For the past 18 days, I’ve been on vacation in France (with brief side-trips into Spain and Italy). I’ll post some pictures soon, but first I want to tell you about how I was able to increase traffic to my website while on vacation, doing no work.
I outsourced it!
A few months ago I was introduced to a service called Traffic Sage.
Basically, it’s an outsourcing company specializing in web traffic and SEO services for Internet marketers (If you’re not familiar with outsourcing, check out lesson #39). They offer a package of services including…
-search engine submission
-article writing
-article submission
-video creation
-video marketing
-link building
-social bookmarking
-social networking
-and more.
All of those things are helpful to my business, and yet I rarely did any of them on my own because those activities are all so time consuming.
So I signed up right away, to get them working for me. I was pretty excited about it, but I decided to hold off writing about it until I had given it an adequate trial period.
They are India-based, and I’ve had mixed results in the past from various Indian contractors, so I really wanted to give it some time before reviewing it here on Eric’s Tips.
Now, after nearly 3 months of using their service, I’m happy to give them my recommendation.
When it comes to outsourcing to India, there are two main areas that generally cause me to be concerned: quality, and communication. Traffic Sage has met my expectations in both of those areas. The quality of their work is better than other sources I’ve used in the past, and their communication is clear and helpful.
All of the communication is done through a dedicated helpdesk. I haven’t really had to contact them for any reason, but they have asked me several questions in the course of their work, to make sure they are doing things to my liking. Each time I’ve responded, they have replied back within 24 hours.
One of the things I was initially concerned about was whether they would use any overtly spammy techniques, or represent myself or my business in any way that could hurt my reputation. Because of my concern, I was particularly explicit in my answers to the “welcome questionnaire” that I filled out after signing up for the service.
I told them my specific goals for my relationship with their company, and I explained certain activities that I did or did not want them to do in association with their promotion of my website. For example, I did not want them to impersonate me on forums.
Not only have they been accommodating to my requests, they have also come up with some creative solutions that I had not thought of. They have also gone the extra mile to help me on occasion. For example, I wanted to add my own voiceover to the videos that they made for me, and although it was not something they were trained in, they gladly added it to their monthly task list.
The only downside I’ve experienced is a few issues with the language in the articles and press releases. Their English is very good, so that’s not a problem. It’s more just a matter of nuances, and phraseology (OK, so I’m a picky writer). If you’re not a semi-perfectionist like me, you probably wouldn’t notice anyway. But if you do see anything you don’t like, they are eager to accept correction so they can improve their skills.
Who is this for?
This is for anyone who already has a fully operational website. They do not build your website for you; they only market it and help drive traffic to it. I will add that your website should also have some form of effective monetization (Otherwise what’s the point of getting traffic?). You could be selling a product (ideal), or promoting products, building a list, building a blog readership, etc.
Why Traffic Sage?
Why not just hire my own writers, and link builders, and build my own team? The reason is simple. It’s easier this way.
Traffic Sage hires the workers and trains them. I have a dedicated project manager assigned to me, and six other team members who work on the marketing of my website each month.
They specialize in this. They are not just a random group of Indian IT staff. They are trained in web traffic and SEO activities to help Internet marketers like us.
It was a GREAT feeling going to bed at night while on vacation, having not done a lick of work, yet knowing that there was a team who was working on my business for me.
The good news is that you can have them working on your business too, and you don’t have to go through the hassle of hiring people. All you have to do is sign up, and tell them your objectives and targeted keywords.
You can have an entire team for much less than it would cost to hire one assistant here in the United States. If that sounds like something that you could benefit from, I recommend checking them out at:
Click Here to go to Traffic Sage
As always, you are welcome to post your questions and comments below.
Have a great day!
Hi Eric,
I’ve heard of them before, in my case I do internet marketing consulting for brick and mortar company’s. As I recall they charge $500 approx to market ONE website only. In my case I need to market multiple sites but don’t know if it’s feasible to pay $500 for ea one.
Your thoughts?
Traffic Sage Looks Pretty Cool, For $497 a month, $10 hour to get targeted traffic. How much targetted traffic do you get?
