A Quick Pictorial Update…

By | August 26, 2009

Once again, I need to apologize for taking so long getting the next lesson done.

I got home from vacation a few days ago, but instead of getting back to work, I’ve been battling hard drive problems on my computer.

The good news is that I saved all my data… upgraded to some higher quality hard drives (WD VelociRaptors), and also improved my backup system (Now using Acronis True Image) to make it much easier if this ever happens again 🙂

I’m now back to work… a new lesson will be posted soon. (And I’ll be catching up on approving and responding to comments on past lessons).

In the mean time, feel free to check out some of my vacation pics. We visited relatives in Maine and Florida. We were blessed with perfect weather in both places, and it was a great time with the family…






Maine Florida





You can see some more pics on my flickr account.

Have a great day!

76 thoughts on “A Quick Pictorial Update…

  1. gordana janakievska

    Have a great day!
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  2. Mark

    Thanks for the pictures.

    In the past I have had hard drive problems also so I can empathize.

    I am kind of anal now about not having it happen again.

    I to use Acronis True Image and it is great. For my every day back up of data I use Genie Backup Manager Pro, I have found it easy to use for novice and very dependable. I back up to and external hard drive and a off site online service.

    Glad you are back!


  3. Jude

    Very nice photo’s thanks so much for sharing. Glad you had a great trip and so sorry about your computer problems, looking forward to the next lesson, take care.

  4. Tom

    Hey Eric I have been getting your emails for some time now. I really look forward to them. I just purchased the Push Button Marketer through you and hope I love it. Great job and thanks,
    Thomas Shea

  5. Wilma

    Beautiful pics. Scenery looks calming and enjoyable. U have a beautiful family. May the heavens keep blessing u and urs.

  6. Leanne

    You and your wife are a very good looking couple so it stands to reason that the children are just beautiful. You are truly blessed with a wonderful family, Eric. Looks like you all had a great time! Thanx for sharing.

  7. Don Russell

    Thanks for sharing such great pictures. You have a wonderful beautiful family. You spending time
    with your wife and kids makes me feel so good. Family is so important especially in these trying time. Keep up the great work, I really appreciate all you do for us. God bless you all.
    Don Russell

  8. Michaela

    Hi!You definitely have a beautiful family, but my favorite remains the little one, he is adorable.
    At work, I am a little behind but I’ll be up-to-date soon. ( … I just cannot wait, and as soon as I get involved in other projects, I dedicate myself to them… I think, your technique to not be multitasking is working very well, I’ll do my best to adopt it! Promise… starting late September, now I have to finish what I am doing)
    Regards and all the best Eric!

  9. Leny Lim

    Hi Eric,

    Thank’s for sharing the pics with me. Hey, your baby looks so cute! How old is he? What’s his name? I, myself have 3 kids – Kendrick (8), Kimberly (5) and baby Kenneth who’s 11 months old.
    Overall, Nice pictures taken! I enjoy them.

  10. John

    Eric, you have some photography skills my friend… want to do a photo membership site together? 🙂


    p.s. Your tips are awesome, thanks for the value you give that inspires me to take action in building an online business.

  11. websister

    great pics, looks as though you had a great time.
    Glad the weather cooperated.
    My hard drive just kidked the bucket this week as well.
    thanks for sharing

  12. Joe Faia

    Hey Eric,

    Dang nice pictures man! Too cool! You one gifted dude. For real.

    I know you’re an artist as well, so naturally you have a keen eye to capture moments. Nicely done. You remind me of my daughter Rachel (17) who’s got this tremendous inclination toward art and now photography. I see the dance between the two here also. A sample: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1599&id=514067625

    All in all, I’m glad you had a great time with family. That’s what it’s all about isn’t it?

  13. Alexander O. asante

    Great Family,Great Pics, and a wonderful vacation too Brother Eric. Sorry to hear about your hard drive affliction, but you know what, you are covered in every direction because the WORD assures you in Ps.34:19 that “many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivereth him from them all”. Surely, your righteous cause will see you through every challenge yet to come. More so, I do believe you are going to be blessed with more of this wonderful times in the coming years just because of your GIVING SPIRIT. You will surely keep enjoying the fruits of your labor.
    Take care Brother, and continue to stay strong in HIM.

  14. sorin

    I am amaized about your picture guality!!! It really walks me to the exposed sceneries!!!

    it looks so well !!

