Why I’m Changing the Format of Eric’s Tips

By | June 3, 2008

Edition #168

As I mentioned in last week’s edition, I’m changing up Eric’s Tips, and I’m going to focus on giving a step-by-step sequential education to help you create an online business.

There will be approximately 100 lessons (mostly screen capture videos), and they will be free for all my readers.

I’m also cutting way back on product promotions, and apart from a handful of promotions that I’m obligated to, I will be using this newsletter strictly for teaching the lessons.

So now the big question is… WHY am I doing this?

Without going into too much detail, I’ve outlined the reasons to give you a better understanding…

1) I’m moving the “free line”.

Some of the internet marketing guru’s have been talking about it for awhile now, but the article that probably explains it best was written by Chris Anderson (Editor of Wired magazine, who also created the Long Tail theory) a few months ago. Article: Why $0.00 Is the Future of Business

I’ll still be monetizing this newsletter, but it will be in more subtle ways. Instead of in-your-face product pitches, I’m going to focus on providing quality information, and simply make recommendations for the “essential” services that I personally use (such as web hosting).

2) I’m tired of contributing to the hype machine.

Don’t get me wrong, many of the tactics used to push products in the internet marketing world are deadly effective, and I’ll be teaching some of those techniques. But in this particular niche (internet business opportunity seekers), it’s gotten ridiculous.

I’ll still promote some other people’s products if I feel it is warranted, but I’m definitely stepping out of the “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” guru game. The problem with that method is that I’ve ended up promoting some products that my readers didn’t really need.

My other gripe with the guru “pitch fest” is that I’m seeing an increasing amount of deception in some marketers’ marketing materials. It seems that a lot of marketers have pushed the “hype” envelope to the point where they think it’s OK to flat out lie to make more sales.

3) You asked for it.

In the survey I did a few months ago, over 700 of you responded with your most burning questions about internet marketing. What I discovered is that the majority of my readers were suffering from “information overload”, with no step-by-step action plan to create a profitable online business.

In other words, you’ve picked up bits of information here and there, but nobody has shown how to put all the pieces together in a step-by-step sequential order. That’s what I hope to do.

4) I “owe” it to my subscribers.

My readers have put a lot of money in my pocket over the past couple of years by purchasing products from me, and from my affiliate links. If I can show them how to build an online business, it’s the least I can do to show my gratitude for what they’ve given me.

5) I want to leave a legacy.

Internet marketing has been a catalyst which has enabled me to pursue some of the bigger passions in my life. My plan is to get out of this business in the not-too-distant future (maybe in a few years), to focus more of my time on some of those things.

Some people will wonder… “if this business is so profitable, then why would you leave it?” The answer is simple. There are more important things in life than making money. If I stayed in the business longer, of course I would make more money… but where do you draw the line and say it’s enough?

Based on the many people I’ve seen and met in my lifetime, it seems that the longer someone stays focused on making money, the harder it becomes for them to draw that line. So I’d rather get out sooner than later.

I think it’s ironic that our society’s epitome of a successful person is a gray-haired CEO or high level executive. I look at those gray-haired executives and think, “if you’re so successful, then why are you still WORKING 60+ hours a week at a job in your old age?”

Now don’t get me wrong here either… I realize that we need CEO’s and executives with wisdom and experience to create the kind of economy that we enjoy in our world. Without them, online business opportunities wouldn’t exist. But that lifestyle is not for me, and certainly not my definition of success.

And in case you’re wondering… no I’m NOT talking about retiring to an island and living a luxurious lifestyle. I’m talking about focusing less on money, and more on family and other things that will have an impact beyond our lifetime.

Since I’ve been blessed with a measure of success, I’d like to help others find success. I want to give a good account of what I’ve done and what I’ve learned, so that others with the same ambition can learn from my experience (including the mistakes I’ve made).

And since I’m planning on leaving this business, I have no reason to hold anything back. That’s why I’m not afraid to reveal any of the “secrets” of making money online, so be sure to post questions after each lesson.

Hopefully that explains it…

I’m planning on posting the first lesson a week from today (June 10th).

As always, you are welcome to leave your comments here on the blog.

Have a great day!

