Happy Thanksgiving!
Here we are in the 15th consecutive year that we’ve done this thankfulness exercise and contest. As I’ve mentioned for the past few years, I don’t post on this blog much anymore, but we’ve got to keep this tradition going as long as possible!
About half of Eric’s Tips readers are in the USA, where Thanksgiving is a national holiday today, but like I say each year… gratitude transcends all borders!
Keeping this tradition alive is a great opportunity to remind myself how thankful I am for all of the subscribers and customers that have allowed me to have this business for so many years.
So first of all… I want you to know that I’m thankful for YOU. I’m really grateful for your readership and support. Whether this is your first time participating in our annual Thanksgiving contest, or your 15th, thank you for being a part of it.
As usual, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I thank God for life and for all He has done for me.
One of the biggest “events” in my life this year was adding another member to our family through fostering. I’ll share more details about this sometime in the future. We are so thankful for this opportunity and for bringing even more love into our family.
Here’s a recent family portrait, taken in our backyard by our friend @talliejohnsonphoto …
I’m grateful that I’ve continued to be able to enjoy the outdoor activities I love, and I spent more time alone in the wilderness this year than in the past. I also rekindled my passion for fishing, which is a pursuit I fell in love with as a kid.
I caught more fish this year than in the previous several years combined. I practice catch and release (I let them go!), and my favorite fish of the year were the ones I caught in the beautiful high alpine lakes of Colorado with species including rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, cutthroat trout, cutbow trout, tiger trout, and lake trout to name a few ๐
As much as I’m tempted to turn this into a brag-post by blowing it up with dozens of fish pictures, I’ll refrain from it, as that’s not the point of this exercise! But if you’re interested in seeing my fish pics and other outdoor exploits you can join Strava and follow me here: https://www.strava.com/athletes/eric_holmlund
I’ve continued my quest to capture and post at least one image of beauty every day that I am able.
Next, here are a couple of free ebooks as a token of my appreciation.
(Links removed to keep the value for everyone. Be sure to stay subscribed to Ericโs Tips and download future bonuses right away!)
You can also resell them, or use them as lead magnets.
Now, it’s your turn! Here is the 15th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!
It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.
So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.
All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could even be just a few words. There are no bonus points for writing more or writing better. It’s about participation.
In a few days, I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest. I will also announce the winners here on this post, as usual.
If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.
Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for ๐
NOTE: Your comment will not appear right away, but don’t worry. I’ll check them and approve them periodically.
Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!
(Chosen at random using random.org)
Jonathan Kraft striv________@gmail.com
Vince vince_______er@gmail.com
Eric Hook ___ook@yahoo.com
Nate Nate@hear______issions.com
ROGER ard___@yahoo.com
Tan Doan new_____an@yahoo.com
Cynthia c____as@yahoo.com
Robert Hicks bo_____s935@gmail.com
Chris Copland chriscop______@gmail.com
CJ ja___191@yahoo.com
Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m thankful for Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God!
Eric, I am so thankful that my family has been healthy this year. Happy Thanksgiving ?
As I’m approaching 68, I’m thankful for my health and life, peace and safety, and for opportunities.
Blessed for a new home this year in New England from California.
Thank you for the free ebooks!
Iโm thankful that I know my lord and savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua) for my health and all that he gave me in this life !
I am grateful for the fact that i turn 70 on Monday and I’m still alive and kicking after conquering cancer…twice.
And also for each additional day I get to spend with my faithful companion for 12 years, my sweet Shih-Tzu. Livvie, who – according to her vet – is in the “end stage” of her life.
Amazing sir . Greetings and may great things still come your way!
Thanks Eric for the freebies and to say thank you Lord for all of life as gifts for every season! Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you, Lord,
For saving my soul.
Thank you, Lord,
For making me whole.
Thank you, Lord,
For giving to me,
Thy great salvation so rich and free!
