The Next Internet Millionaire

By | May 9, 2007

Edition #125 – 05/09/2007

Today we launched The Next Internet Millionaire, which is an entrepreneur-themed reality show designed for the internet.

The genesis of the show occurred late last year, as Joel and I were discussing possible ideas for our next joint venture. Joel came up with the idea of doing a reality show, and the time since then has been a fast-paced ride as we developed the concept and created a business out of it.

In case you’re one of my beloved loyal readers and wondered where I’ve been lately, or why I haven’t been writing very much–this is why.

I have long wanted to do a project like this, but I had no idea just how labor-intensive this kind of work is. When you watch a TV show or a movie, there’s usually a list of credits which includes dozens and often hundreds of people responsible for making it happen. Now I know what a lot of those people do, because I have been doing all their jobs 😉

And while I won’t be getting much sleep this year, it’s great working with Joel and his team, and with my brother-in-law Micah who is a partner in our production company.

Rather than take the time to explain what the show is all about, I’ll just let you watch this video:

Yes – we really are bringing all the finalists to Colorado all-expenses paid, and when you see the names of all the guest teachers that are coming out to help us, you’ll be amazed (well it amazes me anyway).

The best part is that you’re invited to try out for the show. We’re accepting auditions from now until June 6th, and you can submit them on our website.

But regardless of whether you decide to try out for the show, there’s a lot of great stuff for you on the site. For one thing, you can view the audition videos and vote on your favorites!

We’re also giving away prizes to some of our viewers, and there is an affiliate opportunity as well. You can get all the details at:

The Next Internet Millionaire

Ok, enough said. Go check it out and let me know what you think!

As always, you may leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

18 thoughts on “The Next Internet Millionaire

  1. Karen

    Yes, Eric…I was wondering why I hadn’t seen
    your newsletter in a bit.
    Congratulations to all involved. A super
    idea! I’ll be watching the lucky contestants.

  2. Leonard Holmes

    There’s nothing there except an ad. I watched the video, gave my name and email. clicked the button, and had the delightful experience of reading a long-form marketing letter. At the bottom I clicked to go to the site without buying, and I’m right back where I started.

  3. Eric Post author

    Karen- thanks!

    Wes- thanks and good luck!

    Leonard- first of all, you should have joined the coaching program 😉 Second, it’s a cookie based system, and its supposed to send you to the real home page. But sometimes cookies have problems or if people don’t have them enabled on their browser. If you have cookies enabled, just type in the website directly and you should arrive there since you’ve already opted in.

  4. flwong

    Hi Eric,

    Is a good idea. Keep it up. Will come back for this when it started.


  5. Ales Orlic

    Hi Eric,

    I’m IN and now I must just Investigate all thing. It’s very good Idea. Thanks for help !

    Greetings from Croatia, Europe


  6. Gill

    Probably the worst idea ever. The ‘making money while you sleep’ tag and the ‘internet is their cash machine’ – OMG, I believe that these concepts are the reason there is so much real junk on the internet these days, too many people believe that it is easy. I think sometimes marketers should stop marketing and start using the internet and they will find a cluttered space full of irrelevant drivel usually generated by auto content software, built by lazy people trying to replicate these overblown claims. This programme sounds very, very tacky. Disappointed.

  7. Mitch Baldwin

    Hi Eric,

    Yes, another winner for Joel…happy to hear you are such a big part
    of it yourself = The Next Internet Millionaire it’s going to be a great opportunity
    for many people and a blast to watch the competition.

    I see some very well known marketers have thrown their hats in the ring as well.


  8. Jess Kennedy Williams

    Hi Eric,

    I think this is a fabulous idea!

    I wanted to ask you if you will donate a bonus to my best-seller campaign for my new ebook, How to Write Your First Book – Book Writing System at on May 17th and 18th. I would like to be able to send buyers to your blog to get the free ebooks and you would have new subscribers. Would that be OK with you? Thanks for your help. Jess

  9. TedTested

    Internet marketers getting into show business! It looks like Joel is having a lot of fun. If you have fun at your job, success is much more likely.


  10. Eric Post author

    Gill (aka another anonymous flamer) – if you want to complain about those lines you came to the right place, because I wrote that copy 🙂 I personally make money while I sleep, and so does Joel, so do our guest teachers… and so do thousands of other people who have embraced the opportunity. If you don’t want to learn how to make money on the internet, don’t watch the show 😉

  11. Eric Post author

    Mitch- thanks 🙂

    Jess- Congrats on your new ebook, and sure you can send them here anytime. Or go to and get an affiliate link and send them there and maybe you will make a few $$ too.

    Ted- yeah it’s fun!

  12. Ulla


    Sounds cool to me making business in that way, have fun, play in show business. I like that. Not being so strict. Looking forward put business on autopilot, but understand it takes loads of work before coming to this point, but a lovely goal.

    Sunshine from Sweden.

  13. Cliff Hammock

    Eric, I am thrilled that you are working on this with Joel…Or maybe Joel is working with you. Either way, it is a great idea.

    It took me quite a bit of time, but I finally got my video up last night. I am Cliff Hammock #658…currently at the bottom of the list, but already in the top 50. Hopefully my attempt at creativity and professionalism will be rewarded with high marks.

    I have dedicated my personal blog to my quest to get onto the show. Check it out at

    Looking forward to meeting you this Summer.


  14. Patty Higuera

    Erics Tips;; how do you make your extra money .. we need to pay off some bills. & get my Daughter a car she can trust to drive with out breaking down or any problems..

  15. Leslie

    Hi Eric, I had fun doing my video for the audition and even if I don’t get chosen, I have already learned some things! I have also had fun hitting up everyone I know for votes!!
    Look forward to hearing more!!


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