162 thoughts on “Why I’m Changing the Format of Eric’s Tips

  1. Roderick Rowser

    Eric I have been getting your newsletter for some time now and this is the first time I have ever opened it. I think that your decision to move to this new direction will bring you much success.

    Roderick Rowser

  2. ken

    I wish you best in whatever you do Eric. I have learned so much for you and your one of the best.


  3. Sakari Turunen

    Hi Eric!

    I’m very glad to hear of this. The information overload is really hitting people hard … and a place to find quality information without being bombarded with advertisements is much appreciated!

    I’m looking forward to the first episode.

    Sakari from Finland

  4. Marek Brezina

    Hi Eric,

    It is really clever from you.

    I wish you much business success in your life.

    God Bless YOU!

    Marek Brezina

  5. Philip

    Wow! Eric,

    It’s great to know you are on the road to achieving real success. I totally agree money isn’t everything and having a balance in one’s life is far more important to me. Wish you all the very best and look forward to you sharing your knowledge to help me up the ladder.

    Warm regards,

    Phil Denman

  6. Michael

    point #2: has become ridiculous, I am glad to see somebody have some ethics

    thx Eric!

  7. Hitesh

    Sounds good. Hopefully I can quit the make-money-pay-off-debt trap in the next couple of years and leave for the mission field too.

    Thanks! You’ve been one of the motivations that makes me think it is possible to do this.

  8. Val

    Way to go, Eric. Looking forward to walking with you and learning. I too want to be a blessing and so doubly appreciate your stand in this “money mad” world we live in.

  9. Francois

    Hey Eric, wow I’m impressed!
    I’ve been reading your newsletter for quite a while now and could never get myself to unsubscribe as I did with many others. I could not put my finger on the reason, it was intangible BUT now I know why, thanks for sharing from the heart.
    You hit the nail on the head saying
    “information overload” hence I’m looking forward to your wisdom to guide me/us so that I don’t become that “old CEO” working 60+ hrs/week.
    Warm regards and All the Best with your Legacy.

  10. Gordon Bland

    Hi Eric, Thank you very much for setting such a wonderful example! I’ve been studying the Law of Attraction lately and you will be surely rewarded for your efforts! I’m grateful that I found your newsletter and I look forward to receiving your lessons. I wish you all the best for the future! Regards, Gordon

  11. Tari Akpodiete

    Very interesting, Eric. I’ll be watching to see how it goes. Especially the dialing back of the ‘hype machine’.

  12. Pingback: News By Tom Brownsword › Best Wishes, Eric Holmlund

  13. Roger

    I subscribe to WIRED and your newsletter. Looking forward to your connecting the dots for us all!

    Thanks, Eric!

  14. Travis


    Well done. Wise is the man who evaluates the purpose of his life on a regular basis.

    Your wife and family will love you for it.

  15. James Stephenson


    I look forward to receiving your lessons. I have felt the same way you do about all of the information running around. I seem to get about 10 to 15 emails every day (it is my own fault for actually responding to one or two some time back) that are basically trying to sell me the exact same thing. Unfortunately my skepticism raises every day about the legitimacy of many,if not most, of the products being offered.


  16. Michael Rytter

    I always considered you to be a “little more real” than the rest of the bigger players (your buddy Comm included…), and now you have definitely proven me right…you seem have some mental depth as well as higher than normal (for this industry), moral values.

    Michael Rytter

  17. Kristina

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I’m pretty sure I was one that said I’m a beginner – and its so true re: information overload. I have so many e-articles to read I don’t know where to start. If you’re just getting started, there is so much information and most of it that you come across is crap.

    Thanks again,

  18. Rich

    Looking forward to the first lesson Eric.
    Maybe a few more of us will be able to follow your lead and leave the rat race in favour of the more important things in life.

    Going to miss ‘Eric’s Tips’ after the 120th lesson though, I’ve become quite addicted to your blog.
    Best wishes,

  19. Lori

    Eric — I was JUST talking about you yesterday. It was a discussion about “squeeze” pages — and if you read my survey back to you – you know what I think about them. I said to the woman that I was talking to that of all the internet marketers Eric H. was the only one I kept. There was something about him that seemed real and honest.