Just curious Eric. It sounds like a pretty good deal.
Hey there,
Thanks for the info on the new traffic generator. Once i save a bit, you can bet i will give it a try. Your lessons are outstanding!!
Hi Eric, true, traffic generation should be outsourced and it does take bunch of time. Especially SEO link building stuff but I am building my own outsource team anyway as I myself is a SEO specialist :P. Anyway thanks for the info. Proson
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I thought it was free 😉 but it is near $500 omg. Eric can you please post something that can increase clients/visitors for free?
I`m going to go Traffic Sage and realy check it out.Traffic is a serious problem for Marketers your definetly on the right track helping people get traffic.
Now I`m going to ask you a Question! Why is so tough for people to see the incredible value and opportunity of Free Viral Traffic Generators you know the chain letters?
This form of advertising has been around a long time for a good reason it works! If people knew what I knew they would hasten and join all they could promote them all on one page and build an advertising giant.
Marketing online is a numbers game for sure.Once all the traffic generators reach self perpetuation you have an advertising base like none other. For one reason you can instantly change you ads on the fly.
Why don`t more people see this and take advantage? It`s the kinda thing the sooner you do the better off you are! Well I`m off to Traffic Sage hope I did`nt advertise to much on your blog.
Richard LaPlant
THe site won`t be back up until tommorrow there are six tg`s there and 32,000 free hits
Erics ahhh… You know it’s “Just $497” and you are recommending them?
Most people struggle to make just $300/month from AdSense.
If it’s just $100/month like SEOBook, or $49 like PPC-Coach, I’d go for it.
Now I only can think of is wait to make a really complete website that could earn $100 from every 1000 visits, then I can start using them. Right?
Thanks for sharing… But I’m really sad it’s not working for me at this time.
Hello Eric and welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful time in Europe. I was born in Italy and had a chance in 2001 to take my wife and kids back for a tour of Italy. Wonderful memories – can’t wait to go back. I’ll have to wait until this business starts to make some real money for me.
I know it will as long as I stick to it.
Eric the outsourcing plan you’ve reviewed looks like a fantastic deal but it’s a little out of my reach right now but I know that it would help to get that kid of traffic –
Do you think my site is ready for an investment of this kind?
Looking forward to the next lesson and your Europe pics.
Hi Eric-
Nice review. This is really something I need to investigate. I feel I`m at the stage where I`m getting some income and traffic with my sites but I don`t have the time or energy for that matter to move them to the next level on my own. Couple questions through. I tried to check the faq but I get a 404 error.
Anyways is the monthly service on a per site basis?(which is understandable if it is). My other question is after 3 or 6 months of promotion on one site, can you have them start promoting a different site? And is all the content made exclusively for use by the website owner? I`m thinking along the lines of having or needing non-disclosure, non-compete agreements in place.
Hi Eric,
Welcome back 🙂
I get used with the fact that – once I see your friday-email missing, you gotta be travelling somewhere 😛
Next time you come to Europe you may consider “wasting” a day or two (or ten 😛 ) in Romania too (my country), there are things worth to be visited here .. 🙂
As far as I remember, comments are subject to be moderated prior to be posted here, in your blog. Therefore this phrases (from “As far..” down) are subject to be deleted by you if are not fit with your style-policy-plans.
Ya know allready that I admire and respect you and your style. Which lead to transfer respect and admiration also for people who “follow” you – mean those from you subscriber list.
Here’s my deal proposal:
Make a research into your list/responder and take out the 3 oldest member on your list – not as age, the one are on your list from … begining of times :-).
As I think is undeniable your output is high quality, ones who land somehow in your list and saw the value – and then never had intention to quit – they deserve a bonus. I am willing to offer to 3 “oldest” of them – trough you, not direct – a “small” bonus (a pack with +15 portable marketing & scripting-tools softwares). If you like this idea, DM me (wmraul) on twitter and we’ll find the way I’ll send you the (downloadable) pack. I have no requirements and there’s no obligations for you to mention me as contribuitor to this, yet I’ll be happy to see those three nominated somewhere here ..
