and Happy 2021.

  2. Martin

    Thank you as always, Eric for reaching out with positive, uplifting and encouraging material as well as gifts to help us earn. Cheers,

  3. Andy

    I’m thankful for many things! I am so blessed! Im thankful for my wonderful wife…we celebrated our 25th anniversary this year! I’m thankful that we have the freedom to homeschool our kids. I am thankful for my 6 amazing kids. Like Eric, the first of our children to get married was just a few months ago, so I gained a son-in-law! I’m also thankful for the incredible opportunities in front of us every day. I’m thankful that I can provide great products for my customers and bless my family by selling on Amazon.com and Walmart.com.

    But most of all, I’m thankful that Jesus is my savior! If you don’t know Him, seek Him and you’ll find Him!

  4. Denny

    I am thankful for the unconditional love of my wife and daughter. We were married just before 9/11 and have leaned on God and each other as we have gone through the past 19 years.

  5. Gary O'Hehir

    I am thankful for my wife of 45 years, my children and grandchildren. I am also thankful for us all being healthy and the chance to improve ourselves each day. Also thank you Eric for all that you do for this community.

  6. Jo Dee

    So thankful for my family and being able to spend Thanksgiving with all four of our children. Now that they are all adults, it has made it more difficult, but this year we decided to rent a house on the beach for Thanksgiving week and while not everyone could be there the whole week, all were there together for several days for Thanksgiving.

  7. Terry Johnson

    I am thankful for another day of life and that I get to spend it with my lovely wife.

  8. Cathy I Davis

    I’m thankful that I survive the year, considering I’m almost 71 years old and in the “danger” zone. But, also, I’m thankful I was able to continue to work as if there was no virus at all! Lastly, I want to thank Eric for being a man of integrity, and running a real, honest, and trustworthy online business. You are an inspiration, Eric. Keep up the good work! And may God bless…..

  9. Jacob Cano

    Eric, thank you for your kind words and the help. Glad to be apart of your business and your mailing list.

    So up next – What I’m thankful for.

    I am thankful for who I AM because I feel being thankful for who I am and having a strict code on myself and my personality to live life with a certain mindset and thoughts have been keeping me alive keeping me strong through each day. I am thankful for people in this world that I get to admire and learn from being able to be happy from different people all around the globe. For a 30 year old who has very little, I feel like there is so much wrong in this world but still so much righteous that can be done from it that can make us create a true legend of ourselves and even way more than that which I think is also something awesome to be thankful for.


    ( :

  10. paul

    Hi Eric,
    Thankful for my health, my family, my freedom, my friends and Eric’s tips (I have watched every one) I lived in Loveland, CO. for 20 years and drove by Masonville Rd. many times on my way to the Backbone and Estes Park. Nice area!
    Happy Holiday’s to all, and a more stable 2021 and beyond.

  11. mike lerman

    Thank you eric your internet marketing training is helping me greatly Thanks

  12. Kenny

    I am thankful that both my girls are happy, healthy and were able to come home from college for Thanksgiving.

  13. Jonty Johnson

    I’m thankful I’m here. Thankful for my wife who continues to help and stand by me. Having had a very lucky escape from death in 2018 followed by a troubled couple of years. I realise I wasn’t meant to go in 2018 and I was meant to do other things.
    Although it’s not been easy, I’m in the process of turning all the negativity around into doing good.
    As always Eric you are inspirational, your a good man and have a lovely family.

  14. Graham

    With apologies to Shakespeare:

    “My kind ‘Eric and all’,
    I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks;”

  15. Bill Nickerson

    I’m thankful for family, friends and a great God who loves us all so much. Also, generous people who mentor and share with us.

    And golf too.

  16. Roy Peterson

    At my age, I am thankful I am on this side of the ground. Then I am thankful I am still active. Most of all, I praise the Lord I am watching my daughter grow into a young lady and start her jousting with the world while she seeks her destiny in life. I would be more thankful if I could stop procrastinating and get my businesses up and running.

  17. Karen Vines

    As a 9 year breast cancer survivor, Im thankful for my great mammogram results I received the other day.
    I am thankful for my family, especially for my 11 month old Granddaughter.

  18. Gabriel

    Gracias Señor por la salud que me dispensas disfrutar en mi cuerpo físico. Te pido tener a bien sanar mis cuerpos físico, mental y espiritual. Lo anterior te lo pido en nombre de tu Divino Hijo. También te doy las gracias por darme el entendimiento de tu palabra, y te pido me permitas predicarla entre mis semejantes. Ello te lo pido en nombre de tu Divino Hijo, para beneficio de la humanidad y por la Gloria de tu Reino. /// Thank you Lord for the health that you give me to enjoy in my physical body. I ask you to heal my physical, mental and spiritual bodies. I ask the above in the name of your Divine Son. I also thank you for giving me the understanding of your word, and I ask you to allow me to preach it among my fellow men. I ask this of you in the name of your Divine Son, for the benefit of humanity and for the Glory of your Kingdom.

  19. Zetta Williams

    Hi Eric,
    I’m thankful for my husband of 28 years and the love we share with each other.