This year has been a strange one for me. I broke a bone in my right leg early in February and have been in a skilled nursing facility for the last nine months. I have grown to understand and appreciate the people who work in these facilities. I have been taught that treating people with kindness and respect will bring much greater results than being critical and judgmental. I have met many wonderful people here, including workers, nursing staff, physical therapy staff and other patients. People that I am honored and grateful to know. I now see my own progress and that of other and also have had more time to work on my online marketing business (definitely unplanned) but useful.
Wow such wisdom
I pray that you influence thousands with
That wise advice!
I’m thankful for the opportunity to earn a great living online, while also doing missions work in a 3rd-world country.
Thankful for Jesus and our freedoms!
Given the challenges that we all meet dIly, I am thankful for family. I appreciate family gatherings, big and small, long and short.
Thank you eric for so many years of quality stuff provided at value. Happy Thanksgiving
I’m thankful for my beautiful bride and my three boys. They make my life complete.
I am thankful to my parents for giving me a strong body and teaching me to question everything to understand it.
I am Thankful that everyone I know is still alive despite the tragic Covid Pandemic. I wish myself and everyone here a productive and prosperous New Year. Btw, I have been a buyer of Eric’s many products over the years.
I am thankful to my friends who stood with me in last three years as I somehow lost confidence in myself due to big setbacks in personal and professional life without wanting same but primarily my faults that I couldn’t understand and thus improve in past!
From Feb 2022, I after understanding the reasons for my temporary failures and not permanent have been making efforts to stand on my feet again as I did self harm by not taking care of myself for three years due to self and others hate who abused me finding me weak to punish and have happiness in same due to their cruel mindset.
I am thankful to you too for being an honest and caring marketer and thus me being your newsletter subscriber from last 17 years.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all Eric and thanks for gifts too. When I was in depression, I also thought of contacting you for help as I wanted to live with nice people in calm environment doing everything that I could do for giving me shelter and working on my online projects of Niche Sites, CPA Marketing, selling my own products and teaching.
In addition to being thankful to my wonderful friends who helped me financially and motivated me too, I am thankful to myself for not thinking low of myself from last ten months and working on improving myself day by day without worrying of my past failures which were because of me not being diplomatic, self controlled, wise, disciplined and enough focused to not surrender till I start achieving my smaller targets to begin with.
Calmness and self confidence can do wonders with people supporting you to provide the needed must have resources.
You have been my inspiration and motivation Eric as you did all your duties for yourself and loved ones which I couldn’t do but will do now.
Thanks a lot Eric for beautiful messages and products which I will definitely buy soon as I start getting success in my projects to scale up further.
Hey Rajesh
I pray that yours will be an incredible story where you will have the satisfaction Iโve not only coming out of this depression, but that you would have the strength, the sustenance and tenacity to keep going and bring and encourage others with you to do the same.
I am thankful for family and friends, and also for excellent docs who help me maintain my health.
I’m thankful for my wife for being who she is.
I’m thankful for Eric for helping all of us.
And I thank God for everything He does.
Grateful for Life, Liberty and the ability to pursue happiness. Eric, Thanks for all your contributions to Inner Profit Circle, sharing your time, talents is very much appreciated.
Thx Eric for your valuable content!
Happy Thanksgiving from Germany
Hi Eric, I always enjoyed receiving your emails (and Gifts) but more importantly I appreciate the consistency you have demonstrated over the years. You have a beautiful family and I return your best wishes to you and Yours.
Thankful for family and friends. Happy Holidays to all!
Thank you Eric! I donated my $20 prize to Best friends Animal Society and I hope all the other winners consider doing the same.
Hey just reaching out Eric just to let your followers know this contest is real. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays. As a past winner I’m grateful for the opportunity!
I’m thankful to God for my family and the following:
– my wife continues to be a real partner
– my son and daughter are doing well in their college programs
I’m thankful for my wife and two kids. I’m thankful for the freedoms I enjoy in this country.
I am grateful unto God for His Blessings everyday. I am 73 married to my beautiful wife for 46 years, 3 children (6 with their fantastic spouses) and 5 grandchildren. We are all healthy and able to weather the storms of life. I am grateful for the fantastic country that we are able to live in with still a lot of freedoms intact. Thank you for the opportunity to share those blessings.