    Good for you Eric.


  20. royal

    hey,boo-i feel ya igot my gateway comp. for christmas and i am slow compared to any guru. were going to be stationed in fla. in two wks. there is where my feonsae said i can take up comp. classes to learn to work this macheine to make me some money. iam 53 and ole school! i go into things and i dont know what they mean,or how to get some info off of this thing. so u see i kneed a one on one lesson i pick up fast i just kneed a lil help to understand comp.lango.to do buisness. take it lite and thank you. ill be watching for your next e-mail

  21. Bonnie

    Eric, the information I’ve received from you has been wonderful; you know how to explain processes better than anyone else out there. I definitely want to receive your training.
    I commend you on your decision to leave the “money making opportunity” niche…it’s a quagmire of hype and illusions. You, my friend, are a light in the forest.

  22. Kat

    Weirdly, today was the first day I opened your newsletter too- and all I wanted to do was wish you well and congratulate you. I will stay tuned for your lessons and hope you pursue your other passions with the same spirit of integrity and generosity

    Peace and Love,Kat

  23. John Lefler

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you so much for your kindness to many people you may never meet, but people you will surely help. I, like many newbies, have information swirling around my hard drive and money flying OUT of my pocket. Specific information like this will be a blessing to many of us. How kind and amazing of you to give to your subscribers in this way. Since we reap what we sew in life it sounds as if you will be reaping quite allot. Thanks and good luck.

    John Lefler

  24. Joselito Mendoza

    Dear Eric,
    It is very easy to be called a teacher in our present age. It is very easy to say things than doing it. Most people like to talk with less work. Some people die because of their money, others do stupid things just to have this stuff (money). I do agree in your words that money is not everything in the sense that it should not be our priority in life. You mention a while ago about family and I agree 1000%. You know Eric many of my friends told me to go abroad because I know a lot of things in software & hardware. Many of my so called friends even promised me to help to go abroad (well of course I had to pay them afterwards with 100% interest). But why? Your guess is as good as mine. I could say I could almost feel your situation right now. Maybe you would ask in what sense? Yes, I always see in your blog site you have time to answer the querries of your readers & friends. You, not only pour time, money & effort but your heart & soul in your work. I certainly envy your kindness & perseverance in doing all those things. It is very hard in our time to find real people like you, especially we havent met each other. Reading between the lines, I could say that many of our good teachers die without a cause (no, i’m not talking about physical death) because people now a days were too busy in everything, from money, works, health & love. Most of the time, these so called teachers (forgive me to call you a teacher) were always taken for granted. I do remember a quote which goes like this: “You lend them money, you gain friends, you ask them to pay it back, you earned enemies.” No farmer in this world would plant palay or rice in the field and later on to harvest rice hull only. No way! But in your case, you mention money is not everything & I agree with it. You know Eric? Even a small token of appreciation like saying thank you is sometimes more than enough that money cant buy. I do hope Eric that you wont get tired in helping those people who needs your help. After all, no man is an island. With this letter of mine, I hope our God the Father will give you more wisdom, health & happiness. Thank you very much Eric. At least this is the advantage of internet technology, one could readily answer (send letter/e-mail) without going to post office and send mail to you. Dont worry I always read your letter & tips. Though I may not agree with all those things but certainly I will missed you a lot. Your one of a kind Eric. Keep up the good works ok? Again, thank you very,very much…

    Your friend,
    Joselito “Jose” Mendoza
    Cauayan City of Isabela, Philippines

  25. Anonymous

    Eric, I applaud your new direction and can’t wait for the step by step instruction. Thanks for all you do. You have been a big help to me. All the best, Sue

  26. Gary

    Having only been reading your newsletter for a short time I have learned more than in previous 12 months(stiil a newbie after all this time,lol). The “information overload” comment is really on the money so,I look forward with great anticipation to the 120 lessons.

    Wishing you success in your non-business life.
    Thanks again.Gary

  27. Howard

    Thanks Eric for the tips you have given thus far. For myself, as well as others I’m sure, have to find ways to improve our livelihoods as we age.
    Help in sorting all this stuff will be very helpful,and we are all greatful,

    Thanks for your tips,


  28. Cedric Aubry

    Hey Eric,

    2 years ago I signup for your Eric Tips and right from the beginning I knew you where special.

