Happy Thanksgiving 2024!

By | November 28, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the 17th consecutive year of doing this thankfulness exercise and contest! Although I’m not blogging on this site these days, this is a tradition worth keeping alive.

While about half of Eric’s Tips readers are outside the USA, thankfulness knows no boundaries!

I love keeping up with this tradition because it’s a chance for me to really appreciate all of you – my subscribers and customers. You’re the reason I’ve been able to run this business for so long.

So, first… a big thank you to YOU. I’m genuinely thankful for your support and for reading what I have to say. Whether you’re a newbie to our annual Thanksgiving contest or a veteran who’s been with us for all 17 years, your involvement means a lot to me. Thank you!

Here’s a video I just shot to share a little of what I’m thankful for right now along with a message for you…

Like I said in the video, I know life can be really, really tough. Don’t give up hope.

Next, here is a freebie as a token of my appreciation.

(As promised, I removed the download links after a few days to keep the value for everyone. Be sure to stay subscribed to Eric’s Tips and download future bonuses right away!)

Now, it’s your turn! Here is the 17th annual Eric’s Tips Thanksgiving contest!

It’s a good thing to express your gratitude for what you’re thankful for. In fact, it’s been shown to have health benefits.

So once again, we are going to do a group exercise to demonstrate our thankfulness.

All you have to do is post a comment below saying something you’re thankful for. It could a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a poem, a video, or even just a picture. There are no wrong answers as long as you mean it.

In a few days, I will choose 10 comments at RANDOM, and will send $20 via Paypal to each to those 10 people! It’s a small way for me to share a bit of the harvest. I will also announce the winners here on this post, as usual.

If you need examples or inspiration feel free to check out any of the previous years.

Please post a comment below and let us know what you’re thankful for 🙂

NOTE: Your comment will not appear right away, but don’t worry. I’ll check them and approve them periodically.

Have a great day and a happy Thanksgiving!

UPDATE: Here are the 10 winners chosen at random using a randomizer app…

Henry Bell (you need to check email and claim the payment)
Glen Merrick
Csilla Peth (Trixi)
Ron Wallace
Dan yose—-@yahoo.com
Aloha aloh—@gmail.com
Dave O’Neil
Pauline Harris
Ray Makara (you need to check email and claim the payment)
T I gaud—1@yahoo.com

147 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2024!

  1. Kevin Smith

    Thanks for giving back, and I am thankful for that. I am also thankful for my family (that now includes the first grandson). Life is a highway, enjoy the ride.

  2. Sue

    I’m thankful for spending today with my adult children, as it’s my youngest’s birthday! I am thankful they have grown up to be wonderful, respective adults who all get along with each other too. Family is the most important thing to me and for that I’m always thankful every day.

  3. Danwil Reyes

    On Thanksgiving 2024, I find my heart overflowing with gratitude for the countless blessings life has bestowed upon me. First and foremost, I thank God for my family—my anchor in this whirlwind of life. Each laugh shared, each challenge faced together, and every moment of love has woven a tapestry of cherished memories that fill my heart with warmth. Amid all these treasures, I am humbled by the profound guidance and grace of God that steers me through life’s unpredictability. This Thanksgiving, I choose to celebrate not just the abundance on our tables, but the abundance in our hearts. May we take a moment to recognize and appreciate our unique paths and the lessons they bring. Let’s cherish our loved ones a little more, find joy in the little things, and continue to spread kindness and gratitude everywhere we go. To Eric and family and to everyone here… Wishing you all a joyous Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and countless blessings. Let’s hold onto gratitude today and every day!

    1. Russ Critendon

      Hi Eric, First, I want to thank my Lord and Savor Jesus Christ, who came to earth, lived sinless, died on the cross, and rose again. He did all that so the world would have a personal relationship with God forever.
      I am thankful to you and your family for creating such great products. I am looking forward to developing my first book and video.
      May the Holy Spirit give you wisdom for your next project.

      Russ Critendon

  4. Stephen Wharton

    I’m an Aussie and we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate that my life is “pretty good” and I’m very thankful for that. I celebrate that every day, even the days with the challenges!
    My wife and I have celebrated 53 years of marriage this year; we are in our 70’s, we have grown 2 “good” adult boys who have given us 8 awesome grandchildren. And WE are in great health! Thats to be thankful for.
    Speaking for myself, I’m a keen music lover. I love the music of my youth – the 60’s, 70’s and the 80’s. The music that is undergoing a rebirth across the world at the moment because it has been identified for its greatness.
    It would be good to be able to say that I still have many years in front of me. That I am still young in body as well as in mind. But when I think of the things I would not have experienced by being there, if I were younger, I am happy to be who I am and the age that I am. Thanksgiving to me is all that!

  5. Dayanand

    I am thankful for my wonderful son, who has helped me and my wife tremendously in my retirement for last 8 years and continues to be generous. I am also thankful for a wonderful daughter-in-law who joined our family this year. How can I forget my elder daughter, and her family? Her kids bring so much joy during their visits, I feel so much relaxed and energized.