I am deeply grateful that my “PheMomenol” Mom who I was GREATLY blessed with
the honor & mission to care for her magnificent LIfe —- protect her dignity and quality of Life
for 12 years at home and then the last 1 3/4 years at her Nursing Facility — is…
no longer suffering and entered the Presence of the LORD — on Nov. 17th 2022 — who she clearly
knew through out her beautiful life of lovingkindness, magnificent wisdom
continual encouragement and energy, incredible sensitivity, milli-second problem solving capacity
and spirited kind-hearted nature.
I am incredibly BLESSED by GOD to have been BLESSED with such an amazingly, kind selfless
supportive soul that Mom was and IS in His Presense.
God is VERY real my friends. The GOD who made YOU, LOVES YOU and died for you —- wants to have
a personal relationship with YOU. In ALL of world history — there has ONLY been ONE source of prophecy
that has ACCURATELY foretold world events with pinpoint ACCURACY — including places, people, and events.
The Prophet Daniel actually foretold the world’s four great Empires hundreds of years in advance. Including
Mede Persian, Babylonian and Roman EMPIRES, The NAME of the RULER of the Mede Empire of Cyrus
was ACTUALLY included in the prophecy.
50 Prophecies were fulfilled merely by the Birth of the Savior aka Jesus Christ
including His birthplace of Bethlehem and that the savior of the World would be born to virgin!
I’ve appreciated your faithful example Eric for MANY years —- including your obvious devotion to
your wife and Family. When I watched you from afar these many years — you remind me of the psalm
that speaks of a life being continuously watered and FRUITFUL.
God’s continued BLESSINGS on You & Your Family — Shalom ๐
I am thankful to have heating in winter.
Grateful to have my health and still be able to play the guitar, sing, and entertain. It brings me such joy to see others having fun when I am playing music.
i am grateful and thankful to god for his mercies upon my life and family by this time last year i was mourning the death of my childhood friend .three cousins and brother in-law earlier this year i lost a lot on an investment due goverment bad policy in my country which affected my health badly but couple of weeks ago i was heal it was a miracle i would always be grateful and thankful to GOD i would always say thank you JESUS
Hi Eric,
Congratulations on the Holidays you and all your friendly family!!
I thank the Lord for my family and love.
Thank you for the 2 free ebooks, I will have a good read and see what I can do with the information. I am also enjoying the $9 offer you told me about earlier.
Blessings in Jesus.
Eric, Thank you for the $20 Thanksgiving Gift. Blessings to you and your family??
Hi Eric and Happy Thanksgiving,
I appreciate all you do. I’m going to check out a couple of your offerings sometime today. I wanted to share something with you and ask for your advice. I was at a meeting a year and a half ago that was put on by a Sheriff named Richard Mack. He and another Sheriff from Arizona sued the U.S. government over the Brady handgun bill that was passed after James Brady was shot during the Reagan assasination attempt. The case went all the way to the Supreme Court and was apparently overturned by SCOTUS. He now travels the country explaining what must be done to save this Greatest of All Nations (this is a long winded explanation of what I want to tell you about). At that event which was full of (wall to wall) Americans who love this country, they started the event with the Pledge of Allegiance. I hadn’t recited that for years but this entire Civic center of people all stood and recited the pledge like their lives depended on it….. that’s when I felt God speak to my heart saying “write a song about this”. I said under my breath that I would and I’m including a link to the song on YouTube below. It is not a political song but it’s a patriotic song. When the tragic 9/11 attack happened we were a united country for about 90 days. Then the country started returning back to the status quo of being a divided nation once again and it’s only gotten worse since then. My question Eric is this, can you advise me how to get this out there to spread the word about the song? It’s written to remind us all that first and foremost we are all Americans. If we don’t save this country our political affiliations and differences aren’t going to matter much when there’s no longer an America. See what you think and I would sure appreciate your input Eric. Here’s the link;
Thank you and God Bless,
Peter Kaye