Video Pop-In Genius!

By | June 26, 2007

UPDATE: This product is now outdated. I am leaving it here for informational purposes only, and I have removed the links from this article. Also I am no longer the owner or seller of Video Pop-in Genius. I was certainly right about the Internet (and Internet marketing) gravitating toward video in the years following this product launch. To get the most up-to-date information and recommendations, please join my free newsletter.

Edition #130 – 6/26/2007

Today my wife and I celebrate our EIGHTH wedding anniversary. Pretty cool, huh?

Seems like just a few days ago we were two crazy teenagers in love… and now here we are with three kids, a house… and an internet business 🙂

As you may know, I’ve been delving into the world of online video lately. I firmly believe that the internet will continue to gravitate toward video, and that it will only become a more powerful means of communication in the coming years.

I’ve already invested tens of thousands of dollars in video equipment and production, and it will likely be in the hundreds of thousands by the end of the year.

Of course that’s small potatoes compared to big time movie and broadcast TV producers, but keep in mind that I’m talking about video for the INTERNET.

So why am I investing in video?

Because like I said, it’s the technological wave of the internet, and I want to RIDE the wave and make as much money as I can from it.

The good news is that you DON’T have to spend a small fortune to profit from the online video phenomenon. In fact, you can get started making money with video for under $100.

I believe so strongly in the importance of online video, that I’ve decided to develop some low-cost tools so that webmasters and marketers can use the techniques I’ve discovered– WITHOUT having to spend the kind of money I’ve spent discovering them.

I’m happy to say that the first tool is ready for you to download now, and it’s called the Video Pop-In Genius!

I co-developed it with a top-notch software programmer named Amy, and she really knows her stuff.

The Video Pop-In Genius will help you turn your old static web pages into lead-capturing, sales-driving, visitor-attention-grabbing machines.

I’d love it if you would take a minute to check it out at:

Video Popin Genius

As always, you may leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

42 thoughts on “Video Pop-In Genius!

  1. Mark Sandquist

    Hi Eric,

    Congratulations my friend. 🙂

    You have beaten the “7 year itch” that has burned so many of us.

    I’m sure your wife is as much of a super hero as you are.

    You know, that if your peers perceive you as “great”…
    …it is because ‘she’ is great, don’t you?…

    Cheers Mate,


  2. Wes Wyatt

    My wife and I hit 7 this year. Guys like us are throwing off the Divorce Stats!

    I’d like to get you guys a gift and drop it off in person. Hmmm? When will I be in Colorado though? Lemme think here for a second. I’m just going to throw a date out there – how about oh say – July 22nd through August 4th? Work for you? 😉

    Seriously though – CONGRATS and Happy Anniversary!

    Have a DYNAMITE day!

  3. Eric Post author

    Congrats to you too Wes 😉 Of course I can’t say anything about the show… I’ve seen you’re doing a bang up job promoting it though–good job!


  4. Gene

    Ok, Eric, what did I miss?
    I skimmed your sales letter, and my first reaction was if this new tool is so fantastic, why don’t you show us what it can do? … In fact, why aren’t you using it in your own sales letter?
    Set me straight…

  5. Robert Scanlon

    Thanks Eric and congrats to you and your wife! We’re up for 13 years this year and my folks are celebrating 50 years married next month!

    I just bought your video popin software – but haven’t received the license or the bonuses yet. (Though I have downloaded the zip file on the sale page).

    Is there something I should have received by email? I checked my spam box, but nothing there. I did get my PayPal receipt OK.


  6. ArahMan7

    Congratulation on your eighth wedding anniversary. Who say you can’t make a living from the Internet?

    From a crazy teenager, he now has three lovely kids, a house, just to name a few. Keep it up Eric, you’re my role model.

    Greeting from Malaysia.

  7. Michelle B. Williams

    Congratulations to you and your wife on reaching the Big *8*

    Congrats Eric on the video pop-up software- it’s a great contribution to the video goldrush.
    I expect to see it “popping up” everywhere real soon.


