The Writing Cash Program Is Now Free

By | March 8, 2006

Edition #27 – 03/08/2006

I owe some of you an apology…

Last month I launched The Writing Cash Program, which is basically a course which covers the basics of making money with Clickbank and PPC advertising. It’s geared toward writers, who in general probably don’t have a lot of internet marketing experience.

When I announced the program to the “Eric’s Tips” list, I made the mistake of taking the same approach that I took with my list of writers. The basic premise was, “make money writing ads from home.

The problem is that most of you already know about PPC marketing, and a few of you took offense to the hyped up approach I took with promoting the program.

So for you who felt my approach and/or the program itself was overly hyped, I apologize.

In addition to the input from my marketing friends from “Eric’s Tips”, I had numerous requests from my “Writing Cash” members to open up the program for free, because so many writers don’t have any money.

After some consideration, I decided to re-launch the program and offer free membership for anyone who wants to join. As for everyone who jumped on the offer and paid to join during the four days I was accepting members last month, I have already rewarded them with products and bonuses of much more value than they originally paid.

11 thoughts on “The Writing Cash Program Is Now Free

  1. Andy Cocker

    Hi Eric,

    You may or may not remember but I had quite a lot to say about your Writing Cash programme when you first released it.
    As an “Eric” fan and proud owner of a few of your previous products I was quite disappointed with your Ad Copy on this one.
    So now I’d like to say some more 🙂
    It’s a very brave thing you have done here today and I bet you were in a bit of turmoil over it? But I for one am glad you have and you have my utmost respect for it.
    Keep up the good work…
    Kind Regards,


  2. Patrick Whitson


    When you first sent me the original e-mail about this program, I too, thought it was “hyped up” and was one of the reasons I didn’t purchase it. So, thank you for offering this program for FREE. It will allow me to better myself at PPC and affiliate marketing. God bless.

    Patrick Whitson
    Find The Best Deals at:

  3. Eric Post author

    Andy and Patrick, thanks for the comments. Christopher- contact me at the helpdesk if you’re still having trouble and we’ll figure out a way for you to order.

  4. Christine

    Being a starving writer, I didn’t have the money to purchase your program. Offering this service free is very noble of you and I will be signing up. I’ll keep you posted as to how my progress is coming.

    Christine Senter
    Editor/Publisher of The Prompt Writer

  5. Loraine

    Hi Eric,

    For a while I was contemplating purchasing the program. But, since I am one of those writers with no money, I did not move right away. Still, I followed closely what you were doing with the program. You can’t imagine my surprise (and joy) when
    I checked the sight on March 6th and saw that the program was being offered for free. I signed up immediately! I’m looking forward to benefiting from this program. I have learned a lot already. Thanks. I was also moved by the apology, although it did not apply to me. Not too many would do that. That was a good move. Two questions – Is it possible to change my password to something I can remember easily? Why do I have problems logging in sometimes? How long does it take Google to get your account going? (I guess that’s three questions.) Anyway, thanks again!

    Loraine Degraff

  6. Gabrielle

    Hi Eric:

    I’m from Puerto Rico and I don’t know if I can join, but in that case, what can I do if I want earn money doing the same. Thank you.

  7. Eric Post author

    Hi Gabrielle, I would suggest checking out the program since it’s free, and join the affiliate programs that will allow you and if they won’t let you then look for similar ones. I’m pretty sure there are some out there that will allow Puerto Rico

  8. Kim Patton

    Hello Eric,
    I joined your Writing for Cash program. It sent me to the page where I had the chance to buy the promotional products.It said that my information was already in the system. It would not allow me to purchase them.By the way , I don’t think this was overly hyped. I am a really big fan of yours, and I wish you continued success. God bless you an your family,Kim Patton


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