Again, all this block of text (from “As far..” down) is subject to be deleted by you. Up to you.
Thank you for the review and for sharing your experiences, Eric.
Valentin Hornicar
Bucuresti, Romania
As usual Eric,, Nice info that you always provide.. Thanks…
Hi Eric,
I was glad when I read the above that it is you in the blog and not outsourced product.
While you were in France, Spain and Italy soaking up the sights I went to GetGator and started a reseller account. I picked for my URL (regestered with Life Domains) but only have a temp. holding page up at this time. (Photos of a few gators, I am a Florida native).
My first customer had to be moved from a non Cpanel host and that went OK but we are still trying to figure out what their system wants to move the nameservers. I am working on a site now for the launch of my DVD on plant grafting. Got a good URL, just a need to fine tune the html and special offers.
Typically my SATA drive died and internet went out two days after I started the account – I keep telling myself that I love computing. LOL
Please keep the great lessons coming, I just wish I could down load them for watching off the net.
Bob – SW Florida
This service is expensive. Thheir website also doesn’t look professional. It looks like any other marketing sites that is trying to sell e-books…
Not convinced with this. again the price for this is really high. One of the main reason you outsource is to save the cost.
I have been badly saddled by my inability to get a cheap source of traffic to my website.
I have spend money going to companies and so on but they have either deceived me as they produced zero result or something is happening.
I really need a genuine, cheap source of website traffic like the “Traffic Sage” you mentioned. I really need them badly.
Michael Ogu
Eric, excellent review! I will definitely put them down as a company to use for some outsourcing.
The tips & information you provide are excellent. Even better was the opportunity to read your testimony… it was awesome to read how God has moved in a mighty way in your life.
I hope to get my IM business up and running to the point that I can have the freedom (time & financial) to get to events and network with other Brothers In Christ like yourself in the IM world.
Take care!
I’ve had a look at the service and was very impressed with the price. I’ve seen similar services for as much as $900 per month so I was excited to see this at a lower price. I intend to use this service in the very near future.
Yes that is per website. However they do allow you to switch to a different site each month if you prefer. But I believe it is more effective if you let them focus on one site for several months.
Yeah I think it’s a good deal too. I was hoping to have some statistics to include in my review, but honestly I haven’t had a chance to really track it yet. My problem is that I’m having them send all links and traffic directly to my home page, so in order to track it I need to analyze all the referrers… and in the case of organic SE traffic I would need to compare it to my past stats. I have definitely noticed an increase in traffic and SE rankings though…. but for now I will have to defer to the stats provided in some of their testimonials.
They do a LOT of work for you… it’s not something you can have done for free. I will be covering several free traffic methods later on in the lessons. The thing to keep in mind is that all free traffic methods take time… unless you outsource it 😉
Binh, it’s not for everyone. Obviously if you’re making less than $500/month then it might not be feasible for your business at this time. While many new marketers are struggling to earn a decent living, MANY are making a great income. And those marketers can make even more if they use outsourcing to leverage and scale their business.
As I teach in my lessons, AdSense is often not the most profitable way to monetize a website. You mention a target of $100 per 1000 visits. Howver, if you’re selling your own product, or building a list, it’s feasible to earn $1 or more PER visitor.
Thanks Luca. I would say your site is close to ready, or ready. Since it’s a blog, it’s an easy format for them to promote it on other blogs, forums, etc. My question would be whether it’s currently making some money?
Also I would suggest focusing even more on getting visitors onto your Aweber opt-in list.
Yes it’s monthly on a per site basis. Yes you can switch to a new site at the end of any month.
Yes the content (articles, press release and video) is made exclusively for you. They also blast it out to article directories to help you get back links. But if you wanted to keep some of it exclusively on your site, you could certainly request it.
You can view the FAQ if you use this link:
(the other URL is my special affiliate site)
In the philipines you can have your own worker for 250$ a month, someone working only for you all month long. You can find those workers easily on Craigslist Manilla. Just give them instruction and thaey promote your site(s) all month long, so for 500 $ you’ll get two people working for you. Think this is a better plan for you
David Norden
Thanks, I would love to visit Romania 🙂
I think your idea is good. I can’t do anything extra like that right now, but I’m leaving your comment intact in case anyone else would be interested in particpating or helping you with it.