  8. Steve Greenley

    Hi Eric, I just received your email. And i must say that i am quite impressed with the software !
    You have done a Great job with expanding on a video niche !!! Awesome !!! I am planning on
    taking advantage of the most amazing price .

    I want to congratulate you on your anniversary , its not very often that you hear of couples staying together
    these days. lol

    Anyway here’s to another 7 years.

    your friend

    Steve Greenley

  9. charles

    Happy wedding anniversary. Wish you all the best in long running..
    Nice and clear video. Videos become a most popular like YouTobe. I would like
    to make video to put it on my sites.


  10. Sabrina O'Malone

    Hey Eric,

    Happy Anniversary! I send my regards to both you and Melissa. Come to think of it, the fourth of July will mark SEVENTEEN years together for me and Big Dan! (Three years dating+14 years married) The time has really flown by. If I hadn’t met him while I was so young…I’d be old by now!

    Anyway, to help you celebrate your auspicious event, I went ahead and purchased your latest product. Now you can retire comfortably thanks to my purchase. I even did a little audio testimonial for you, so keep your eyes open for it.

    But seriously, Video Pop-In Genius is a wonderful idea, and to think you gave everyone else a gift to celebrate your anniversary. Keep up the great works and the great tips.

    In His Service,

  11. Akili Kumasi

    Congatulations Eric and Melissa. My wife, Daisy, and I hit 7 years this year also. I remember when we were married, one of our Pastors told us to “show the world that marriage works.” You’ve doing just that!

    Video Pop-In Genius software looks good too and at a great price.

    [Cut this next part out if you deem it spam. Thanks, Akili]

    By the way, I have a new free book for people that want to learn about the power of prayer, 101 Prayers in the Bible. Just send an e-mail to

  12. Kathryn Griffiths

    Hey…I’m just getting ready to launch my web site in a few weeks. I would love
    to take advantage of your Video offer today….However…does it work on a Mac.
    I need to know before I purchase.


  13. Jerry

    Outstanding!!! That is what keep internet marketing live.. Eric, if this one will be affiliated, share a signup link. Regards

  14. Eric Post author

    hey Gene- I am using it on my own sales letter… I guess you missed the video… I haven’t had reports of anyone else not seeing it so it could be a browser setting that we aren’t aware of.

  15. Steve W

    Congrats on your Anniversary, and good luck for the future!

    Product looks good. I bought it. Problem is, your tutorial videos are apparently on a lousy server. The download version delivered a transfer rate of less than 2KB/sec and would have taken 4 hours at my DSL speed! I’ve been waiting almost an hour now for the online video to load and start.

    You need to move it to a faster, more reliable server 🙂

  16. Edem

    Congratulations Eric and Melissa on your anniversary.

    Eric what do you know about Mike Gilespie(an internet marketer) offering me a place on his training program.The man called himself Todd Lee I nearly paid him for the course but my phone cut-out,and he left me a voicemail to contact him via email
    I have phoned and they don’t know him,besides they do not know Mike Gillespie.
    I wonder if you have come across Mr. Gilespie or Mr Lee at any internet marketing convention.

  17. Eric Post author

    Jerry- that’s a good idea. I think I will invite everyone to be an affiliate when this goes live.

  18. Eric Post author

    Steve – I’ll see what we can do about that. I’m guessing the server is getting a lot of traffic right now. If you end up not being able to download it be sure to let Amy know.

  19. Eric Post author

    Edem- thanks. I know Mike Glaspie is a very successful internet marketer, and I’m sure that some people in his program learn a lot from him. From what I recall… I think he does a free or low cost teleseminar weekly or monthly for his subscribers, where they are allowed to ask questions. You might want to look into that. But as for his high end training that his sales guy tried selling you, I think you probably could do without it. When I joined Glaspie’s list, a sales guy called me a couple times and used high pressure sales tactics to try to get me into a $25k coaching program. And he said that Glaspie recommends that people finance it on their credit cards. While it could pay off if you’re really committed– it’s not a good business strategy for newbies in my opinion. It really left me with a sour taste in my mouth because of how utterly degrading he was when I declined his offer… basically saying I was an idiot for not doing it and I wouldn’t make as much money now. To be honest it turned me off of Glaspie’s stuff altogether…