  6. Larry Roach

    We live in a city in the USA where there is a major university. A large number of international students attend the university, usually to work on getting their advanced degrees. Over the past ten years or so my wife and I have had the privilege of developing friendships with many of these international students. Today, I am thankful to say that we have friends all over the world. It is a joy and a blessing to get to know these wonderful people and to share our culture with them and learn more about their cultures.

  7. Steve

    I am thankful for family and health. My mother had a medical event last year. So now I enjoy the time we have. So this holiday we spent time together. Especially thankful for a supportive wife who help manage the kids and house when I was busy with doctors.

  8. Chris Harris

    I am thankful that I manageds to drive to Moldova to fetch my Fiance who left Odessa in Ukraine in March 2022. We are now back in the UK and have just got married. sO THANKFUL THAT SHE IS SAFE NOW.

  9. Julie Parvis

    I’m thankful for my husband who has stayed with me and taken care of me through 8 surgeries, a broken shoulder and a number of chronic health conditions. He is my angel and my rock and I thank God for blessing me with him as my true soulmate.

  10. David T

    I’m thankful that I love where I live and it is a perfect place to launch my next phase of life (becoming a location independent digital marketer). I have my favorite human in the world living with me right now and we both want to have fun in this next chapter of life building our business to fulfill some dreams that we’ve had to postpone. Thanks for your generosity on here as well, Eric.

  11. Karen Ray

    I’m so thankful for the many loving family and friends God has surrounded me with. They have been a precious, life gift! We’ve had time this year to enjoy hiking, goofy games, travel, and just doing life together. God has even brought me genuinely caring clients who, in the middle of my work helping them tell their stories, have taken time to pray for me too. What a remarkable blessing!

    (Photo is from a wonderful visit with our grown son and his wife to Burnsville, NC in May before much of the region was severely damaged by Hurricane Helene. Our home is in southern NM but my husband’s extended family has lived in this area for generations.)

  12. Debbi H

    I am thankful for so many things…my husband, my children and grandchildren, my health, my faith. This year has been filled with blessings and hard things too. But it’s the hard things that help me to value the good things just a bit more. ?? Have a blessed holiday season, everyone!

  13. Dennis Clark

    “This is the Day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” I am thankful for all the days of my 91+ years. You are old if you think you are old. The Scripture has good advice, “renew your Mind”. Keep your mind young. I still belong to an archery club and take part every week. My family never know what I’ll be doing next. Keep writing Children’s Stories. Be blessed.

  14. Ray Makara

    Not trying to “butter you up” Eric, but I’m truly thankful for honest people/marketers/entrepreneurs like you! In this day and age, there are sooooooo many unethical and dishonest product vendors whose only intention is to come up with “crap” products that aren’t even functional, and sell them using a slick sales page or VSL. It’s sickening and disheartening! You and your team are one of the very few exceptions, Eric, and I’m genuinely grateful and thankful for honest, ethical, caring folks like you, and the amazing products you create!!!

  15. Andrew

    The sun shines
    Its rays embrace me
    I breath
    Life indwells me
    A gift
    precious beyond measure
    I rest
    In gratefulness

  16. Richard Mazzacca

    My Mother just turned 97 years old. I am so thankful that God has blessed her to be with us these many years and I am so thankful that God has blessed me and my family for keeping her with us to be able to enjoy her presence and her love!

  17. Judy

    I am so grateful to my family, friends and my community. We all take care of one another.

  18. Roger Rakestraw

    Hi Eric,
    I’m thankful for a lot of things in my life!
    First, I’d like to say Thank You for all your advice, tools and lessons over the years. Thank you ever so much.
    I’m also very grateful for the opportunities I’ve been presented with throughout my life and the people who have entered my life and allowed me into their lives.
    But above everything else, I’m very grateful for my wife & best friend.

  19. Helmut Reutter

    Hello Eric,
    I have followed you and your team for many years. I love your genuine and God fearing approach to Internet business which is very rare. Thank you!
    Currently I’m learning your latest program, Children’s Book Maker 2500. Thanks for all the effort you put into this.
    I write from Zambia where I live and work for over 42 years. I came here for Mission Work with my family.
    I have the privilege to Pastor a Church and be a Pastor of Pastors. I love working with young people from our University and our Children’s Home. This is very rewarding. God has given us a great platform to reach people with the Gospel through broadcasts and podcasts. Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Doug Robinson

    Thanks for all the great help over the years, Eric. Been a customer since you recommended Macro Express way back many years ago! (And I’m still using it to this day!)

    Doug Robinson

  21. Daria

    I was born in Romania and have been living abroad for about 30 years, currently in Italy. Actually we don’t have a Thanksgiving day, but I am thankful every morning when I open my eyes, I am thankful for my health, and for everything I experience in my life. I am thankful for my loved ones.
    Thank you for giving back Eric, I am thankful for that too!

  22. Christine

    I’m thankful for my family, my new grandsons and everyday I wake up alive. I have the honor of teaching the next generations of workers and they never cease to amaze me, surprise me and sometimes bewilder me. Hence my love of learning and giving back to a college that gave me so much.

    Thanks for allowing us to be part of your journey forward.