    Over those years I’ve learn a lot from your tips , I even build my first membership site from a idea that I got from one of your marketing funnel.

    What Impress me most about you is your Integrity.

    Oh and Your writing and marketing skill are not too bad either. lol

    Seriously i’m a fan and once again this post show me what you are all about, very happy to be one of your customers and subscribers ๐Ÿ˜‰

    All the best,
    Cedric Aubry

  29. Vernon

    I’m probably like most of us trying to make a living online. I have so many different people sending me info and they all sound like they were written by the same person only with a different address. I tell you I’m excited and feel very fortunate that I found Eric. He, Eric, just seems like a real person and I thank God I found him…

  30. John Henry

    Do wanna know something? I have been hoping and praying that some internet marketing leader would take a stand and say enough is enough. This is almost a charitable thing to do, and certainly a Christian thing to do. Please don’t get me wrong, it is OK for business people and entrepreuneurs to make millions. It is what drives economies around the globe, but you have hit the nail on the head when you state that there is more to life than making money, and money becoming some sort of God, a false God as it turns out, since it becomes insatiable to many. (hint. it will burn like a fire and thirst that will never go out, nor can ever be extinguished).
    It take a strong – a very strong – person to stand up and say what is right, and to do their bit level the playing field for everyone. This is NOT a statement bashing rich people, but more of a comment on the sad – the very sad state of modern society. You know another “Marketing Guru” recently spoke about the fact that he actually had more satisfaction when he moved into his first crib, rather than when moved up to luxury status in his crib. This is very much the essence of satisfaction and pleasure. This is a real acheivement. I truly hope that others will follow, by helping out the regular guy to add zeros to his annual income, rather than adding several zeros to some unscrupolous IM.
    I will be checking my inbox for YOUR future tips on who to develop businesses online.
    By the way, i hope that you don’t mind me using this opportunity to give my site a cheap plug here…..
    http://www.globalwonplus.info will go live in July.
    Check back in 28 days time for more info.
    meanwhile good luck with your promotion with Mike on Thursday, and may God continue to bless you and all who work and live with you.
    Sincere Best Wishes
    John Henry

  31. Robert

    You are absolutely correct with regards to the “hype machine”. Lately, it has gotten out of control and left many people with a bad taste for the market….myself included. I really respect the decisions you have made and wish you all the very best in all your future endeavors. You’re a gem of a person.


  32. Tracey, London

    Hi Eric,

    I’d like to echo the many good wishes people are sending you – it’s courageous to take the step that you’re taking, for the reasons you’re doing it.

    I’d like to add one other perspective though: that when one is very wealthy, you have even more opportunity (??obligation?) to help others to share in that wealth too! So my opinion on this is that it’s cool to want to make more money, if you have a higher purpose than JUST having money! And your higher purpose IS to help others, and in that I wish you success, and also with continuing to make money so that you can help even more people ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m a member of an amazing network called XL – Extraordinary Lives (a.k.a. XL Results Foundation). The group philosophy is WWW – World Wide Wealth to help make a difference in peoples lives, through social enterprise & social responsibility. And you’re embodying this same principle, for which I applaud you!

    I’m pleased to be on your list & will remain a fervent supporter – thanks and good luck!

  33. Dave


    It is regrettable that you do not wish to remain. Hopefully you can find your passion. If
    what we have is a passion, then it is not work.
    I have never worked. That 60 year old grey haired
    passioned, excited, newly to become internet
    Whizzz!!!! The excitement of creation

    Godd Luck and God does bless YOU!!!

  34. Jason Stanley Marshall

    I am very proud of you Eric. GREAT move!!!

    RE: #2 – I agree and am very glad to hear you say this. When money is the main focus things get out of hand.

    I am speaking at the first Christian Internet Marketing event in August and I will be speaking about this issue of integrity. It’s a tough issue, but very simple.

    Thanks and be BLESSED!