  20. Harry

    Congratulations to you and your wife on number 7. Cheers to your wealth, health and happiness… may you both have an abundance of all three.
    Anniversaries are the celebration of family. I wish you and your family many MANY more Happy Anniversaries to come.
    All the best,

  21. Veronica

    Hi Eric,
    Sincere congratulations to you and Melissa on the occasion of your Eighth Wedding Anniversary. I wish you at least 50 more of them.
    Thank you too for the opportunity to purchase the Video software. I’ve purchased it but havent gone through it yet. Like Steve W, I had a problem with the download of the demo video , or rather a problem hearing it. Bishop would only get out a couple of words and then we’d have the long delay while the video loaded a bit more, then Bishop would get another go at it for maybe a sentence then another long delay and so on. After putting up with it for about half hour I gave up and went to bed. I’ll have another try this morning. I have some other software from Amy and the same problem occurs with the demo videos too. I’ve been blaming poor Bishop because he does those demo tapes too, but maybe it is the server as Steve W suggests.
    The video pop in is a great idea. I hate popups, popins. popdowns, poparounds and so on, but this video popin was not in the least annoying. I think that the speaker on the video will determine whether or not readers are annoyed. Your presentation on the video was short and to the point and spoken in a pleasant well modulated voice. I dread hearing some loud, high pressure selling salesperson abusing this technology.
    Cheerio for now,

  22. Bill Garnier

    Hello Eric,

    I purchased this software yesterday and although I’ve downloaded it, I haven’t installed it yet since I have a question.

    I travel quite a bit on business and sometimes I have extra time on the road just sitting in a hotel room waiting for the next business day. In order to stay productive, I always take my laptop with me. While at my home office, I prefer to work on my desktop PC, since the screen is bigger and the keyboard also.

    The license message I received says I can only install the software once. Is there any way I can use the software on my laptop and my desktop PC? Obviously, I would never be using both of them at the same time.


  23. Eric Post author

    Veronica- thanks! And I’ll talk to amy and Bishop about the videos. I would think we could do something there… come to think of it maybe I’ll just upload an alternate streaming location.

    Bill- Good question. I’d be fine with it, but I personally don’t know exactly how the license works so that’d be a question for Amy.

  24. Greg R. Flores

    Dear Eric,

    Greetings from the Philippines!

    Thank you very much for your email updates which are full of ideas, useful soft wares and website templates!

    After a week of being offline (sometimes it happens more than that long here; we just have to be patient) due to dsl reconnection problems compounded by phone records mix ups by our leading telecoms company, we finally able to get back in shape. When I checked on my email from you today, I clicked on the link to “Video Pop-in Genius”. I clicked the link to buy (at USD 39.00) but unfortunately, I was redirected back to the web sales page. I guess your offer had expired… Is it still possible then to purchase a copy of your “Video Pop-in Genius” including the other three (3) fantastic bonuses at an affordable price? The potential for these soft wares to increase business thru websites/ web pages is incredible!!! It will also literally slash many hours of discovering and learning cutting-edge techniques like this thru your bonus tutorials!!!

    I hope you and Amy Cross would consider my request?

    Belated happy wedding anniversary by the way! Me and my wife are on our twelve (12) years of marriage with one (1) daughter.

    Truly yours,

    Greg R. Flores
    Bacolod City, Island Of Negros
    the Philippines

  25. Andrew

    Looks like a really cool piece of software. Will give it a go.
    I believe this will really improve the “stickiness” of a website.

  26. Polly

    Hi Eric,
    I purchased this the VideoPopIn Software yesterday but I can’t seem to get support. They don’t respond back. How do I convert a swv file to a swf file or flv file so I can use this? I hope there is an easy way because it looks like a great piece of software.
    Thanks for your help.

  27. Brett Simpson

    Congrats Eric, good job… now, one thing – I purchased your Video Pop In – this looks great, one thing though, I can NOT run it, all I get is a message – Enter Licence Number, when I try to get a license number at your website it says over and over again:

    Sorry ! This Username/Email Address is already registered

    At the top of the screen – it doesn’t matter which name/email I enter it says that every time??? Any idea how I’m supposed to get my license for this thing??????