  23. Ed

    From Ecuador.. Feliz Dia de Gracias. Thank you for making this opportunity and training available in other countries. Here in Ecuador the average daily wage is less than $25.00/day so this will be helpful to me and I will share it with family too. As the world rapidly is filling with chaos I am thankful for a God loves me so much that He has called me by name even before my birth (Isaiah 49:1, who has graven me on the palms of his hands Isaiah 49:16 and who has plans to prosper me and give me a future (Jeremiah 29:11 and who will never forget me (Isaiah 49:15). Yes, there is much to be thankful for!

  24. Ron Sheveland

    I thank Jesus Christ for rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and placing me in His kingdom of Light. Amazing grace!

  25. Vesa Leinonen

    I am thankful for the 4000 to 2000 year old Salvation narrative than has come from the Jews.
    “Psalm 122:6. Complete Jewish Bible.
    “Pray for shalom in Yerushalayim; may those who love you prosper”.

    Shalom to Eric + Family.

  26. Beth Hill

    While I have many blessings and wonderful people in my life to be thankful for, in this moment, I am stopping to give thanks for my husband. Four years ago, I was diagnosed with leukemia and for a full year, he was my full-time caregiver, confidant, and advocate. You don’t always realize how much some loves you until you are humbled by the sight of them kneeling to wash your feet because you aren’t able to do it yourself. My health is better now, but he still continues to take care of me in a lot of little ways–from coming home from work and volunteering to cook dinner to taking days off to go with me to doctor’s appointments because he knows it stresses me out. He’s truly one of my best friends and I’m thankful for him every day!

  27. Marie Ramos

    Congratulations on your new house, Eric. That’s some beautiful property. You have a beautiful family. That’s what I’m most thankful for, my family. I have a wonderful husband who I’ve been married to for 18 years, a daughter, a son-in-law, and 2 grandkids who thankfully live close by. I have many other things to be thankful for too. Every day, I count my blessings.

  28. Ross Lambert

    I am thankful for my beautiful wife of 43 years, Tammy. She is God’s greatest blessing in my life.

  29. Linda Louw

    I’m very thankful for my wonderful husband and his job which is a blessing. Iam also very thankful for our two gorgeous children and their partners, thankful that we see them often and they all get a long. Also grateful for our health and most of all God’s Grace.

  30. Thomas Grogan

    After losing everything, living with sister-in-laws family for three years, then living in a 38 foot RV for 2 years, living in a pool house for a year and a half, I am now a homeowner. I now live in my own house with my wife who has been cancer free for the past 5 years. I have have been very blessed.

  31. Nicholas Nixon

    Above all else, I am most grateful for 56 wonderfully happy years of marriage to the most loyal, loving, and lovable woman on this planet.

  32. Michael Fenn

    I am thankful that the good Lord has blessed me with the good fortune of being alive to share life with soo many others for the 65 yers that I have been on this wonderful planet. But it is not just that. I am especially thankful that (1) I am still working a 9 to 5, (2) I am working doing a job that I absolutely love, and (3) I receive pure joy knowing that I make a difference in peoples lives that I have never met .. and most likely, never will .. but that is ok. You see, I have been blessed to be working at a US Navy base, in Virginia Beach, VA (yes, there are worse places to be, I know. 😉 ). But what I do, that I feel is soo wonderful, (without getting into it too deeply) is that I play a role in making sure that our fighting men and women, who put their lives on the line, defending our country, who compete in battle all across our beautiful planet .. actually come home to their loved ones. I honestly and truly believe that there is not a better job in this world. May God bless all our soldiers and support personnel .. current and past. YOU are the reason that our great country is what it is today. (My sincere apology for the length of this comment. It was not my original intention to be such a blabber-mouth.)

  33. Steven Lucas

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for your generosity and for being one of the real guys that we can rely on.

    Have a great 2025



  34. Ali Matthews

    Hi Eric

    I am thankful for all of the tips and software that you kindly share with us on an ongoing basis. I have been following you for many years now and love the fact that your videos and training walk us through step by step to make things as clear as possible.

    I am also extremely thankful for my good health, my family and my friends that give me joy on a daily basis.

  35. Kathryn Kropp

    I am thankful for my children and my health and for all of the opportunities and blessings in my life 🙂

  36. Csilla Peth? (Trixi)

    Dear Erik,
    I am one of the winners of the draw. 🙂
    I am Trixi. I am writing to you from Europe, Hungary.
    I’m a disabled woman and I take this opportunity to tell you how touched I was that you did a story about a wheelchair coach last year with AI Children’s book Maker :).
    It was a great pleasure for me to be drawn… The last time I won a raffle was when I was a kid at summer camp :D.
    I’m very happy because when I entered I told myself that if I won it would be the start of something wonderful, and success would come in 2025.
    And so I did!
    I wish you, your family and all your dear readers a blessed and happy Advent, a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year, and I hope to read you for a very long time 🙂
    Love, Trixi 🙂

    1. Eric Post author

      Thank you Trixi, Blessings to you and I hope and pray it is indeed the start of something wonderful for you 🙂


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