  35. Gene Johnston

    Hey Eric,
    Best of luck to you and your family. I know it won’t be luck but God’s blessing. I am looking forward to receiving your 120 lessons to lift me out of my paralysis by analysis mentality. Information overload has been my nemesis for a long time. I just found you this last January and signed up for your newsletter. And to find out that we live about 2 miles apart blows my mind. I’d love to meet you over a cup of coffee if you can spare the time.
    God’s blessings on you.

    Gene Johnston

  36. JK Swopes

    Great post Eric, I understand where you are coming from, though I haven’t made it to that point yet.

    I look forward to getting this new and improved newsletter, as I found the current good anyway!

    So step by step instructions will be a sure plus!

    thanks Eric

  37. Ray Cunningham

    How refreshing. In an age where Internet marketing beginners such as myself are constantly pushed and pulled from one amazing product to another, it is fabulous to at last find someone who is genuine.

    You are certainly more ethical than some of your marketing friends and like someone said earlier, you will surely be rewarded for your efforts whether it be in this life or the next.

    I will be following your teachings avidly.

    Thank you Eric

  38. Shehzeb aka Cricfan

    I am on the mailing lists of more marketers than I can count on my hands and a very few of them has contributed to my online marketing education and Eric you are one of those few! The only thing lacking is like others have mentioned, a definite plan of action of the knowledge…step by step…

    I am looking forward to the lessons!

  39. Eileen

    I have only recently been receiving your newsletters and I was impressed with the fact that you gave genuinely good tips and info minus the hype. In fact, you restored my faith in the idea of actually succeeding on the net. I have been literally bombarded over the past 6-8 months with all kinds of offers and promises if I only pay several hundred dollars or even thousands, I will become a millionaire, etc. You know the hype. Now, having said that, I don’t expect something for nothing. I believe every man is worthy of his hire (or knowledge) and should not have to give it away. But it should not break me or make it outside my reach financially to access the information to learn and follow the same steps to success. So thank you Eric, for your most generous offer to teaching us the steps to success through your lessons. I’m sure most people want to have enough money to be debt-free and secure and be able to take care of their families. That’s where I’m coming from. I don’t believe it’s wrong to have money or to be wealthy. However, each person has to decide how much is enough. I’m sure you have the gratitude and appreciation of all who received your mailings, etc. I wish you the best that life has to offer and to all your readers and supporters.

  40. Rich

    Ok Eric. Like every other guru who makes promises, “we’ll see”.

    Why do you need to make 100 videos? That is information overload. Why not just put together a free written and detailed instruction manual?

  41. Cynthia

    Eric… you ROCK!

    This is exactly what we need! I’m so thrilled to hear that you’ll be teaching us step-by-step how to start an online business. What a fabulous time-saver it will be for your readers. I think many of us have been asking for this for a long, long time… but you’re the first person to really provide it. YAY! :o)

  42. john

    I think your idea is refreshing. After having bought many products over the course of the past year, I believe I’ve figured out who are the good guys and who are just in it for the money. You are one of the good guys-thanks. I think your approach will actually add more credibility to your recommendations and will bring you more revenue as you recommendations will have more weight as you are viewed as a trusted source.

  43. TimP.

    I discovered your tips and teachings only a few weeks ago and I really haven’t started making any money yet. I am determined to make a go of it though because after a couple of heart attacks I have become physically disabled and I can’t work like I used to. But I have to do something! I am a 48 y.o. single parent of a 7 y.o. daughter and I have to find a way to support us and give her a real chance at having a better life. I applaude your decision slow down and look at what is really important. My daughter and I are together 24\7 but we can’t enjoy many activities due to insufficient funds. I wish you the best and I eagerly look foward to your 100 lessons. Hopefully I and your other subscribers too can benefit, if only moderately, enough to break free of some of these financial binds and concentrate on what’s really important in life.

  44. Sandy


    Your honesty as always, is heart warming and truly inspirational. I will remain a fan of yours as long as I stay in this business.

    I personally am proud of you for taking a stance. I want to run my business the same way, I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror every morning.

    Thank you for your wonderful site, I look forward to your lessons.

  45. Jeff

    Finally, someone putting together a step by step lesson sequence. I’m going to write an article about this on my blog.


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