  20. Frank

    I’m thankful for the people in the world that are open minded and willing to help others.

  21. John Hitchcock

    Greetings, Eric,
    It’s easy to be thankful for being in good health as I retired last June after an enjoyable fifty-six year career teaching physics and chemistry, and a subsequent move from southern California to Texas.

    It is much harder to be thankful in the aftermath of our twenty-one year old grandson being killed in a home invasion robbery. Not at all thankful for the event and the grief, but immensely thankful for the strength given by a loving God!

  22. Barry Schuster

    I am thankful that you care so much about success of people you might never meet.
    You are a source of inspiration with your wisdom and training.
    Through this Pandemic, I am very thankful for the support of my family (wife of 46 years, kids, grandkids, in-law people and others) who have believed in my mission to end “Food Deserts” in America- and feed 43 Million disadvantaged citizens healthy foods.

    We will overcome this Pandemic and emerge stronger as we are a resilient nation.

    Again, many thanks for your Holiday information.

    Your friend,

  23. Engelsina

    Dear Eric, I live in Russia and have been using your materials and tips for many years. I am already an ancient mammoth and yesterday I turned 80 years old, I am concerned about disagreements and I so want our peoples to be friendly. Happiness and peace to you and your family!

  24. Temba

    Yes, we must thankful especially having this human life which rarely comes after went through in numerous different lives incarnations according to the mystics. After all, our life is purely based on our mind; therefore there are no such things as hard, easy, good bad etc. These things are matters based on how our mind interprets. So, let us learn to be gratfuls for whatever things come along the way.

  25. Cedric

    Thanks for all you do, Eric. I’m grateful for my family, and my life as I nearly lost it battling a stroke over the summer.

  26. Jo Merriam

    I’m so thankful for family and friends! It would be a cold, lonely life if we didn’t have kind and loving people to journey through this life with! God Bless us every single one!

  27. Shawn

    Thankful for family, health, work and the grace of my Lord!

    Thanks Eric!


  28. Daniel

    I Am thankful that I can be thankful in Christ 24/7/365 .And that the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus my YESHUA has made me free from the law of sin and death . And I am also thankful that apart from Christ I can do nothing and when I am weak he is strong , and that my name is written in the Lambs book of life

    Dan eternally thanksgiving in HIM !


    I am so thankful to have been born in South Australia where I am able to pray for every living soul every single day who may be suffering or living in hardship around the world in times none of us could ever have imagined just 12 months ago…a peaceful time (hopefulyy) is just around the corner for ALL OF US!

  30. Cheryl

    I’m so thankful for our gracious Lord Jesus and His manifestation of Love, Peace, & Joy extended to & through us via His Holy Spirit freely given to lead, guide, comfort, & to help us thrive, even amidst a world of chaos & unknowns.

  31. Lynn

    So thankful for encouraging scripture:
    Isaiah 30:15
    Isaiah 26:3

  32. Charles CM Bannister

    Thanksgiving is a practice that I have grown to appreciate more the older, I gewt. I am now 75 years old. I find that most things that I give thanks for have two components. 1. The person or situation that I am I am gratefulfor. An example ias my wife Catherine, without whom I would only live half a life. Her dedication to looking after me is beyond love. 2. Morew than just the blessing I find that I am able to learn so much as a result of the blessing. For example I am so grateful for the totally unconditional love of my daughter Lilian, but also learn so much from the way she has a calm assuredness that she is loved in the same way.. That adds two more blessings to by experi. That is that We have created the environment that enables her security and secondly that we are aware of priviples that can gyide ud through all life’s ups and downs

  33. Norbert

    Thanks so much, Eric. God bless you and your family and everyone here on Earth.

  34. Jacquelynne Myers

    I know this is probably an inappropriate place to post this, and it’s none of my business. I feel very strongly that I need to tell you this. You have shared so much knowledge with me and probably thousands of us, and you deserve the best healthcare.

    Hi Eric,
    Please don’t ever again trust any doctor from a “chain” clinic to operate on your clavicle or scapula or any other bone or organ, especially not one who is dumb enough to disregard rib pain without even an x-ray. They are greed-driven. If a broken rib shifts the wrong way, it can puncture a lung. You see, there’s no money in broken or cracked ribs.
    I hope that at least you finally got some pain meds, and I hope you continue to improve.
    Also, please have a real orthopedic surgeon check out your scapula and clavicle because it would not surprise me one bit if the surgeon botched them in some way.
    Best Wishes For a Speedy Recovery,
    Jacquee Myers

  35. Cynthia Silas

    I am thankful that my Granddaughter, Eliana, 8th birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year, We were able to share Thanksgiving and her birthday together with the other grandparents this year. We all had such a wonderful time of celebration and the love of family.

  36. Zhanna Denisyuk

    I thank God for every minute of my life.
    I wish all Eric’s subscribers and Eric’s family health and happiness!!!!

  37. Tom

    For the first time ever I’m thankful I live in Florida. Thank you for my health and all the wonderful people I have met over the years.


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