  28. Bill Garnier

    Hello again Eric,

    Well, it’s been at least 3 days since I purchased your video popin software and submitted my question about installing the software on my desktop PC and my laptop. So far, I have not received any reply after submitting my question to the support website.

    Here’s your chance to excell Eric – Take a paying customer that’s becoming discouraged with your lack of product support and turn things around – my patience is wearing thin.

  29. Eric Post author

    Greg- can’t go back to the old price, but if you order today you’ll still get the 3 bonuses because i haven’t had a chance to replace that file on the download page yet.

  30. Eric Post author

    Polly- Amy and Bishop are just really slammed with support requests from a different product that they launched last week. They’ll answer everyone as soon as they can.

    You can convert to Flash using the Instant Video Suite.

    The pop-in that you see on the sales page, I converted to FLV using WMM FLV Encoder which comes bundled with 2 other software programs for $50. That encoder turned my 100MB video into a tiny 2MB FLV file which is why it streams so well even though I’m not hosting it on a media server.

  31. Eric Post author

    Brett- Thanks for your business. I don’t handle the licensing but it sounds very simple to resolve. If Amy doesn’t get back to you in the next 48 hours with a valid license, let me know and I’ll follow up.

  32. Eric Post author

    Bill- sorry about that. Amy is really slammed right now with support from another product. For the inconvenience, I’ll just go ahead and say yes you can do it, even if we have to issue you 2 licenses. You can point Amy to this comment in your email, and her team will get it taken care of as soon as they are able.

  33. Ken

    Hi Eric, is it possible to add already made video’s say from google or YouTube?

    Oh and congratulations on your anniversary, we are about to celebrate our 25th in August. Wow where does the time go.

  34. blog Girl

    A few questions:

    1) Will this work on a BLOG homepage?

    2) There is so much video technology out there – is this something you have not come across, or this is a similar product for a better price? So much on video lately, and I even have some stuff from membership sites. so dont want to keep buying similar products 🙂

    3) ok, totally off/on topic.. just curious if this is the same Amy Cross..

    this is one of those long ones:

    My Dad’s First Cousin’s Husband’s Daughter is Amy Cross.. They live in Florida. She also was trying a singing career.

    Any chance it’s the same one lol??

    Happy Belated Anniversary

  35. Sven

    Hi Eric,

    Your timing with this product is perfect. I was just working on some creative means to this end myself but it looks like you’ve come up with the perfect solution for me. Nice job.

    The main question I have is, do you know whether or not this could be be installed to work on a Word Press blog ?

    Kind Regards,

    PS. Wishing you and Melissa a lifetime of happy, healthy years together.

  36. Maureen Page

    Hi Eric,
    This is the first time I have posted on your blog but I have been an avid reader for some time.
    Belated Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I have just celebrated 43yrs. – isn’t God good to us.

    I purchased your video popin software as soon as I saw it. It looks like its a great piece of software. I am really looking forward to using it. I cannot stand all the pop-ins,unders and overs etc. they really annoy me but your demonstration came across as a professional addition (to any website) and I was ‘sold’ immediately.

    Thank you for the great bonuses also. There is just one thing. I want to use the ‘Instant Video Suite’ to get me started and prepared to use the ‘Video Popin’. However when I try to install it the process is interrupted and I am told software cannot be Registered – any thoughts?

    Thanks again Eric – not only for this great software but for your renowned integrity in all things www

  37. Paul

    Hey Eric,

    Belated congratulations on your wedding anniversary. We’ve celebrated 10 years now, and have two adorable children too that I’ve been able to stay at home and watch grow up due to my own online internet businesses.

    Here’s my little ad too – you might want to check out my humble video abilities at

  38. mike

    Hi Eric,

    I was wondering if your software works with windows vista?

  39. steve

    well done fella i never made the 7 years, well not to the end of it.
    not all is lost as im very happy now .
    Now where is this pop in then??


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