Sounds like you’re off to a good start 🙂
I hate hard disk failures 🙁 Be sure to get a cheap external backup if you haven’t yet.
You need to look at everything they do and consider how much time it would take you… vs. how much your time is worth. It’s not about price, it’s about ROI. Also they do have a $297 plan available on the exit pop-up.
The reason the site looks like a typical sales page is because it’s run by a couple of internet marketers (Ron Douglas and Mike Ambrosio) 😉
Hi Eric,
I share your recommendation. I’ve been using Traffic Sage for almost 3 months now. Before I started using them my website was buried below 12 million other sites (yeah, it was ranked 12 millionth) in traffic. In just 2 months it jumped 11 million and is now ranked in the 700k range. As a matter of fact, I just posted a review about them on my site about a week ago making a recommendation as well.
– Enrique
Thanks Eric for this information. The cost is pretty high bit like you correctly said its all about ROI. I will give a look in with Traffic sage. Lets see how it goes.
I really need to ramp up traffic to my blog dedicated to internet and affiliate marketing isssues.
Thanks again for the tip and I still count on your impending articles on free sources of traffic.
There are a lot of free traffic generation for websites.
Free traffic is always good.
I agree with those methods on this post.
It 100% works…
How To Generate Free Traffic
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the TIP. This sounds much better than the SEO company that called me yesterday and wanted $1,500 per month. At $297 to $497 some of us can not afford to seriously think about it. I am going to look into it for my new website for my latest book, Fatherhood Principle of Joseph the Carpenter.
For you praying Christian out there, please pray with me for the success of this book and website. Thank you.
Akili Kumasi
Who else except you could know YOUR top 3 oldest subscribers ? Those one I have in mind to reward – for being on your list for such long time (I’m from ’07 but I’m sure there are even “older”) .. ppls like me waiting for friday “Eric’s tips” email 😉
At least nominate them and since when they are on our list .. 😛
And thanks for the credit you gave me 🙂
As about Romania: be sure that if I know you come and when, I will take care you’ll have an imperial welcome 🙂
Good review. Who do you recommend to
build a site that would be suitable for
PPC and SEO?
Hi Eric.
You are part of Trafficsage ? because in the website appers your name and picture as a part of the Traffic Sage team
It’s a good thought, perhaps I will look into it sometime. I beleive I started my list in 2005.
It’s certainly a valid alternative. As I mentioned in lesson #39, you can also find such workers on Odesk. But hiring dedicated workers can also come with hassles, and you have to know SEO if you’re going to train them. Whereas Traffic Sage does SEO research for you… in fact the first thing they did when I signed up is they created a 60-page SEO optimization report specifically for my website so that we would know what we needed to work on. So it kind of depends on your aptitude and preference to train people vs. hire a turn-key service. As is often the case, if you do more of the work yourself (ie. the hiring and training), you can probably save money.
Cool, thanks for letting us know 🙂
Yeah you have to be careful about those “SEO companies” that call you up out of the blue. They can be very high pressure in their sales pitch, and it seems to me that their prices are usually too high.
In lesson #39 I cover a variety of alternatives for outsourcing your website creation. I wish I had a specific web designer to refer you to, but I mostly either build my own sites or outsource it on Rentacoder.
I am not an owner, or a manager of the team. I have just partnered with them as a promoter of the service (aka. affiliate partner).
Do they have a phone number — US or other?
I paid with paypal, and now I’m having trouble with the “sign up” button.
And to complicate things, I’m blind and much of their forms are not accessible with (JAWS)
my special access software.
I think once they know my challenges they will accommodate.
In the mean time, I do not have services, but they have my funds.
I at least want to be able to use email back and forth with them, and eliminate the support ticket thing which is not “accessible”.
Thank you for your help.
P.S. I’m very excited to have them promote my website
Thanks Eric for yet another great lesson.