    Good luck!!

  15. Gus Dempsey

    Hi Eric:
    Thanks for sharing your pictures with us. Looks like you had a nice and well deserved vacation.
    To Your Success,

  16. kelmag

    When your not internet marketing you should be a professional photographer, I have great admiration for your photographic skill.

  17. Penny

    Thanks for the awesome pictures…they give me the incentive to have those vacations too, while making it, and you seem so much more real.

  18. Vern

    Hey Eric
    I,m a long time subscriber and I had to respond when I saw the pics. I have lived on the coast of Maine for 20+ years and my friend your skills do it a great justice. It is beautiful here and the pics do a great job of showing just that.

  19. Bonnie

    Wow, Eric! I had no idea of your prowess with a camera. The shots look like postcards. Great job. Thanks for your educational videos as well.

  20. Ralph

    You are blessed with a beautiful family. What a joy it must be to be able to vacation with them. God must have a special place for you. Really enjoyed the pictures, thank you for sharing with us.

  21. Roland

    Hey Eric,
    I’m just wondering. How can you promote something that says “you can legally steal customer leads and sales? Am I missing something here or what?

  22. Warren Cottis

    Hello Eic

    I totally agree about the great shots of your family but my favourite one is the one with the fishing rod and the bird.

    To me this looks like one smart bird… he’s stuck his rod there and is thinking “ok fish, I’m ready”.

    I live on the edge of a national park and have deer and other animals wandering around so I’m a bit of a nature person… so notwithstanding that you have a beautiful family… the bird did it for me.


  23. Roland

    Just thought I should add this is in reference to Magic List Bot. Sorry but I find the headline offensive to a follower of Christ

  24. John Bendall

    Great photos Eric. I spent some time up in Maine and Florida a long time ago now as a yacht skipper so now I’m feeling kind of homesick!! Great job with everything you do Eric.

    Thanks and best wishes,


  25. Eric Post author

    While I wouldn’t have written the headline like that…

    It’s just intended to be a shocking headline… the product has nothing to do with stealing, and contains nothing unethical.

  26. Eric Post author

    yeah I like that one too. My uncle said the birds really do hang out by the fishermen to try to steal their bait fish, so they are smart 😉

  27. Janice

    Please don’t try to read something into this that is not meant to be. This is not in reference to sorcery, witchcraft, or any other such thing you may be thinking. It’s simply a way to catch your eye. Lighten up.

  28. Janice

    I love the photos you shared with us. God has truly blessed you with a beautiful family.
    I have six grandchildren, and a couple of them in the age range of your kids. I would love to adopt yours too. So if you ever need an extra grandma, give me a call. I’d love to fill in.

    By-the-way, thanks for continually sharing such great information with us, as I need all the help I can get.

    God bless you.

  29. John

    I can’t see how that software can be ethical. Is it stealing from other sites? Can the site owners see your opt-in form?

  30. BET

    Thanks for beautiful pictures. Glad you have a successful business to take care of that precious family.

  31. Eric Post author

    It only works if YOU send the traffic… it’s basically a pop-up being served by your site. It’s not stealing from anyone… I don’t think that was a good term for them to use on their sales page.

  32. Keya

    Nice vacation .. 😉 happy family. yes, if you are a successful business, you must be a happy family like that.

  33. mondo

    Thanks Eric for sharing your wonderful pictures,hey you kids look wonderful and all i can say you have a wonderful great family,the hard thing to come by this days.And i love that great weather out there.question, what that fish you holding called?Haaaaaa you are a great surfer.

  34. bless

    It is a great time you had over there, nice vacation, i guess you were there with your family. that fish you are holding is surprising

  35. JoAnna

    Awesome pic’s, Eric! Your family looks lovely.
    Thanks for the wonderful update. Looking forward to your next lesson although I am only on #39!

  36. frank burns

    Its always good to see a healthy family group enjoying life. Thanks for the time it took you to put everything together Eric, best….

  37. Claudia

    Eric, You have a beautiful family!!!
    Looks like Frenchman’s Bay from Cadilac MTN ??…
    since I am a native New Englander ,I think I recognize that shot…been up there a few times. Spent summers in ME as a kid…Florida looks more fun than it was for me a week ago…it was so humid in Orlando I nearly melted. Luckily I was at a conference part of the week and the air conditioning saved me.
    Nice fishin’ !


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