9 thoughts on “Web Traffic Machines

  1. "don"

    wow eric this looks amazing… what do u think is better, traffic geyser or this one?

  2. Micheal Savoie

    This is different from Traffic Geyser, although it uses the power of Web 2.0 in much the same way as Traffic Geyser, but Geyser is limited in that you are using Video or Audio, while you can use Web Traffic Machines to create massive traffic using anything, blog posts, articles or pictures… No limit!

    I used some of the tactics to get 3 top 10 google listings for the terms Web Traffic Machines, Web Traffic Machines Bonus, and 2 listings for Traffic Machines and Traffic Machines Bonus. The cool part of using Traffic Machines is when you are totally dominating a niche… Just aim for the buying keywords and you will get more sales than you can imagine!

    Have an amazing day!


    PS – Eric, I can’t believe I didn’t take the time to get a picture of us together while you were in Orlando. I was disappointed I didn’t get one with Joel either. That is OK, I will see you two again. Keep up the great work!

  3. Michael Rytter

    O.K……I wasn’t going to buy it but I did.

    Web Traffic Machines. Once I looked at it, I couldn’t not get it ! I have done all of this stuff for some of my sites at one time or another, but always MANUALLY, which is so hugely time consuming and tedious that you can only do it for so long.

    This software automates all those things and more. Some of the things that many of the tools do, I had never heard of, so there is also some valuable education here as you use this software.

    Thanks Eric. This is really cool stuff. (I still stand by my earlier comment on Shearing’s “Real Link Finder” though…I don’t think it can hold a candle to “Comment Kahuna” which is also free.)

    Michael Rytter
    “Just Google My Name!”

  4. mark

    Hi Eric, this membership looks cool. $97 a month is expensive to me, BUT, you only need a few sales to cover the costs so do you really believe the results are worth it. I am seriously considering signing up considering I am getting next to zero free traffic at the moment.

  5. Scott

    What about if I have a product? Can you help get it to market and sold??

  6. Connie

    Thanks Eric,

    It is expensive but looks like well worth the money. I really like the wide range and versatility.

  7. Rob

    Hi Eric

    I tossed in my membership for this product. It crashed way too often when trying to use it.

    Also thought it was a bit spammy. Bishop Anders always says it is not but that is how I saw it.

    Overall the main frustration was that the software would just crash all the time. The final straw came when I was trying to use the video submission tool.

    After having Stuble Genius always crashing I thought lets try something different. I set everything up to submit vids and then bang. It crashed again.

    Maybe support could fix it somehow but I just don’t have the time to follow this up.

    Good luck to the other users.



  8. Har

    Hi Eric,
    I haven’t been doing much due to health related isues lately but thank you very much for the downloads.
    Would you please check this Web 2.0 out for me
    http://go2-url.com/auiris and please let me know what you think.
    Thanks again,

  9. Ray

    Hello Eric,

    I’ve been using Traffic Machines for about 2 months now, but I just don’t know what method is best for my website. Take a look at my site, and let me know which machine I should use?

    Thank you for your time.


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