I agree with you perfectly about the mountain of work involved in building traffic – I can attest to that as I have been doing it myself for sometime now.
Though I’m having some good result, I believe contracting it to a reliable company would have given me much more and faster result. And above all I would have time for other things, like perhaps travelling the world like you do.
I will considering using traffic sage since you are recommending them – I trust your word completely.
Thanks once again for your good work.
Hi Kathy, I will email you with Mike Ambrosio’s personal email so he can help you with the signup. I do believe their support ticket system is accessible, as it’s mainly text based. Also each time they update your ticket, it does trigger an email to be sent to you also. But I would think they could be accommodating if you should have any problems with it.
How soon would you start to see sales with this? Right away? Or would it take a month or so? Also, do you have to tell them what to put in the press release? I wouldnt have a clue what might be newsworthy-my sites are one page salespages . Could they substitute something for press releases than? Like an extra article? Thanks
I am personally not driving the traffic to a sales page, so I can’t say from personal experience, but from the testimonials it looks like others are doing well with sales pages. It is a gradual ramp up. If you currently have little or no search engine results, you might see very fast results, but in general SEO and traffic from link building is a long-term process.
You don’t have to tell them what to write, but you can if you want to.
I’m sure they could substitute an extra article instead of the monthly press release, but the nice thing about PR’s is it gives you exposure on a different set of sites than the articles.
Hi Eric,
I like to learn video creating. What must I have (hardware and software)to create a video.
I never create videos. For me your offer of $497 is too much. Just if I have all your lessons I still haven’t earned online money to be able to buy all your offered products. I
I’d be enjoyed if you help me to teach me how to create a video.
Your Respectfully,
Petre Tudor
First of all, a big Thanks to Eric for the awesome review. Ron and I certainly appreciate it.
Second, let me say that a service like ours may not necessarily be suited for those who are not yet making a whole lot of money on the internet. While $497 per month is hardly cheap, we ARE more reasonably priced than similar services.
As for how long until you see a substantial jump in traffic, this varies greatly. It depends on:
– Your niche
– The keywords you choose to focus on
– How hands on you are with your team. This one is important. While you can be pretty hands-off, it works MUCH better if you communicate with your team leader as much as you need to.
– How long your domain and site has been around
That’s why it’s difficult to have a standard answer there.
Also, in response to the comment about our sales page 😉 we opted to use a typical “long form” sales page because in the Internet Marketing niche, this is the most commonly used and recognized format. We are currently having it redesigned in a different way and will test that once it’s completed.
Finally, while we don’t advertise it, we CAN to special deals if you already have your own content, but simply need someone to do the leg work. You can contact us here:
Simply open a Pre Sales Question ticket.
PLEASE make sure to tell us you came through Eric’s site so we can make sure he gets proper credit in the event of a sale.
Thanks Eric for the post.
Would you be planning to write a more concise review of what they have done for you? Some of their services seem a little vague.
Many thanks!
Hi Eric,
I read your every emails.I go to work according your advice.
Hey Eric,
First, let me say ‘thanks’ for all the lessons you’ve put out; I have put them to GOOD use.
This service is what I’ve been trying to find for the last YEAR. I have a sports-related info product, online videos and monthly membership site that I launched in February with my business partner (I’m the niche expert, he’s the computer geek). We’re getting about 50-60 unique visitors per day, and I’ve busted my butt to get those; but I want to ramp that number up to 500+ unique visitors per day.
Would this company allow me to select what methods they use to promote? For instance, my business relies HEAVILY on instructional videos; I wouldn’t want to put that in the hands of someone else, obviously, because I’m the expert. Plus, I’ve already got a ton of lead-genrating videos on all of the video services. Could I get them to just focus on backlinks, press releases and social networking? I really DO care about my customers and subscribers and want to get the good word out about my products in an ethical manner; and I am MORE than willing to pay for it. I feel like this is EXACTLY what I need right now.
What are your thoughts? Is a five or ten-fold increase in unique visitors possible in 3-6 months?
Thanks again for everything!